Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Allergic To Water: Teen Who Suffers From Extremely Rare Condition Can Barely Shower.....

Allergic To Water: Teen Who Suffers From Extremely Rare Condition Can Barely Shower.....

water allergy
For allergy sufferers, life isn’t simple, whether it’s avoiding sunlight or steering clear from certain foods, the sometimes daily battle is a tough and challenging one.
However, life is more like hell for 17-year-old Alexandra Allen from Utah, who is actually allergic to water. Her condition, known as aquagenic urticaria, is so rare that there are only 35 known cases in the world.
That fact doesn’t help poor Alexandra much as there is absolutely no known or even treatment for the rare condition.
Alexandra’s water allergy is so bad that she has to shower quickly, in cold water, and can never even consider taking a long relaxing bath.
According to her, Alexandra said that she only discovered she had the allergy after soaking in a hot tub while on vacation, an activity which resulted in a serious rash, internal bleeding and painful joints.
Alexandra spoke to reporters about how she needs to avoid water as much as she can, “It’s not worth it anymore. It’s both emotionally strenuous and physically painful. I can’t let myself go there,” she said.
As well as being allergic to water, Alexandra is also allergic to her own sweat, which means she can only exercise when the weather is cold, in order to sweat as little as possible.
As Alexandra continued, “It feels like your skin has been sandpapered down until there’s only one layer left and it itches, but you can’t itch it or it will break and burn and bleed. You just feel like you’ve been dipped in a vat of acid, not for long, but for long enough to tear off a layer of skin,” she shared.
Unfortunately, one of the only things known about the condition is that it gets worse with age, and can even result in a deadly anaphylactic shock.
Despite everything, Alexandra is determined to live with her condition, and make the best of it, “I think I’m lucky, compared to a lot of other diseases I could have had. At least this is tolerable and manageable.”


Anonymous said...

The human body has an immune system that can cure almost anything, but it must be fed properly.
That means 67 NATURAL minerals each day, 18 natural vitamins each day, and avoiding as many
chemicals as possible, including prescription drugs. I predict this will remove the WATER allergy.

Popeye said...







(Alexandra Allen from Utah).....THIS MAY SAVE HER LIFE....

Published on Jun 22, 2013

How can you treat hives - how to cure urticaria permanently
More info: http://www.niche-finder.net/myhivescure
Finding an urticaria treatment is by no means easy.... If you have suffered with urticaria for any length of time you will undoubtedly know what I mean. Of course if you only suffer with the occasional bout of acute urticaria as the result of coming into contact with a specific allergen, then antihistamine may do the trick. The truth is that medications designed to block or reduce the production of histamine in the body are really just a way of masking the symptoms of urticaria and not really an urticaria treatment or cure.
This is new & complete-relief tips for urticaria sufferers: I wanted to write this article as I have a couple of great tips to share with urticaria sufferers. Many articles skirt around the same old urticaria treatment methods, and I'm sure many are written by people who really have no experience and perhaps very little knowledge of urticaria as a chronic condition.
The following details are based on my own experience with chronic urticaria, I personally suffered with the condition for some years on and off, more on than off as I got older, but that's a different story. So let me tell you about an urticaria treatment method that I discovered while hunting for a way to stop my urticaria. What I'm about to describe is what I like to call a quick fix, it's not what you would call an urticaria cure, it's not even a long term urticaria treatment, but I had some great results using the following method.
Note: this quick urticaria treatment may help those suffering with hives (urticaria), urticarial wheals and whelts and deeper swelling such as mild angioedema, for serious cases of angioedema this method probably won't help much. I say this method may help as I don't have any medical training and the method I'll tell you about is something I used as a quick urticaria treatment, basically it may or may not have the same effect on you as it did on me. If in doubt please consult a professional.
My Quick Urticaria Treatment:
Before I explain what my solution is let me first explain my urticaria symptoms, how this urticaria treatment helps and what results you can expect, oh, and how long it takes for this urticaria treatment method to work.
My Urticaria Symptoms:
I'll keep this short, just thought it might be helpful, especially if you suffer with the same kind of urticaria symptoms as me. OK, for the last 2 years of my chronic urticaria I had urticaria on my face and neck for an average of around 3-4 days out of every seven.

Popeye said...

Aquagenic Urticaria - Facts And Remedies | Cholinergic ...

CLICK HERE..... cholinergicurticariasite.com/aquagenic-urticaria-useful-facts/

Dr Gary Levin's complete urticaria program which we ...