Thursday April 3, 2015
CONFIRMED: Year 2000 Duly Elected President Albert Gore Jr. Will Run for Re-election in 2016
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence
UNITED States of America - Year 2000 duly elected
natural born President Albert Gore Jr. has decided given the complete
political, financial and Constitutional collapse of the United States of
America and our American Republic that he has no choice but to run for
re-election and eradicate the NAZI Paperclip Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate once and for all.
It should be noted that President Gore has already been elected
three times as President.
He already elected the
two scumbag Clintons twice in 1992 and 1996 and then was elected a 3rd time in
the year 2000 only to have NAZI Paperclip NSA and the Bush Crime Family
instigate an electronic NSA coup d'état.
Stay tune, folks, it is about to get extremely ugly.
Al Gore Considering 2016 Presidential Run gore-considering-2016- presidential-run/#sthash. l8FsjiJt.dpuf
The Stock Market In 2015 Is Starting To Look Remarkably
Similar to The stock Market In 2008 2015/04/the-stock-market-in- 2015-is-starting-to.html
George Soros Prepared to Invest $1 Billion in the country He
helped Destroy 2015/04/george-soros-prepared- to-invest-1.html
As long as climate whore Gore is pushing ' carbon credits ' taxes, he is not fit to be a street sweeper. Have you ever wished that Heneghan would STFU about " duly elected " Gore ? LJ
Al Gore the WHITE OBAMA ! Duly Elected My Butt !
I'm beginning to think that Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert LOL, has a thing for Gore.
National Report, the source for Tom Heneghan's "intelligence" here, is a satire site. Here's the disclaimer for this site:
"National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18."
Albert Gore is a DEMOCRAT. He is the same PARTY as the Clintons, and Obama. The Bush family are also Democrats that hijacked the Republican Seat. If Al Gore runs for the Presidency, and the People Vote him in, You can definitely kiss everything goodbye.
Do NOT even consider this person, this is how Obama got in. They run for the presidency by sitting in the Republican seat and if we have not learned our lesson by now, we deserve to lose our Country.
Heneghan is a Liberal shill, he works for them to get Gore elected and they will entice the people under FALSE PRETENSE by challenging each other to make you think they are in opposite corners, when in fact........they are in the same Party. They did this with Gore the first time around, to get Bush in, they also did it with Mitt Romney, and McCain........these people are all Democrats, and will destroy everything we have. They mix truth with Lies.
Don't be fooled by these people, Elizabeth Warren is another to keep an eye on, and don't be fooled by her goody good agenda, she is a Democrat, she will say all the right things for your ears, but she is loyal to the Democrats...........Stay awake, and stay vigilant. and listen to all the key words they use, to entice you in............they will sit in the Republican seat to fool you,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't be fooled!
The real patriots that run for office should say all the right things, pertaining to the Organic Constitution, and the Bill of Rights ....They must adhere to the Pledge of Allegiance, God first..... Honor the Flag, close the borders, and deal with illegal immigrants. the 2nd amendment and so forth. They should say all the right things in your hearing, and if they don't, you will know, they are Democrats.
If you go to the polls with money making in mind, you are going to be fooled. The country is already broke, so our job is to ensure that the right people are in place first, then those people, will reinstate everything, including our financial position......
It is our job to bring back our Country, and that first move is to Honor God, and if we don't ......then kiss everything you know, a permanent goodbye.........Its over!
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