Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Oregon Sheriff Deputy Serves BLM "Vacate" Papers On Miners... Tells Them "I have Issues With The Constitution" ...

While serving a BLM Stop Order upon the Sugar Pine Mine, BLM Contract Deputy Jason Stanton, when told by the parties involved that they were ‘Constitutional people’, Deputy Stanton replied, “I have issues with the Constitution. Below are two sworn affidavits from two witnesses to the exchange.
Issues with the Constitution? Really? Deputy Stanton, you swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. If you had “issues” with the Constitution, then why did you swear an oath to defend it? Are you saying your oath is meaningless? By extension, are you announcing you have no intention of honoring your sworn oath? If so, then you should be honorable enough to resign from your position of trust. At the very least, the Sheriff of Josephine County, your superior, should give you some instruction on your duties, and the meaning of your Oath. You took the oath, which says:
“I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”
What issues do you have, Deputy Stanton? The people of Josephine County deserve to know if you will abide by your sworn oath. They need to know if the “issues” you mentioned will prevent you from doing your lawful duty as a Deputy.


Anonymous said...

Arrest the Sheriff. He swore an oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution; issues or not. If he has/had issues he never should have become a Sheriff if he knew he had to swear an oath to the Constitution.

Anonymous said...


The U.S. Military is full of arrogant thugs a lot of the time, this is true, they're not perfect. But believe it or not they are not building up an offensive for all the American people. That would be stupidity and suicide.

No, what they are doing here is arresting undesirables and by that I mean ACTUAL serious domestic terrorists in our midst today like Isis domestic threats, insane right wing pseudo sovereigns who are lynching black african americans, and actual people who have threatened to detonate bombs across the U.S.

These sociopaths are all cabal, they live "AMONG" the U.S. population and so unfortunately that is why the military presence is high now. Many of the so called "SOROS" families, the cousins, a lot of others you have never heard of have been permanently mass arrested.

These people are flat incompatible with humanity period, so they are going away to FEMA camps is what is going on. The black bag "operations" a lot of the times caught these people. As to why the U.S. military did not ever do anything like this before, the entire Federal Reserve has trillions of dollars to defend itself, thousands of mercenaries and is ugly business. It was impossible to get rid of these parasites before.

Now that the Fed is defunct and bankrupt, they don't have any money nearly at all and a lot of them are disappearing. You will even see the Clintons and the Hiltons disappear as this gets into full swing. Yes the mass arrests are real, yes they are PERMANENTLY out of here!!

Now calm the heck down and put the military under surveillance instead of attacking...

Don't attack anyone unless attacked first. Don't attack the Chinese either!! They aren't here for you today, they are here to shut down the Federal Reserve. If you get attacked by thugs get rid of them, there might be a brutal skirmish down the line, but not today...

Today, what they are doing is shutting down the treasonous Federal Reserve so don't get in their way...Even the Chinese who are taking over, stay neutral and keep out of it.

This has nothing to do with you ultimately....The Military is rounding up "REALLY" bad people, and by bad people I mean the people we all dislike and are a very real threat. For the most part they are not bothering the militia, so if you get confronted, fire back by filming them.

Popeye said...


Muscles said...

The key words are " to protect the UNITED STATES from enemies foreign and domestic. Remember folks. The UNITED STATES is a corporation which took over the de sure government in the days of Abe Lincoln. That corporation uses the constitution as it's by laws and ads all of the corporate amendments from the fourteenth ( the one they love so much) and up.so what the sheriff is saying is that he swore an oath to a foreign corporation that he works for and will fight to defend it from all enemies ( the American people) foreign and domestic.

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that this entire situation needs to be diffused before it gets entirely out of hand.
First of all, this land is public access preserve land correct?

If it is public, then the Feds do have full right of access to it - no constitution needed.
They can't just bust into the place, but they don't need permission so you can't tell them to leave.

Second of all, it looks like this area has an enriched Gold deposit that the Chinese representatives are in high need of to back the value of their currency when the zim revalues.
So why not make a deal. You do want your zims to not be worth less than ten cents right?

Why isn't there a group of miners offering one of the off-site gold reserves to the Chinese representatives? Surely there is a way you could just sell part of the reserve to them, it isn't as though the people of Oregon have to own every part of the gold mine.

Can't you just broker a deal, with the miners justly compensated and allowed to keep the majority of their mining operation under their control?
I say there must be a way to fix this since you are dealing with public land.

Anonymous said...

The article is not about the military. It is about the Bureau of Land Management evicting the miners from land the miners have been able to use since the 1850's. The man serving the notice is working for the feds and the BLM.

Anonymous said...

I have issues with the Constitution, also. Yes I do. I have issues that people rely on it as their freedom papers or something.

The men that wrote it knew they had knowledge, they knew THEY had unalienable rights and wrote the knowledge of those rights down, but the paper itself did not give them the rights. They had them BEFORE they put pen to paper.

If a man is free by paper, that means he was once a slave.
All men are born free by divine right. Once born, it is the actions of other men that make him a slave.
Even if men made another man a slave, his child is born free by divine right and it's the oppression of the slave environment that will keep that new born from ever exercising that freedom thus by the actions of man, will make that child a slave, too.

If a man does not know his status, and has lack of knowledge of his power, and thinks a constitution, a piece of paper is his God giving him life's rights, then he is going to have a hard time in this world telling another man who knows the truth that a paper gives rights. That man will walk all over him, because that paper is sitting somewhere else, under someone else's control. Someone else is the holder in due course, like a promissory note or a bond, and whoever holds the paper controls the man that relies on that paper for his rights.

The man referring to that paper has become Pinocchio, with a puppetmaster.

The men who wrote the paper are dead, dead, dead, and cannot do anything to enforce the paper they wrote, and the people who are living are relying on it have no idea that the paper may have been written for the people who put their lives and their family lives on the line.

The supposed woman who asked what kind of government did you give us, could have been a relative, or a descendant of the people who put their lives on the line by signing that doc.

In other words there could have been citizens of the Crown standing around there saying nothing will happen; and a group who became their own state with the creation and signing of that constitution, and could have responded to one of their own family members that they had given themselves a Republic if they can keep it, while the rest of the doubters saying nothing will change remained under the Crown.

It was for those that wrote it and their Posterity.

How many know the definition of the word posterity and then determine their genealogy to find out if they are a direct descent.

Better yet, stand on your own, with your Creator, and have your own rights, not from a paper and not from a citizenship with any group but by your word.

Standing on your own is fearful because it's unknown.
You can change the world without powder if you learn to just stand on your own and stop fighting all the damn time. Killing innocents while trying to kill the bad guys is like chemotherapy, destroy the host to get to the cancer. I once read or heard that chemo kills 400 good cells for every cancer cell it destroys.

One way or another, Chemotherapy is coming to the US, either the militia and keep powder dry people will kill innocents or the military will, and for all the innocents destroyed, very few cancers of society may be removed, all this to destroy the corporate body of the host called the United States.

Anonymous said...

The way to fix it is to start hanging all the traitor criminals in the District of Criminals including this sheriff instead of playing the business as usual game.

Anonymous said...

Let Jade Helm take care of all the people who want to use powder or ropes against any perceived enemy.
Jade Helm!!!! Here they are....needing re-education to stop thinking that fighting everyone and everything is the solution.

Now back this up a minute. Where are the questions? Someone is giving pieces of info.
Who wrote the order to vacate?
Was it someone with authority to do so, like the President of the United States or one of his head cabinet members? Was it a congressman?
Then if it's public land, why do some public have to leave so another public can take over, or is it being moved from public to private with this action?
If the people have no contract, they cannot be forced to create one by this lawsuit.
If these people have no obligation, they cannot be compelled to perform an obligation without a contract.
If there is no contract, there is no dispute, so even a judge cannot rule on this because the parties are unknown to each other.
It's when we breach our obligation that someone can claim an injury.
If they've been here a long time, they need to file a criminal complaint that someone is attempting to create an obligation to claim an injury.
Call a spade a spade, but the web site is not the place, and a congressman is not the place.
A real criminal complaint, is the place, something that is very public, anyone can see it, state, federal, heck even international if Interpol looks, a nice big federal criminal complaint of harassment, and coercion to contract where they do not want to do it.

If they don't make it 'very public, and I do mean very public, it will be presumed by their system of control that they agree there is something to dispute and they disagree on the terms.

Do not help them do that.
A very public criminal complaint and don't name BLM, it didn't do a thing, someone working at BLM, acting for a few hours as an employee, on this stage, the actor is causing the problem. Identify the actor for what the actor has done, and let the actor prove up their claim and injury. You can say they are acting as employee for BLM, but BLM is a strawman, it doesn't speak, or think, or move, it has actors that do that.

Wake up for real and speak real language...stop speaking fiction language...BLM bah...Who did it, what did they do, how did it affect you, what do you want for a remedy

(for them to leave you alone and never come back? Good)

Anonymous said...

Name one arrest made by the military. The military has no authority to arrest civilians. Stop drinking the koolaid about military arrests. If they happen, it can only be cabal controlled/oriented.

marie said...

Anon 2:22 where is your proof that the Military is setting up to arrest undesirables. I keep hearing it but there is no evidence. It is NOT like the Military has been benevolent in any way. The Geo engineering is getting even worse. As a matter of fact the Air Force are one of the perps.

Popeye said...


Anonymous said...