Russian slave laborer among prisoners liberated by 3rd Armored Division points out former Nazi guard who brutally beat prisoners. Germany, April 14, 1945
Photo Description: Jewish women from the Mizocz Ghetto in the Ukraine, which held roughly 1,700 Jews. Some are holding infants as they are forced to wait in a line before their execution by Germans and Ukrainian collaborators. As this photo shows, sometimes Einsatzgruppen victims were made to strip, so that their clothing and personal effects could be re-used.
PoW Horace Greasley defiantly confronts Heinrich Himmler during an inspection of the camp he was confined in. Greasley also famously escaped from the camp and snuck back in more than 200 times to meet in secret with a local German girl he had fallen in love with.
Brigitte Höss, now 80, pictured laughing on the left, grew up in a villa next to the notorious death camp Auschwitz where his dad was the commander

WWII Nazi propaganda shows US soldier and a british woman cheating on her husband – dropped by air on British lines…
At Pier 86 in New York City, an Abwehr (German military intelligence) agent with the alias William Lonkowski attempted to pass to his contact a violin case containing airplane blueprints and specifications, film negatives, photographs of a top secret US bomber and fighter plane, and written evidence that more secrets were being stolen by Nazi spies at Langley Field in Virginia and other places. However, he acted a little too suspiciously during the exchange and caught the attention of a US Customs official, Morris Josephs.
Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp – Wikipedia, some survivors shortly after liberation. How are they alive? Man’s will to survive..incredible.
The SS ran a brothel named “The Kitty Salon” that was frequented by foreign diplomats. They gathered intelligence by wiretapping it and training the prostitutes on how to get information from clients

Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister, murdered his six children before committing suicide with his wife as the German defeat was blatant
Dr. Death performing experiments on children
In 1942 the Luftwaffe conducted experiments to learn how to treat hypothermia. One study forced subjects to endure a tank of ice water for up to three hours (see image above). Another study placed prisoners naked in the open for several hours with temperatures below freezing. The experimenters assessed different ways of rewarming survivors.

Family jumps out of building after apartment caught fire. Boston Fire. 1976
France was liberated in 1944, and women accused of having been collaborated with Nazi personnel, are humiliated in public. This may seem like a war crime to todays’ audience, but during a time when people were overjoyed at seeing the Nazis leave, this image would have evoked feelings of victory.

Wenseslao Moguel was sentenced to death by firing shot by police squad. He was shot 9 times, including a shot to the head by a squad commander in close proximity to ensure his death. Somehow, he survived and escaped to his village to enjoy the rest of his life.

On the Pacific coast where the threat of a Japanese invasion seemed imminent, even a military expert’s creative juices could take a curious turn. Such was the case for the California State Guard and Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, who dreamed up the idea of “bat-man” paratroopers.

War: In this 03 Aug 1965 photo, an aged woman injured by a U.S.-Vietnamese air strike on a Buddist monastery 40 miles southeast of Saigon is carried to a hospital by airborne private Carl Champ of Furgitsville, West Virginia
Bettie Lou Williams (1932-1954) Double Body/Four Legs Williams had a parasitic twin growing out of the left side of her body.
It’s said that she was the highest paid human oddity in history, earning up to one grand a week. She put her 11 siblings through college and purchased a 260 acre farm for her parents. She died of an asthma attack at 22.

Cool dad Bruce Lee (1966)

Burning money during the inflation crisis in Germany, 1920. Paper money was cheaper than coal and wood.

Jewish prisoners at the moment of their liberation from an internment camp “death train” near the Elbe in 1945.

The results of Congenital Syphilis before penicillin was discovered.

A man testing a prototype football helmet. [1912]

A foot guard passes out as Queen Elizabeth II rides past during a parade. [1970]

Moody Jacobs shows a giant bruise on the side his patient, Ann Hodges, after she became the only person in history to have been struck by a meteorite. [1954]

The Telefontornet, which connected 5,000 phone lines in Stockholm. [1890]

Children without access to water learn to swim in a schoolyard. [c. 1920s]

People used to pose with their dead relatives.

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