There are explanations of some key Bible verses that are not as simple as they appear at first. Second Small Bible Handbook On The Meaning Of Names And Sayings In The Old Testament And New Testament. These Are Taken From The Ancient Aramaic Language And Culture That Jesus And The Apostles Were Raised In! In These Names And Sayings Is Stated Where The "Watchful" Christians Are At During The Prophesied World Tribulation And Where The "Lukewarm" Christians Are At During the Prophesied World Tribulation. St. Jerome Who Translated The Vulgate Version Of The Bible In The 4th Century Wrote On This Subject. It Is All In The Bible In Special Wording To Hide This Information From The "Heretics" As Bishop Hippolytus Explained Around 200 A.D. Matthew 24:28 Says In Coded Language Where The Watchful Eagle Christians Will Be At During The Prophesied World Tribulation. Hint: With Jesus, But Lukewarm Christians In Bad Trouble At Same Time! II Thes. 2:7 Tells Who Stops The First Would-be Antichrist From Being The Antichrist. The Apostle Paul Explained Real Meaning To First Christians And They Committed The Oral Explanation of the Apostle Paul To Written Around 200 A.D. The Christians Complete Their Mission With The Gospel All Over The World. Then The Real Antichrist Appears And Time Of World Trial And Judgment!
There Has Been A Shift From First Christianity To Now In How To Read And Believe In The Bible. Early Christianity Believed Pretty Firmly That 6,000 years From Adam Had Been Given To Mankind Until Jesus Returned To Earth. This Was Represented By The 6 Days Of Genesis Starting With Creation Of Adam Until Jesus Returned To Earth. The Only Way That This Theory Could Work Now Was If Jesus Came To Earth A Little Before The End Count Of 4,000 Years And The Final Count Of Two Days or 2,000 Years Would Begin On Such As When Jesus Christ Started His Ministry At 30 Years Of Age Instead Of Counting From The Time Of His Birth To Begin The Final 2,000 Year Count. Origin And St. Augustine Pushed A More Allegorical Approach To Bible Prophecy Instead Of A Literal Approach To The Words And Symbols Used In Bible Prophecy.
The Truth Is Likely Somewhere In Between These Two Sides Of Interpreting Bible Prophecy. The Early Church Called Those Not Believing The Bible "Double-Minded" Which We Could Call Today "Doubt Minded" In Belief Of The Bible. I Would Evaluate Likely The More Practical Way Of Understanding Bible Prophecy Correctly Is You Have Symbols Which Have Real Meanings Assigned To Them And Then Real Math Assigned To Give Exact Times For These Events To Occur Prophesied By The Bible. The "Weeks" Of Daniel Are A Symbol But Have A Real Value Assigned To Them Of 7 Years For Each Week Of The 70 Weeks Of Daniel's Prophecy Which Ends Up With The World Tribulation, Antichrist In Power, And Then The Evil Are Overthrown And The Messiah Rules Over The Earth As Clearly Prophesied In Revelation Which Fills In More Details Related To The 70 Week Prophecy Of Daniel. I Think That Allegory Is The Wrong Word To Apply To Bible Prophecies. Rather Find The Real Meanings To Symbols Which Have Real Hidden Meanings To Them And Then Straight Forward Math And Other Real Events Will Occur As Are Prophesied In Pretty Straight Language. It Is Like Symbols In Algebra Have Real Meanings To Them And Are Not Generic Symbols Which Do Not Represent Real Parts Of Life Or Parts Of General Reality To Them. And Spot The Hidden Logic How These Prophecies Are To Be Applied And As Early Christianity spotted, There Is A Gap Of Not Listed Years Of How A Stretch Of Time Exists Between The 69th And 70th Week of Daniel Which Is The End Of The Church Age On Earth.
We have good Christian references from the beginning of Christianity onward which clarify certain issues of today which were already clarified in early Christianity but then Christians forgot to check the early Christian writings to see what they told us about this issue or not. The Apostles Of Jesus Christ set up the beginning formal Church Of Jesus Christ on earth as any organization needs organization and procedures to make it work right on earth. The Apostles Of Jesus Christ were given understood authority for the Church by Jesus Christ and the Church spread fast across the Roman Empire because the Apostolic authority was respected in their first leaders and so as the Apostle Paul shows twice in the New Testament, the main Christian worship service was already set up on Sunday instead of the Jewish Saturday by authority of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. For example, the first great historian of Christianity was Eusebius who lived from 265-340 a.d. and wrote, "From the beginning Christians assembled on the first day of the week, called by them the Lord's Day, for the purpose of religious worship, to read the Scriptures, to preach and celebrate the Lord's Supper (called it "the breaking of the bread" as a general symbolic term then)...the first day of the week (Sunday) on which the Saviour obtained the victory over death. Therefore, it has the pre-eminence, first in rank, and is more honorable than the Jewish Sabbath." In Constitutions of the Holy Apostles mentions that the churches had the oblation (offering of the Lord's Supper) on the first day of the week which was Sunday "because on the first day of the week our Lord arose upon the world, and ascended to heaven." Clement of Alexandria, Egypt, 174 A.D. wrote "The old seventh day has become nothing more than a working day." Bishop Irenaeus, 178 A.D. who was trained by Bishop Polycarp who had been trained by St. John the Divine who wrote the Book Of Revelation and Polycarp had known several of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and many of the 500 witnesses who saw Jesus alive after His resurrection from the grave, Irenaeus wrote in 178 A.D. that Holy Communion is to be celebrated on Sunday, the Lord's Day. An early edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica under "Sabbath" and "Sunday" stated that the Christians kept Sunday as their Christian Sabbath in effect for nearly 300 years before Constantine the Great legalized it under Roman law as a legal day of rest for Christians so they could worship on that day without legal interference in the Roman Empire.
Due to apparent C.I.A. interference under order of Obama to try and stop these reports when they solve issues that divide Christianity, parts of this report will disappear if I try to correct anything already typed into this report. We are living under a dictator Obama in the White House and pass fast our proposed Omni Law shown on our national website. This will put him or successor in a legal straight jacket where they have to obey the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights or else be promptly removed from the White House by national referendum of the American people through authority of the Omni Law. Full name on our website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America" and will be added to the U.S. Bill of Rights once ratified as a constitutional amendment. These are major legal felonies being done for Obama by apparently C.I.A. We have our reasons for judging that this is apparently C.I.A. doing this and thinking that they can get away with trying to block our reports and try to block us from getting America to back our Omni Law into passage as a constitutional amendment in America.
I know well how the law works and we are very close to where we can get our Omni Law passed in America. Already more and more in Wash., D.C. are quietly already swinging over to our side as they figure we are going to win and they don't want us to smash their federal agencies by legal actions through the Omni Law and massive grand jury investigations of them once the Omni Law is passed! We are getting secret signals that many elements of Wash., D.C. do not approve of what Obama is doing and want us to restore the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights back into legal authority over America instead of this arrogant attempt at dictatorship being tried by Obama today.
Bishop Cyprian around 250 A.D. wrote a Christian theme very popular in Christianity then and before to the first days of Christianity after Christ and the Apostles. "By almsgiving and faith sins are purged." This repeated the theme of the Old Testament by such as Solomon, "Shut up alms in the heart of the poor, and these shall intercede for thee from all evil." (Eccles. xxix,12.) And Prov. xxi. 13: "Whoso stoppeth his ears that he may not hear the weak he also shall call upon God, and there will be none to hear him." As Jesus taught in parables, if you would not show mercy to others when they seek mercy from you, you will be judged by your own standards by Jesus Christ as to whether you should get mercy from Jesus or not.
Due to apparent C.I.A. interference, will only be able to list a few of the many meanings to sayings in the Old and New Testament that you have seen but did not know their meaning before in the Aramaic culture which Jesus and His Apostles lived in and spoke!
Take the little book and eat it. Means remember it by heart; totally accept it. Rev. 10:9 Satan loosed. Evil forces become dominant now. Rev. 20:7
Keepeth his garments. Mental alertness. Rev. 16:15
Angel standing in the sun. an openly made announcement. Rev. 19:17
My belly was bitter. I could not disclose the secret. Rev. 10:10
Clothed in a cloud. Gloriously attired. Rev. 10:1 Living waters. Eternal life, also truth. Rev. 7:17
Washed their robes in blood. Died as martyrs. Rev. 7:14
Dogs. Vicious men, also gossipers. Rev. 22:15
Twelve pearls. Twelve fundamental truths. Rev. 21:21
Temple filled with smoke. God's presence greatly felt. Rev. 15:8
Sweet in my mouth like honey. The wonderful written secret overcame me. Rev. 10-10
With cloud. Means with glory. Rev. 1:7
Tree of life. Symbol for eternal life. Rev. 2:7
An open door. An open opportunity. Rev. 3:8
Thy crown. Your reward. Rev. 3:11
Hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the earth. The Great Tribulation. Rev. 3:10 Feet like unto brass. Symbol for strong. Rev. 1:15
Seven spirits. Symbol for seven churches. Rev. 1:4
Thou livest and art dead. You are worthless, useless, finished in life. Rev. 3:1
I was in the spirit. I saw a supernatural vision. Rev. 4:2
White horse. Symbol of victory. Rev. 6:2
Red horse is bloodshed. Rev. 6:4
Black horse is death. Rev. 6:5
Pale horse is famine. Rev. 6:8
Spirit that confesseth. An honest person who tells you the truth. 1 John 4:2
Spirits. Means prophecies true or false. 1 John 4:1
Born of God. Holy one who has repented of evil. 1 John 3:9
Angel from heaven. A teacher of religion. Gal. 1:8
Key of knowledge. Access to special knowledge. Luke 11:52
Looking back. A lazy person, a lazy worker. Luke 9:62
Satan falling. Evil is destroyed. Luke 10:18
Tread upon serpents. To overcome enemies, opposition. Luke 10:19
Take up a serpent. Overcome opposition, handle effectively an enemy. Mark 16:18
Drink any deadly thing. Attacks against your character won't succeed. Mark 16:18
Bread of life. Eternal truth. John 6:35
I am the true vine. I am the true religion. John 15:1
Living water. A true teaching. John 4:11
He breathed on them. He inspired them to courage. John 20:22
Let him come to me and drink. Come to me and learn from me. John 7:37
Laid their hands on them. Means ordained them or else seize and
accuse them. Acts 6:6 Angel. A messenger, a religious teacher.
Acts 1:10
If two of you shall agree. If two of you are worthy. Matt. 18:19
My cup you shall drink. You shall die as I die! Matt. 20:23
Removing mountains. Overcoming seemingly impossible odds. Matt. 21:21
A child of hell. A corrupt or depraved person. Matt. 20:23
Coming in the name of the Lord. an authorized ambassador, messenger of God. Matt. 23:39
Is thine eye evil? Are you a jealous or envious person? Matt. 20:15
In his name. In His approach to God, His religion, Using His method. Matt. 18:20
Right hand of power. Entrusted with power like Joseph with Pharaoh. Matt. 26:64
Devils came out of men. Many insane men made sane. Luke 4:41
Crooked places made straight. Crooked teachings are replaced by
the truth. Luke 3:5 Sift you as wheat. I will test you and
purify you. Luke 22:31
I saw thee under the fig tree. I have always known you. John 1:48
Spirit speaketh. Prophecy. 1 Tim. 4:1
Doctrines of devils. False teachings. 1 Tim. 4:1
Put that on mine account. You forget it. Phil. 1:18
Dog is turned to his own vomit. A man who repeats his mistakes or sins. 2 Pet. 22
My burden is light. My religion is simple and easy for you with few demands. Matt. 11:29 My yoke is easy. My rule over you is easy. Matt. 11:29
Wheat and tares. The good people and the bad people on earth. Matt. 13:25
Upon this stone. Upon this truth. Matt. 16:18
The keys. Authority and power such as to Peter and the Apostles. Matt. 16:19
Keys of the Kingdom. Spiritual authority from God. Matt. 16:19
Gates of hell. Evil forces, opposition, tyrants. Matt. 16:18
The way of the Gentiles. Pagan practices of the world. Matt. 10:5
Stony heart. Stubborn person. Ezk. 11:19
The spirit entered into me. I was inspired of God. Ezk. 3:24
The stone which the builders rejected. A good leader is rejected. Ps. 118:22
Rock. A protection or defense. ps. 18:2
Repent ye. Don't do it again! Change your ways! Mark 1:15
Matthew 24: 28 was explained around 200 A.D. by Bishop
Hippolytus who had trained under Bishop Irenaeus stated that this was
written so the heretics (enemies of God) would not understand it. It is a
play upon a key Greek word. The outsiders from Christianity will think
that the Greek word is translated as "carcase." The same word also means
"fall" or "the fall." And where did Adam fall? In the Garden of Eden
called Paradise. Now decoded for latter day Christians is Matthew 24:28.
"For wheresoever the carcase (fall - symbolic word for the Garden of
Eden called Paradise) is, there will the eagles (upright Christians) be
gathered together." And verse 27 says that this will occur when Jesus
(the Son of Man) appears like lightning appearing out of the East to the
West. There is more to the teachings around this, but enough for now
until the upright Christians are gathered together. Then as St. Jerome
wrote around 400 A.D., the tribulation will not be their problem as they
will be with Jesus during the time of Jacob's Trouble. But as for the
lukewarm Christians, they will flee for their lives as the Antichrist
pursues them to kill them across the face of the earth. As Jesus said in
Revelation, He will vomit the lukewarm Christians out of His mouth into
the tribulation at that time since they did not follow Him faithfully
on earth.
And following an old system used in military intelligence to supply
the key reference to decode a hidden message not intended for all to
see or understand its meaning, only one verse is 666 in the New
Testament and it is John 6:66 so John in Revelation says to look for the
meaning to 666 which is the number for the Antichrist and his followers
on earth. In John 6:66 it is summarized that some disciples of Jesus
Christ abandoned Him because they did not want to believe Jesus when He
said in verses 57-58 to eat His flesh so that they might experience
eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus commands His followers to
partake of His Holy Communion that was first offered by Him at the Last
Supper. The early Christian teachings were that the bread and wine were
by "transmutation" spiritually changed into the flesh and blood of Jesus
Christ. Transmutation was the Latin word meaning turning one substance
into another. And this Latin word was used to describe Holy Communion
such as when Justin Martyr in a famous debate with a Jewish scholar
around 130 years after Christ referred to Holy Communion as
"transmutation" occurred in Holy Communion. This shocked the Jewish
scholar. Those who can accept supernatural miracles from God can be
upright Christians. Those who cannot accept supernatural miracles of God
are 666 Christians if they claim to be Christians but rejecting the
supernatural, they reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The
Antichrist and his followers reject the supernatural claims of
Christianity so their spiritual number is 666 which is the ultimate evil
number in Bible prophetic numbers meaning Satan and his influence,
Satan and his influence , and Satan and his influence. As the Bible
says, those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are of the
spirit of Antichrist. And the number of the spirit of Antichrist is 666.
Read John 6 from verse 26 to the end verse 71 and realize many rejected
Jesus on the day that He told them to eat of His fleshand blood. It has
a spiritual meaning which was widely taught in early Christianity but
rarely taught in latter day Christianity. When you become of the flesh
and blood of Jesus
Christ, you
are to live for eternity with Jesus Christ after this life is over.
Such early Christianity taught as the Apostles had taught them!
I Wrote The Book "THE EARLY ROOTS OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY" Based Upon The Official First Writings Of Christianity By The Prominent Church Fathers and endorse for reading by serious Christians who want the flavor of what first official early Apostolic Christianity taught according to their own official Church writings from then. My book is shown on our website www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@ gmail.com Our mailing address for financial support and orders not placed through this website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. We plan to pass our Omni Law shown on our national website. Full name of proposed constitutional amendment is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." The enemies of Christianity have pulled many legal cons on the Christians and your leaders were too poor in scholarship or else strong leadership to stop these cons from taking away the legal rights of Christians and churches in America. I come to restore the legal rights of Christians and Christianity in America. Then we help out Christians across the world wherever needed! All this was prophesied in the Bible such as in Matthew 24.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that Christian leader about to rally the Christians to once more seriously stand for Christianity and storm the world like early Christianity stormed the Roman Empire until paganism fell before it. The Christians were mighty then as they were Roman Christians. We will be like latter day Roman Christians and be too strong for the enemies to stop! Pass this report along to others. The line is being drawn in the sand as to who will stand up for Christ and who will not. )
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