Saturday, May 23, 2015

All Wars are Bankers Wars

All Wars are Bankers Wars – and More

Michael Rivero of wrote an excellent piece, All Wars are Bankers Wars, about the banksters and war.  Michael demonstrates that wars are not started because leaders cannot get along or have out of control expansionist desires . . .

Michael Rivero’s All Wars are Banker’s Wars:


John Truman Wolfe, author of Crisis by Design, explains why Central Bankers are nothing more than thugs:

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, author of The Synagogue of Satin,  explains what happens when Central Bankers take over a country’s monetary system:


These three videos should make it easy to understand the tragedy that has befallen the American people since 1913 when the Rothschild central bankster’s creation, the Federal Reserve, was given control of our monetary system!

From the Federal Reserve’s website:
“The entry of the United States into World War I . . . added to the responsibilities of the young Federal Reserve Bank. It helped finance US military expenditures by becoming the fiscal agent of the federal government.”


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