Sometimes these mysterious missives are confessions or admissions of guilt for the new scratch on your car. Other times, the notes contain blunt language or a review of how the car has been parked.

Recently, TheBlaze has covered some of the best and worst messages motorists have received. The crew over at also spotted the trend and gathered “17 of the Most Amazing Notes Left on Car Windshields.”

For your enjoyment, we have selected six of our favorites from Odometer’s accumulation.

Of course, there were notes confessing to damaging a car. This one admits to scratching the car, but assumed that the victim could afford it.

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“Jack,” the author of this note also admits his guilt. However, he only wrote it so people watching him would think he was leaving his contact information. He wasn’t.

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How badly a car is parked is the topic addressed in many of the notes.

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Another terrible parking job was the inspiration for this note. But, it also contained a curse for the driver of the “flashy, brand new Nissan Altima.” 

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This note earns the award for “most effort needed to send a message.” It required the author to write it on a computer, print it and return to leave it on the car. It also contained some cursing.

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We cannot confirm the authenticity of this note, allegedly left by “your friendly neighborhood Spiderman,” but its message is one we can support.

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Also found in Odometer’s collection, a few notes from drivers. Most were appeals to parking enforcement officers. This one appears to be a pre-emptive strike to ward off would-be thieves.

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See the rest of Odometer’s “17 of the Most Amazing Notes Left on Car Windshields” here.