The information at this site reveals decades of conduct of key people in powerful governmentpositions that resulted in major events affecting the people and the nation, in which the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court played enabling roles. The consequences had profound effects on many lives and national security. While the end effects were obviously well known, the enabling causes were totally unknown.
Much of the Information Based on Experiences of Key InsidersThe following facts are a sampling of information relating to the role of the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, much of it based upon the actual experiences and findings of key insiders in covert and overt government operations, and other key insiders, and cover several decades.Consequences Include First Series of Terrorist SuccessesThe conduct described here played direct or enabling roles in events affecting individual Americans, national security, the series of terrorist successes, and events in other nations, especially the Middle East. This presentation focuses upon the complicity of federal judges, starting in the 1970s.Initial Discovery of the Consequences of Conduct
By Powerful Personnel in the U.S. Government
The problems were first discovered by Captain Rodney Stich after he was given, as a federal airline safety inspector, an official and unprecedented life-and-death-assignment in 1964 to correct the conditions at a politically-powerful airline that was experienced a world-record series of airline disasters. As he discovered and sought to correct the serious problems, he came under attack from powerful political forces in the FAA (known at that time by knowledgeable insiders as the "tombstone agency"). During these attacks, three additional aviation disasters occurring, each enabled by the safety problems Stich had reported in writing and sought to correct.Acting Similar to Independent Prosecutor in FAAThe horror of the crashes and the continuing corruption caused him to take unprecedented actions. The first was to use the law in such a way that he acted similar to an independent prosecutor in FAA. His 1965 complaints to members of Congress were followed by Congress abolishing the Federal Aviation Agency in 1967 and replacing it with the Federal Aviation Administration, under the newly created Department of Transportation.The same personnel and the same culture remained in place, and the large numbers of resulting airline disasters continued for many years before other factors compensated for the problems related to crew training and competency checks. The standard cover-up continued. Complaints to Department of Justice personnel concerning the conduct of powerful people in the government oligarchy proved useless.Resigning in Protest, and Becoming a Corruption-FighterRefusing to be part of a deadly environment, Stich resigned. As a private citizen, he crusaded as a corruption-fighter, writing not-for-profit books, giving lectures, and appearing as guest on hundreds of radio and televisions shows, starting in 1978. The publicity resulted in a continuing series of inside sources proving him information on other areas of government that were resulting in serious harm in national and international areas. The information provided by those sources extended to areas affecting other national interests, and eventually to conduct that generated outrage in the Middle East and then enabled the first series of al Qaeda terrorist successes.Again Using Unprecedented Efforts
Seeking to Halt Enabling ConductUnable to force corrective action through government and non-government checks and balances, Stich used the federal crime reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. § 4, to file papers in federal courts to provide the information to a federal judge, expecting the publicity to force corrective action. In violation of law, Department of Justice personnel and federal judges blocked Stich from proceeding with producing the evidence of high-level corruption and the consequences. The practice was to protect the government oligarchy. In almost every filing, Stich appealed to federal appellate judges, and then to the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.Sampling of such filings:
Lawsuit against FAA to report corruption that enabled a series of airline crashes.
Lawsuit against NTSB for withholding material evidence that enabled the direct cause of the world's worst airline disaster at that time.
Lawsuits addressing the following:
DOJ personnel and federal judges charging the corruption-fighter with criminal contempt of court for filing a federal action to halt the corruption-enabled start of a series of corruption-enabled terrorist successes.
Department of Justice personnel and federal judges illegally and unconstitutionally seizing and liquidating his life assets that funded his corruption-fighting crusade, converting him from a multimillionaire to a state of poverty—while everyone watched, and did nothing.
Judicial orders that illegally and unconstitutionally denied him access to the federal courts, which prevented him and his sources from reporting the corrupt practices in the government oligarchy that he and his sources discovered that enabled the harm to occur that is listed herein.
Those judicial orders terminated his defenses in law and the Constitution. Stich was subjected to six years of great personal and financial harm resulting from a scheme controlled by Department of Justice personnel, and started with a sham lawsuit in 1982, filed by the CIA-front San Francisco law firm of Friedman, Sloan and Ross. That lawsuit was barred by the facts, and was barred by dozens of state and federal statutes and controlling case law, and landmark Supreme Court decisions. California judges at every level were complicit in those early attempts to halt the corruption fighter, making the California judges acting as a RICO criminal enterprise and early enablers of great tragedies.
After years of cover-ups and complicity by the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Captain Rodney Stich filed an unprecedented federal lawsuit, naming as defendants the Supreme Court Justices. The basis was their repeated complicity in the criminal acts that he had documented, and a belief that the media publicity would focus attention on the charges. The Justices did not deny any of the allegations in the filing, primarily arguing that they were immune.The years of prior media cover-ups continued to withhold any information on that filing, continuing the Operation Mockingbird and similar cover-ups.
Sampling of
the Consequences In the Later
Segments of the Futile Anti-Corruption Crusade
Segments of the Futile Anti-Corruption Crusade
DOJ Culture involved in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing over LockerbieForewarned Downing of TWA Flight 800
|And FBI-CIA-NTSB Personnel Cover-UpsDowning of TWA Flight 800. The first forewarned attack occurred several weeks after FBI personnel were notified by the mole and his New York City attorney that a U.S. airlinerdeparting nearby JFK airport would be downed. TWA Flight 800 was downed shortly after departing New York City's JFK Airport. That downing required falsification of evidence by Department of Justice employees; and CIA employees.
After the downing of TWA Flight 800, the perpetrators of the deep-sixing withholding of information on planned alQaeda attacks saw the consequences of their acts. If they now made known the information on the next attacks, the deaths in Flight 800 would be blamed on their criminal cover-up scheme. The deep-sixing continued. The bombings of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania then occurred, with hundreds of deaths and hundreds of injuries. Another cover-up had to occur.
Stich took several actions, risking another criminal contempt of court for reporting the deadly corruption:
- Petition to U.S. Supreme Court, August 15, 1994.
Letter to Justice Ginsburg, January 16, 1995, referring to the criminal activities covered up by the Supreme Court Justices.
Petition to U.S. Supreme Court, August 15,1997, seeking to report criminal activities in government offices and seeking relief from judicial retaliation.
Sampling of letters sent to Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, advising the Justices of the serious misconduct, including that described at this site.
Lawsuit seeking to halt the corruption, filed in federal courts at Reno, Nevada.
Letter to Supreme Court clerk, William K. Suter, December 12, 2000, describing the tactics used by the Supreme Court to block the filing of a petition that would expose widespread corruption in the federal courts.
Petition to Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist, January 2, 2001.
Letter to Chief Justice Rehnquist, January 2, 2001.
Letter to Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg, January 2, 2001.
Petition to Supreme Court Justice Thomas, Thomas, January 5, 2001.
Letter to Supreme Court Justice Thomas, January 15, 2001.
Petition to Chief Justice Rehnquist, April 11, 2001.
Last lawsuit seeking to halt the corruption, prior to 9/11, filed in federal courts at Reno, NVComplicity of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.During this period, the FBI and other DOJ personnel were also involved in murders, and were deep sixing advance information on planned al Qaeda terrorist attacks. The murders reflected the culture in that corrupted government agency; and the deep-sixing of advance information of the al Qaeda attacks insured the success of the horrific al Qaeda multiple airline hijackings on September 11, 2001. The dozens of people jumping to their deaths from the World Trade Center were a few of the victims of the corruption stated here.
Unprecedented Response, Support,
And Apology, By
Supreme Court Justice Byron WhiteWhile that lawsuit was going through the courts, the gravity of the start of terrorist successes, enabled by thecontinuing corruption, motivated Stich to send an Emergency Petition to highly respected Supreme Court Justice Byron White. He was the only Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court to show to deviate from the total gridlock protecting the serious problems in the controlling government oligarchy.
Upon receiving the Emergency Petition, Justice White sent a personal letter. rather than the standard court clerk reply, that contained an unprecedented apology for being unable—as a single justice—to help.
Partial listing of legal filings with U.S. Supreme Court, and emergency petitions to Justices. Partial listing of letters sent to U.S. Supreme Court Justices. AUSA and Attorney General Eric Holder in ComplicityRole of former Department of Justice Eric Holder in the cover-ups that led to more tragedies, resulting in his promotion to Attorney General in President Barack Obama's presidency. Consequences: Start of Series of al Qaeda AttacksThe judicial cover-ups enabled the wrongful conduct to continue—along with the more severe consequences. These worsening consequences progressed in the later 1980s to the start of a series of terrorist successes. Stich, helped by his sources, including a former New York City Mafiosi who was a mole in a key al Qaeda cell, sent an Emergency Petition to highly respected Supreme Court Justice Byron White.
Last lawsuit seeking to halt the corruption, prior to 9/11, filed in federal courts at Reno, NV.
America's Worst One-Day's Multiple
Aviation Disasters—And
Record Number of EnablersOn September 11, 2001, the culture in the "tombstone agency" would surface as never before, enabling the simultaneous hijackings of four U.S. airliners that subjected nearly 3,000 people to possibly the greatest horror in world aviation history. And it was enabled first by the deep-seated culture in the FAA. FAA (but assisted by many other people and groups).9/11 Easily-Preventable Multiple HijackingsThe group of four al Qaeda personnel invaded the cockpit of the four airliners, suddenly confronting and disabling or killing the pilots. They then flew the aircraft into buildings, or in one airliner, dove the aircraft into the ground. The red-flag safety shortcomings were obvious to any passenger. The cabin flight attendants, mostly female, were easily overpowered and the cockpit door keys seized.Additional enablers:The elite in government and their shills in the U.S. media easily kept the American public illiterate about the actual enablers of the 9/11 hijackings, and continued the corrupt culture and fed the American public fabricated lies about Afghanistan and Iraq, which were easily seen as lies to anyone who paid any attention to reliable sources outside of the U.S. government and U.S. media. Tens of thousands of expected deaths—minor matter!Compounding the already world-record scandal, two world-record New York City world record air disasters were involved 40 years apart, both involving corruption, and both involving Captain Rodney Stich.More details on aviation disasters at
Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices,
Now Complicit In America's Worst
Corruption-Enabled Terrorist Attacks—
Continued Their Deadly CultureWith the latest consequences enabled by the corruption and consequences, the hijackings of four U.S. airliners on September 11, 2001, the Supreme Court Justices were again informed of the corruption and consequences—and continued the deadly scenario:Blocking the Post-9/11 Federal Actions:
Violating Federal Crimes Reporting StatuePost-9/11 lawsuit filed in federal courts in the District of Columbia was filed, and blocked from being heard, based upon a prior order of federal judge Stanley Sporkin. (Interesting background of Sporkin at Judicial Cover-Ups ByPost-9/11 lawsuit filed in federal courts in New York City index. That attempt was blocked for a year, with chief Judge Michael Mukasey refusing to file the lawsuit in defiance of court procedures, and constituting obstruction of justice. That report was blocked from being filed for a years until Stich sent letters to every Supreme Court Justice advising them of the latest obstruction of justice by federal judges. Judge Mukasey then filed the lawsuit that should have been filed a year earlier—and then immediately
Federal Judges in New Yorkordered its dismissal. In that way, the worst series of government scandals in the nation's history, combined with the worse terrorist attacks, remained secret from the people, and enabled to continue as before. The Supreme Court Justices obviously knew this. (Mukasey was later promoted to the position of U.S. Attorney General, enabling him to do damage control.)
Letters to Every Supreme Court Justice Continued
To Make a Record of Their Complicity
Petition to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, May 1, 2002. Letter to Chief Justice Rehnquist, December 16, 2002. Petition to Chief Justice Rehnquist, January 26, 2003."Conveniently," a ruling by the Supreme Court Justices made reporting of high-level crimes in government— a criminal offense: Supreme Court whistleblower decision.Another ruling of the Supreme Court Justices, sometime passing with one supporting vote in a 5-to-4 decision, greatly increasing the bribing of politicians, was Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, (2010). The unlimited financial bribing of politicians by powerful corporations made the individual voter almost meaningless.
Some of the same Department of Justice personnel involved in the deadly deep-sixing were now placed in key positions in the 9/11 Commission. The falsified 9/11 Commission report omitted the deep sixing of advance information of the planned hijackings (and earlier al Qaeda attacks) by high officials in the U.S. Department of Justice (some of whom were in controlling positions in the 9/11 Commission).First Consequence of Supreme Court Justices'
Cover-Up: 9/11 Commission Cover-Up
The commission also protected the secondary enablers of the easily preventable hijackings: the politics, incompetence, and corruption in the "tombstone agency."
In that way, the corrupt culture then enabled the next stage of corruption consequences, resulting in far greater deaths and consequences.
The DOJ-controlled 9/11 Commission insured that none of the information stated here would be revealed. That tactic, continuing the same tragedy-enabling corruption, protecting the actual enablers of the al Qaeda attacks, to Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which had any knowledge of the al Qaeda plans (but were known to Department of Justice officials, who were periodically informed the planned al Qaeda attacks, recognized as extremely important information, but deep sixth by top DOJ personnel in Washington). That series of deep-sixing advance notice of the planned al Qaeda attacks:
The Taliban government of Afghanistan even offered to turn the small al Qaeda group over to a third nation for trial (as was done with the alleged Pan Am Flight 103 bombers), but President George Bush (Jr) refused the offer. Instead, using lies he carpet-bombed Afghanistan and then ordered the invasion of Iraq, a nation totally blameless for the al Qaeda attacks and a nation where terrorists could not survive (that pleased Israeli Zionists).
- Enabled the deadliest series of terrorist attacks and deaths in U.S. history.
- Involved the greatest number of enablers among top personnel in the U.S. government, in which their respective government department possibly met the criteria of a RICO criminal organization.
Where the funding, arming, and enabling by U.S. politicians of Israel's brutal occupation and annexation of Palestine (and thousands of murders of Gaza residents, most of which were women and children) was the admitted basis by al Qaeda for the attacks on U.S. targets, the murderous attacks on Iraq infuriated people throughout the Middle East.
Third Consequences: Continuation Of
Prior Corruption Resulting In
Explosive Growth of Terrorists
Wanting to Kill AmericansThe deadly carpet bombing of Afghanistan shortly after the 9/11 attacks, added to the U.S. Middle East destabilization that started in 1953. It also generated outrage by people throughout the Middle East. That was similar to the growth of the small al Qaeda group who blamed their attacks on U.S. targets up0on the brutalities inflicted upon the Palestinians by Israel, and made possible by U.S. politicians acting as proxies for Israel's Zionist politicians and pressure by Israel's AIPAC lobby .The brutal attacks on the Iraqi people, that left tens of thousands of innocent people dead, resulted in possibly the greatest number of people in a major section of the world wanting to kill Americans, and willing to die in the process. That led to the formation of brutal terrorist groups, ISIS, ISIL, and others. Their anger at the U.S. brutalities are yet to have a worldwide effect upon Americans.U.S. politicians then compounded their corrupt conduct by helping to destabilize other nations in the area beyond Afghanistan and Iraq; Libya and Syria, adding to failed nations and civil wars.One nation that may have felt benefited by the actions of U.S. politicians was Israel and its Israeli Zionist politicians, who then had no functioning nation that could threaten their takeover of all of the Palestinian people.
Sources and Accuracy of Information, And
Credibility of Corruption-Fighter
And His Key SourcesCaptain Rodney Stich, who discovered much of the information, with further contributions by several dozen key sources, including former professionals in the CIA, DEA, FBI, Customs, FAA, military, former drug smugglers—working for CIA personnel; former Mafia insiders, including a mole in al Qaeda's primary terrorist cell, obtaining advance information on several of the most catastrophic terrorist successes in the nation's history.
The confidence of the aviation safety group in the FAA's Los Angeles regional offices in Stich's abilities and credibility his ability to give his the unprecedented life-and-death-assignment. Captain Rodney Stich unique background starting as Naval Aviator in World War II, and being the youngest prestigious Patrol Plane Commander in Privateers during that war. Appreciative communications sent to him after they learned about his corruption-fighting activities.
Massive corruption of judges in the federal courts:
Documented history of corrupt acts by federal judges and history of enabled great tragedies. Documented history of California judges using California courts as a Racketeering Enterprise (RICO). Letter list to members of Congress from 1965 to present date, making them aware of the corrupt conduct for four decades. Sampling of letters from members of Congress and others, but then failing to take action. Letter list to Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, making them aware of major criminal activities that if known to a member of the public, and who covered up, would be a crime with years of imprisonment. Letter list relating to al Qaeda mole providing advance information, all of whom covered up. Letter list to New York state officials, making them aware of corruption and consequences in their New York State. Letter list 9/11 Commission, controlled by the same high-level Department of Justice personnel whose series of deep-sixing of advance information of the planned al Qaeda attacks enabled the worse series of horrific terrorist attacks to occur in the nation's history—which then progressed to the decision by U.S. politicians that led to U.S. killings in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then to the Middle East calamities breeding other terrorist groups, including ISIS. Letter list to media corporations, who covered up throughout the decades of the above events. Secretly funded by the CIA in Operation Mockingbird and other government groups, they protected their benefactors while becoming enablers of great tragedies. No one ever denied the charges made by Stich and his many key sources.Another more detailed description of the Supreme Court Justices.
Your help is needed. Go on a crusade, mentioning this information on social sites, and maybe the uninformed or indifferent American people will realize the enormous human tragedies resulting from the culture in the three branches of the U.S. government.
Documentaries on 50 Years of Corruption In
Government Positions, and the Resulting Tragedies,
Provided by Unique InsidersUnprecedented misconduct in any Modern Industrial Nation, and
how the American public acted as a feeding trough
for the above enablers of great tragedies.
EBooks Worldwide![]()
All of the books are available at, in print and on digital formats, and at many other Internet sites. They bring together the various pieces of the puzzle to better understand the overall picture, and why the same conditions continue year after year. Information on the books by former government agent Captain Rodney Stich.
Print and EBooks in United States and Europe from and Sources WorldwidePrint books from in Europe:
Prior and Future Protection Against Issues Stated Here:
Controlled by U.S. Media
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