Sunday, May 10, 2015

Repost: New Decelaration of Independence21 October 2012 Rev 1[.pdf shared by "johnmachaffie"


·         The new Declaration of Independence
·         The Orders
·         RPost Receipt

                         The Orders

                        RPost Receipt

 Names blanked for protection.


Anonymous said...

Why do this people hide their signatures?

How does a corporation pass anything? Corporations can do no thing at all. It is PEOPLE who pass legislation, not the corporation. In this case the people is the Congress. Only the Congress passes legislation, not the United States corporation. And it isn't even the United States corporation. It is the United States of America corporation that the Congress is from. The Congress of the United States of America corporation passes legislation for the United States TRUST. United States is a TRUST and it has federal corporations that were created by the United States TRUST. Congress of the United States of America corporation are the TRUSTEES for the United States TRUST.

The congress of the United States of America corporation are delegated certain powers and authorities by the TRUST document called the Constitution to make laws for the United States TRUST. Those laws only pertain to the United States TRUST and its employees. Not to the private people. Its employees are all those people who are elected, appointed, or hired as employees to work for any agencies created under the United States TRUST and any of its created federal corporations.

We the private people are the beneficiaries of the United States which is the TRUST. They the public officials are the TRUSTEES for the United States TRUST. Every office is a office of public trust. United States is the PUBLIC TRUST. You the private people are the beneficiaries.

Before you will ever be able to fix the problem being caused by those TRUSTEES you have to first know what everything actually is and how it works.

So while it is true the trustees are acting under color of law by attempting to misapply the trust laws against private people, you won't get anywhere by falsely claiming the United States corporation made laws when no such thing is even possible. The TRUSTEES acting as congress passes laws, not a corporation. It is the TRUSTEES of the corporation which the actual corporation in this case is the United States of America corporation. The people of the United States created a TRUST which created the corporation United States of America just like it says it did in the Preamble of the TRUST called a constitution.

Anonymous said...

Good News!! the co-opted Republic has been re-constituted & re-inhabited just announcing Declaration of Sovereign Intent & more Blessings 2 all Liberty-Lovers BEing & DOing same peacefully & lawfully 4 good of all :D freeMom7

Freewill said...

What is "Constituted"? RUSA is now using these strange un defined terms that NLA is using??? Can someone please define what "Constituted" means? Put my finger on the definition. I have researched all the founding documents and have never seen Constituted anywhere in them.

Besides, RUSA is a failed assembly that monetized people's names and brought them back into the De Facto through the back door. RUSA will not answer legitimate questions pertaining to claimed notices. RUSA will not allow public to Q&A on their conference calls. RUSA is a joke. TIM TURNER couldn't even stop the IRS from putting him away and that was just a front because the cabals seen he was caught in fraud by the people so they put him away to let things settle down and have recently revived RUSA to add to the confusion with all the fake republics.

There is only one lawfully recognized De Jure republic recognized by the Hague and the International Community within America. You have all seen the documents published here on nesaranews by the real republic over the last several years. More being published lately.

Freewill said...

I personally don't care what that corporation or it's board of directors does any more than WalMart. Their board of directors is NOT a congress of any kind. All their work is internal corporation only. Do you know what the definition of an executive order is? The people's trustees seats were vacated in 1861. This corporation is nothing but lies and actors fooling the people with a fake fictional thing that has power granted in probate only. Reference article 55 (treaty) at the Hague. They are foreclosed from parity with the living. Reference S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54 and reference CRUDEN v. NEALE 2N.C. (1796) 2 SE 70.

And the reason the signatures are hidden is for protection from a barrage of people contacting and asking questions and demanding answers. Think about it.. What if you were to get swamped with tens of thousands of phone calls all asking questions and demanding proof of standing when this information has all been published in the public purvey already. Most people are too lazy to research for the answers and just demand time and answers over a phone call. You couldn't handle it! This is why the names are blanked out because many of us do have families and need time to work and forward tasks that need to be done for the benefit of all of the people. The actors in offices that these notices were intended for and sent to have the copies that are not altered. Nothing to date has ever been rebutted! Isn't silence acquiescence in the corporation's system?

Anonymous said...

How are "We the People" going to know when the lawfully recognized De Jure Republic recognized by the Hague are in charge and NOT the corporation?

Freewill said...

You will know. You will definitely know.

Anonymous said...

I am glad. What is the time frame of the lawfully recognized De Jure Republic being in charge and when it is noticed?

Anonymous said...

When the IMF folds, not before that time..

Anonymous said...

Well I will not hold my breath then...

Anonymous said...

It will happen just not as soon as people expect since the IMF will completely collapse right before it.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, why is your name not on your post?