Saturday, May 16, 2015



Image result for images of christian church music both rock and classic    
  Image result for christian holiness choir    Image result for christian angelic choir with orchestra

     To anyone who knows music there are 3 parts to music:
1. Melody - which is the tune.
2. Harmony - the 4 singing parts, soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
3. Rhythm - the time or beat 3/4, 4/1, etc.

     Music in church is never to entertain people. When it is for entertainment, it is wrong. Music in the church should prepare the heart to hear the Word. If music is wrong, it hinders the Word. Music is the entrance to the Spirit World, either the Spirit of God or the Spirit of darkness. When music is misused, it enters into a Spirit of darkness. Just because the name of Jesus is used does not make it right. Jesus cannot be attached to things of the Devil. Demonic spirits have entered into churches through music.

      Anointed music will drive darkness away. When a church loses its way the music becomes perverted. It becomes fleshly music. When the music or the way the music is used (dance) is wrong, the Spirit of God will not move. Anointed music delivers, refreshes the soul and feeds us manna from above. Anointed music takes us into the presence of God. Jesus name cannot be attached to things of the Devil.

      I Samuel 16:19-23
     Saul was demon possessed. David would play on his harp and the demon spirits would depart. Amos 5:21-24

      This is from Jimmy Swaggart's book

      Ezekiel 44:23 - "And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean."

     Daniel 3:4 - The story of the 3 Hebrews who would not bow to the music of that day.
      End of forwarded sermon. It is useful to sometimes hear both sides of the argument, not just one side and then decide who is right.

        An economic study around 1987 concluded it cost American labor and business maybe around one trillion dollars in lost annual income and profit once prayer and the Bible were outlawed  from the public schools of America by the U.S. Supreme Court. Someone lied in the U.S. Supreme Court as to the meaning of the phrase Thomas Jefferson used in a letter to the Baptists of "separation of state and church." Back then this meant that the churches were separated from the state and the state could not take away the rights of the churches in America. The early U.S. Supreme Court further explained this when saying that prayer and the Bible were lawful in the schools of America. The meaning of this according to such as Justice Story was that this U.S. Bill of Rights on religion meant that no one Christian denomination could be made the national church of America, but Christianity was the official state religion of America and Christian churches could not have their legal rights taken away by the state. He explained this on behalf of the U.S. Supreme Court showing their legal position then.

Joseph Story
Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
  • Joseph Story was an American lawyer and jurist who served on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1811 to 1845. Wikipedia  Inline image 1 
  •       Once the Omni Law is passed, the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights will be restored to legal authority over Wash., D.C. which no longer is loyal to this supreme national law over the national government of America. Full name of the Omni Law on our national website is 'The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." This gives the American people the legal right of national referendum over the national government so it has to obey the will of the American people as to what laws and policies will be passed or else cancelled by the authority of the American people. As of 2015, Congress and White House freely ignore the U.S. Bill of Rights as binding law over what laws and policies Wash., D.C. decrees for the American people. This will only stop when our Omni Law is passed! Pass this report around. This will help break censorship of the truth in America.

           Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and financial support not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. All finances raised help finance the faster passage of the Omni Law in America. Obama boys working for the federal government have at times used massive hacking attacks trying to stop us from releasing our national reports to you. Obama does not want our Omni Law passed in America as that would restore control of the federal government back to the American people. He likes to trash the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights by constant decrees from the White House violating the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights binding on the White House and also Congress.

             For those interested, our website among other things reports on stunning documented Miracles of God that even the uneducated can easily understand shows the existence of God and that Jesus Christ is the source of these constant Miracles of God for nearly 2,000 years since Jesus died to get us mercy from God the Father for our sins as mankind.

           To their credit some of the Christian TV programs have reported on CommonCore pushed by Wash., D.C. as the federal educational basis for public education in the schools of America today have collapsed the educational standards of America to where American students now score worldwide as nearly the most uneducated children in the world and many cannot do math or even know who the first president of America was. But they have been taught to hate Christianity and the founding principles of America in 1776. Educated sources have said that this brainwashing of the American students is to make them ready to become Communist citizens of America. Obama admitted in college that he was a dedicated Communist and out to make America Communist. A classmate of his put on the internet the entire Obama story.
    And the leading Communist Alinsky launched Obama into politics in Chicago, Illinois. Time to wake up folks or lose America forever!

           Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader and Christian who dares to speak the truth in America! And only the truth can give America a future, not lies from con artist Communists and allies in Wash., D.C. And for those concerned about what direction America is going, we carry on our website The Tree Of Life seeds which are loaded with nutrition, grow so fast and can help feed your family, and now is the time to plant them  in case the situation in America worsens. )

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