Sunday, May 17, 2015



Intergovernmental 'agreements' are signed day after day between the 'federal government' and the governments of the various Indian Tribes with no disclosure to the people of what is included in those 'agreements'.  In this seriously questionable process, many conflicts are being created by our 'federal  government', and you will begin to realize the REAL underlying intent of the 'federal government' to increase its power and control.

Information regarding these 'agreements' will never be placed in the hands of tribal citizens by anyone connected in government be it tribal, state or federal  because these governments, working hand in hand, can ill afford the opening of a whole new set of exposures to their unlawful scams. 

Even worse is the American people, on the whole, have absolutely no clue what is being done in secret by the 'federal government'.

People have absolutely NO IDEA of the growing threat of how massive increases in tax dollars flowing through Indian reservations fund the expanded federal conquest of land, water and control over state and local governments.   

Communities experiencing it tend to consider it a severe but “local” problem.  Unfortunately, they fail to comprehend how this “national” trend erodes and threatens the very structure of our country:  our government, property, economy, and way of life.  During the past 10 years  the number and scope of these incidents have been escalating, especially as related to attacks on “WATER”, one step away from federal private property grab.   

Case in point:  the state of Montana has just witnessed the MT legislature, under the direction of its Imperial Executive Branch, transfer some of Montana’s water rights to foreign and hostile entities.  This is part of a plan in the making for many years – it just eventually took a lot of “hook and crook”  and the right cast of immoral characters to finally make this “happen” according to their agendas. 

Did you know… that at least 90 major public spaces and natural resources, including Redwood National Monument (CA) and Joshua Tree National Monument (CA), are targeted by the Department of the Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Reclamation, the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife to be turned over to Indian tribes? The list includes: 41 national refuges; 34 national parks, wildlife refuges and hatcheries; and 15 regional water projects. In each instance, a tribe will take over the management of these public lands.  

The problem is tribal activity rarely involves any public process, oversight or transparency. And as can be seen in the areas where tribes have taken over or been given oversight of public lands, public access will most likely be limited, and the tribes won’t pay for the management of the site - the taxpayers will.

Did you know… that in 2004 one Montana tribe of 5,130 people had an annual Operational Management Budget of $373 million, which is funded not by a casino, but by federal and state assistance? This annual budget is larger than the budget for U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s annual budget for the entire country!

Did you know… that in some areas of the country you must obtain a tribal hunting permit as well as a state permit to hunt on your own private property?

Did you know… that six months after the destruction of the Twin Towers, a Washington State tribe hosted “civic journalists” from Algeria, Morocco, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen? The reservation in question is bounded “on the East by the Hanford Nuclear site; on the South…(by) the Umatilla Chemical Weapons Storage Facility; on the West…(by) the Yakima Military Training Center; and on the North …(by) several major dams including the Grand Coulee Dam,” dams which many Northwest tribes have openly admitted they want to see removed.

Did you know… that federal Indian policy is TOP SECRET, developed behind closed doors between the federal government and the tribe, with no public process or transparency? That even tribal members are often left in the dark about what their own tribal government is doing?

Did you know .... portions of county roads have been given over to one of the tribes? Forestlands are coming next.

Oregon is watching the creeping take-overs of tribes in southwestern Oregon. Casinos, tax-free and sovereign, drain off what little disposable income there is in this blighted section of the U.S. 

Casinos were supposed to be one to a tribe and only in populated areas, but turns out that was Class III FULL casinos. Class II casinos are springing up like dandelion weeds. 
To sweeten the pot, the tribes give annual monies to projects of their choosing. The newspapers and the local Chamber of Commerce play it up while you're being denied the tax inflow that any other business entity would have to pay for schools, safety, etc. We're talking tens of millions here.

In Oregon, the various tribal police have been given jurisdiction throughout ALL of Oregon: traffic stops, drug busts, knock-the-door-down entries - you name it. HOWEVER, our cops can't go on THEIR lands?

These are just a few examples of how flawed federal policy is creating what some are calling the "Balkanization” of the United States. You can read all this and more in the new book by Elaine Willman – of Cherokee ancestry on both sides of her family – and Kamie Biehl, descendant of Paiute Indian ancestry, called:  Going to Pieces: The Dismantling of the United States of America. 

At great risk to themselves – make no mistake, people have been killed over these matters – the authors traveled from the West Coast to the East Coast to chronicle the reports of “…police brutality, murders, oppression, homeland security concerns, political corruption and the loss of basic human rights resulting from the aggressive expansion of tribalism in America.”

Folks, this book is a must-read!
Pull up Amazon to see the availability of this Elaine Willman book!

Above information (co-authored by OliveOyl) from newsletter published by


Anonymous said...

Is this article being published to create civil unrest now between the tribes and the white people? Racism has been pushed and it has not quite taken off like the elites had hoped so are they now trying another tactic of trying to create hatred among the tribes. I hope people understand that the ALL people of all races and color are being played by those in power. I hope those that read this article are become enraged direct that rage at the government and not the individual. Very few Indians benefit from the big money that is being brokered by the governments and the casinos... the reservations are no better than our inner city ghettos in most cases.

Olive Oyl said...

No - but is that YOUR intent?? Why is it that whenever information is provided to disclose how the mafia phony 'government' or any other group is deceiving and using Americans that it is accused of being 'racist'?? It says allot about the individual making the accusation. Don't you think that Native Americans need to know how their own tribal leaders are deceiving and using them - in cahoots with the rogue 'government'? Do you know that there has NEVER been a treaty with the native Americans that has been kept by this rogue 'government'? Therefore, does it not stand to reason that the same will happen with this latest scheme the 'federal government' is perpetrating with the tribal leaders? If you have any concerns about racism, I would suggest you do your research in to the history of the broken treaties this 'government' has made with the tribes and then take up your concerns with this rogue 'government,' for it is they that are 'racist' - in fact their 'racism' includes you and me. Our skin color makes no difference. They are 'racist' because they consider themselves to be the 'elitists' and you and me to be their slaves. And while we're at it - DO YOU THINK IT IS 'THE RIGHT THING TO DO' TO TAKE AWAY PROPERTY OWNER'S RIGHTS TO THE WATER THAT HAS BEEN DEEDED TO THEM, INCLUDING AS FAR BACK AS THE 1800S? No one that we know of is denying the tribes the rights to the waters and their lands - so why is it right to suddenly remove yours and my rights to our land and water to be handed over lock, stock and barrel to a group that has absolutely NO IDEA of how to manage their own business much less ours. Think about it. Sure hope you do your research and rethink your position.

Anonymous said...

Agree - ALL people of all races and color are being played - so why wouldn't it stand to reason that the government is playing with the native Americans through their own tribal leaders? What has 'race' got to do with that? And it is true that very very few of the Indians ever receive the benefit of these 'deals' - the monies stay at the top - casino earnings, etc. - the mob controls the casinos. The Indians are still so far behind that they cut out the 2 X 4s of their stick built homes to burn as fire wood. They need allot of help - education and counseling being a big part of that. They have the highest percentage of alcohol abuse of any known race. I don't think racial bias was even considered in this post - simply notifying the rest of us of these latest tactics of the federal government. Simple as that. Don't be so quick to accuse.