The Glory of Saint Marziale. Ricci, Sebastiano (1659-1734)
I had this mislabeled as The Ascension of Enoch. Decided to keep it since it certainly conveys the theme.
in three words:
Aliens — Atlantis — Ascension
The Theory of Everything Explained and Demonstrated
The Book of Enoch is not Scripture, if it was, it would be in the Bible, Its not!
It was left out of the bible because it was not meant for man until the times of today. You should listen to it.
Also interesting on how people will precieve things as a scapegoat so they will make themselves feel like they know it all when they have no clue. You thinking it is not scripture and therefore it should not be is your way of escaping the facing of it.
Why do individuals try to understand The Divine by studying things of the Earth? All holy books are earthly manifestations of Divine principles, not the living principles themselves. If scripture were Divine, we would not have interpretations and discussions about it, as it would be self-evident perfect. ECKANKAR is one method of having Divine revelation and direct experience.
ANother timely related msg 4 NOW: Great current Good News Example excerpted here: "... …message to all of you… Company of Heaven [CoH], have just met to discuss a monumentally important event, … In what would seem by most people to be an impossible coincidence, it was possible to bring together three of the key players who could undo something that was done thousands of years ago.
Saturday, May 16, 2015, … a phenomenal shift that will affect all humankind… she took command of her own faculties, and the sense of joy at being connected began to sparkle in her eyes… As all reached the point of triumphant command, Christine said, "Ella, I am being shown that you carry the key to unlock this for all. When you are able to free yourself, together with Faith and Jade, you are the key to releasing all humankind from this...Faith and I have been working in the next room to do this very exercise, and asking [CoH] to free her and all humans from this thing that causes them to lose their hold on themselves and fall all the way back into a state of complete forgetfulness, where they suddenly can't remember the Love and Light that was so real to them a moment before."… Kathryn had appealed to [CoH] , to allow the restoration of our DNA … It had been agreed long ago that humankind would allow an element on their DNA to be suppressed in order to experience separation from Source… made them more vulnerable to the control and programming of the dark Masters… It was a historic event… [they] claimed their own free will birthright to live in the Light... courageous women had come together to restore themselves. In so doing, they initiated a shift that has now been proclaimed in the Higher Realms: Humankind is now declared by CoH, to be restored to wholeness… those on Earth now are hereby freed of this ages-long deficit… declaration is finally able to be brought to fruition … conditions have at last been met: At least three (the number of creation)[Trinity] … must come together, in human form, to initiate the restoration of their own DNA before it can be done for the rest of humankind… they jointly demanded their freedom, and so it has been done… long climb out of darkness for the people of Planet Earth finally comes to an end… effect will be felt immediately by those who are awakened, and many who are not… Your realization of who you really are and why you are here will come … you will claim your own innate abilities in a new and delightful way… We are in wonder and in awe of all of you… who have been faithful and resolute in your Faith …You have raised the Light quotient, sent your healing energies to Terra and to those in need, and you have done it all in spite of overwhelming odds… certainly ignited many of you to reach new heights of strength and determination. We honor your courage and your selfless service... know that you have made a difference, and that you are an integral part of the moment of completion that was achieved this day. We love you one and all… [Jesus/ Yeshua] & the entire Company of Heaven."
Blessings 2 all Liberty-Lovers BEing & DOing same in myriad manners 4 good of ALL :D
Thanks Freewill 4 Ur wide- ranging info shared here 4 enlightenment of ALL
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