Special Report
U.S. military and civilians are increasingly divided
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Jovano Graves' parents begged him not to join the Army right out of high school in 2003, when U.S. troops were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But their son refused his parents' pleas to try college. He followed them both into the Army instead.
Last June, 11 years later, Staff Sgt. Jovano Graves returned home from Afghanistan, joining his mother, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Sonia Graves-Rivers, for duty here at Ft. Bragg.
"My family, going way, way back, has always felt so proud to be Americans," said Graves-Rivers, who comes from a family in which military service spans six generations, starting with her great-great-grandfather, Pfc. Marion Peeples, who served in a segregated black unit during World War I.
Her father, Cpl. Harvey Lee Peeples, fought in the Vietnam War. Her uncle, Henry Jones, was career Air Force. Another uncle, Sgt. 1st Class Robert Graves, spent 22 years in the Army. Her sister, Janice, served 24 years.
But their son refused his parents' pleas to try college. He followed them both into the Army instead.
Last June, 11 years later, Staff Sgt. Jovano Graves returned home from Afghanistan, joining his mother, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Sonia Graves-Rivers, for duty here at Ft. Bragg.
"My family, going way, way back, has always felt so proud to be Americans," said Graves-Rivers, who comes from a family in which military service spans six generations, starting with her great-great-grandfather, Pfc. Marion Peeples, who served in a segregated black unit during World War I.
Her father, Cpl. Harvey Lee Peeples, fought in the Vietnam War. Her uncle, Henry Jones, was career Air Force. Another uncle, Sgt. 1st Class Robert Graves, spent 22 years in the Army. Her sister, Janice, served 24 years.
The remaining one third of the military who has disconnected from civilian life needs to wake the hell up and fast. Upon re-entering the US, if they think for one second the United Nations will not wipe all of them out too once they are done killing as many Americans as possible...they got another thing coming big time.
The United Nations will kill, pretty much everybody and that's a guarantee you slugs. Time to shape up and get fit or get the hell out of the kitchen. The UN are a bunch of cowardly traitors, but the motto for traitors is to kill or be killed so either wake up or get a rude awakening very soon.
The fact is they are all war criminals.
Congress has not given them a declaration of war since WW/II.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Now we have Jade Helm A total criminal act.The ones that leave the barracks to do anything under this plan of action are traitors and should be treated as such.But no, all we get from MSM is confusion and "support the troops" and the same from alternative media.The fact is they the so called U.S. military has not fought anyone anywhere for the good of the people are the country since the Civil War and then it was only the Southern soldiers.
We are shown pictures of these guys with family and friends, whats about all those innocent people around the world that had family and friends before these heroes rolled in and killed them all.
These same heroes are going to do the same thing to their own people in there own country.
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