Wednesday, July 1, 2015

FBI and DHS Preparing for False Flag Attack Claim Domestic Terrorists Building IEDs

A Call for Help to All Militia and Patriots by FBI

The above line sound like a bunch of B.S. and patriots should watch out that they are NOT being set up to be taken down!

FBI and DHS Preparing for False Flag Attack Claim Domestic Terrorists Building IEDs

posted May 24, 2013 by Suzanne Posel    (<=== use this link to read full article)
In the Obama administration report “Strengthening Our Military Families” written in 2011, the direction of the document points to identifying all veteran’s potential to become mentally incapacitated due to some psychiatric disorder which would cause them to become violent, depressed, aggressive and inevitably dangerous to society.
While the DHS and FBI are preparing to enact a false flag attack here in the US, the Obama administration is setting up the means to have every US veteran committed to a government-controlled mental hospital as a form of indefinite detention. Once deemed insane, these men and women will not only have their arms taken, but there freedom restricted.

Judge Napolitano: FBI Creates Fake Terrorist Plots  (<===go to this link to see videos, read more, etc.)
The new book by Trevor Aaronson, titled “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism”, is a must-read on this topic.
Also, see a related story on 22 Islamic terrorist training camps inside the US the government allows to continue to function. One day we are likely to see jihadists committing all kinds of acts on our soil all the while the FBI allows these camps to continue unmolested.
Why? Because our President won’t declare the organization presiding over these camps as a terrorist organization.
A study conducted last year reveals that a full 94% of all terror attacks foiled by the FBI were in fact invented by the FBI!
The FBI Planned and Paid For Terror Plots  (see youtube video below)
This tactic was enacted by other historical dictators from Mao in China to Hitler in Nazi-controlled Germany. We are witnessing the Fascist takeover of our nation through the actions of the current puppet Barack Obama. They are preparing for martial law and the complete lockdown of our country. This first of many steps toward our decent into Totalitarianism is being played out in the demonization of our US veterans, while simultaneously witnessing the DHS and FBI using propaganda concerning IEDs when it is the US government that is amassing 1400 pounds worth of ingredients to manufacture a fertilizer bomb.

A Call for Help to All Militia and Patriots by FBI
The above line sound like a bunch of B.S. and patriots should watch out that they are NOT being set up to be taken down!

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