Tuesday, July 14, 2015

TRUTH is an existential THREAT to the ( IMPOSTERS…impersonating lawful officers of the ) U.S. government


is an existential threat to the

 (impostors…impersonating lawful officers of the )

U.S. government

Subject: Truth is an existential threat to the US government
Truth is an existential threat to the US government
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD July 13, 2015
The United States is not a constitutional republic. It is an oligarchy controlled by wealthy financiers who hire politicians to pass legislation beneficial to them and employ journalists to keep the citizens ignorant and compliant.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans believe in democracy. It is simply an ideological contest between two different forms of totalitarianism based on big government, where they represent only themselves in their pursuit of personal power and profit.
Over the last hundred years, the Democrat Party has moved farther and farther to the left, evolving from populism to Marxism and developing an operational model resembling that of the mafia. Its leaders are a gaggle of coffeehouse communists and unindicted felons, who seek the lifestyles of the rich and famous while practicing the politics of Joseph Stalin.
The Republicans are democratic only in the sense that they are willing to sell their votes to the highest bidder, where their political power and, ultimately, compensation from their rich donors increase proportionally with the expansion of government.
The federal government is now an industry competing with the private sector for revenues and resources, but, unlike the private sector, government is unconstrained by regulation and the rule of law.
The cost of public-sector pay and benefits, for example, which in many cases far exceed what comparable workers earn in the private sector, combined with hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded pension liabilities for retired government workers, are weighing down the economy.
The fundamental problem is public-sector collective bargaining. It is appropriate in the private sector, where workers bargain with private, profit-making corporations and where market forces provide an independent check on both sides’ demands.
Yet there is an unholy alliance and a mutually beneficial relationship for money and votes between Democrats and public sector unions, which, in terms of government services, translate into higher costs, lower efficiency and, worst of all, less democracy.
Why are such illogical and dishonest policies allowed to continue? Because it is profitable.
To foster big government from which they personally benefit, the Democrats nurture a Marxist-type victim class, while the Republicans serve the affluent, both at the expense of the Middle Class, whose propensities toward liberty and accountability represent a threat to the hopelessly corrupt status quo that the two major parties and the media endeavor so vigorously to protect.
Ergo, the War on the Middle Class, now pursued by both Democrats and Republicans, albeit for different reasons.
As a consequence and, not surprisingly, today the main the activity of the federal government is lying. Barack Obama lied to get elected, lied to enact his policies and lied when those policies failed. In response, the Republicans added cowardice to their own set of lies.
As George Orwell noted: “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
That is why the political establishment and the media find Donald Trump so frightening; the danger that the truth might be spoken.
There is, however, a greater peril – when blatant and outrageous lies are no longer sufficient to soothe the electorate into complacency, such a government must begin to curtail liberty and oppress the people in order to sustain itself, an approach with which both Democrats and Republicans find agreement.
The United States is on the cusp of a second civil war, one to determine who should control the federal government. It is not a contest between the Democrats and Republicans or liberals and conservatives, but a battle between the entrenched power and tyranny of the bipartisan political-media establishment versus the rights and liberties of the American people.
Only the truth will set us free.


Dan said...

This is not the truthful flag as it shows 50 stars, and not all the states were around in 1874. This is modified for today, but those states that came about after 1871 are corporations.

marie said...

Can you give us a picture of the true flag? This is the only one I can find.

Anonymous said...

Shocking facts re the US Government, World Bank and IMF and reasons to oppose the big bankstas financiers

"The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were created in 1944 at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and are now based in Washington, DC."

"the IMF decides how much debtor countries can spend on education, health care, and environmental protection. The IMF is one of the most powerful institutions on Earth -- yet few know how it works."

"The IMF has created an immoral system of modern day colonialism that SAPs the poor"

"The IMF serves wealthy countries and Wall Street"

"The IMF is imposing a fundamentally flawed development model"

"The IMF is a secretive institution with no accountability"

"IMF policies promote corporate welfare"

"The IMF hurts workers"

"The IMF's policies hurt women the most"

"IMF Policies hurt the environment"

"The IMF bails out rich bankers, creating a moral hazard and greater instability in the global economy"

"IMF bailouts deepen, rather then solve, economic crisis"

Source: http://www.globalexchange.org/resources/wbimf/oppose

Anonymous said...

Who are the people really running the IMF and World Bank?

"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank are run by their member governments, but not on the basis of one-country-one-vote. Instead, governments have votes based on the amount of money they pay in to the organizations. In this sense, they operate much like private corporations, except that the owners of shares are governments instead of individuals. = NON-DEMOCRATIC / AUTHORITARIAN

The U.S. government has by far the largest share of votes in both the IMF and World Bank and, along with its closest allies, effectively controls their operations. In 1998, the U.S. held 18% of the votes in the IMF and 15% in the World Bank. Together, the United States, Germany, Japan, the U.K. and France control about 40% of the shares in both institutions. With the rest of the shares spread among 175 other member governments, some holding a tiny number of votes, the United States is effectively in charge. = LEADER THAT DOMINATES ALL / WOLF PACK

So the people running the IMF and the World Bank are the same folks who run the U.S. government and the governments of its closest allies. Since the institutions were founded at the end of World War II, the president of the World Bank has always been a U.S. citizen, and the head of the IMF has always been a European. These are all men, generally coming from the top of the financial industry. = NEPOTISM (especially when the relative of a powerful figure ascends to similar power seemingly without appropriate qualifications)

While the IMF and the Bank operate as extensions of the U.S. government's foreign policy, they are well insulated from democratic accountability. Congress, to say nothing of the populace in general, has no role overseeing their operations, and they operate largely outside the public eye (though Congressional ire sometimes appears in response to a request for more funds). = NON-ACCOUNTABLE / BEARS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIONS

What the IMF and the World Bank do is lend money to governments. Because many governments, especially governments of poor countries, are often in dire need of loans and cannot readily obtain funds through financial markets, they turn to these institutions. And if the IMF and World Bank will not loan to a country, international banks certainly won't. As a result, the IMF and the World Bank have great power, and are able to insist that governments adopt certain policies as a condition for receiving funds. = CHURLISH MENTALITY / TARGET THE WEAK

The IMF and the Bank make sure that U.S. allies get the financial support they need to stay in power, abuses of human rights, labor, and the environment notwithstanding; that big banks get paid back, no matter how irresponsible their loans may have been; and that other governments continually reduce barriers to the operations of U.S. business in their countries, whether or not this conflicts with the economic needs of their own people." = SERVE ONLY THEMSELVES / BUREAUCRATIC COLLECTIVISM (eg. http://www.fcpablog.com/blog/2014/6/27/when-civil-servants-serve-only-themselves.html#)

Original article published by Dollars and Sense magazine


An important source of power of the bankers’ club is that bankers can threaten to fail if we don’t bail them out. They can threaten to leave—to move to London, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, or Shanghai—if we don’t give them what they want. So this threat is the ultimate “club” that the bankers hold over our heads, and they use that all the time in the fight over financial reform.


Dan said...

Go here and find out that there is a LIEN on THE UNITED STATES, INC. and they have a vote in the IMF along with the use of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES as the bond currency to be used which is in DEFAULT, and it includes We The People as the Real Estate, Collateral, that is to be released.
I would suggest that you make a copy of this and send it in to all your government agencies and keep of few with you if ever stopped by a cop to hand them one and thus if you go to court and the officer did not present it then make sure you have one there as well.
Update your last 3 years of tax returns and include this and if they ignore it then you can take legal action as the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE is included.

UCC Approval Sheet, page 1 and 2 of the Lien of this UCC Financial Statement on the THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM dated Received July 28, 2011.
Number 3. Secured Party's Name is: THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789, 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, md 20850 u.s.a..

Olive Oyl said...

http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/Current/ Someone check this out and let us know what information is available and how we can use it for our ends

Freewill said...

Colorado has never incorporated. The documents showing incorporation do not exist as they do for the rest of the states.