We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,
Read these and watch the videos and then question will a child under the age of five catch Hepatitis B if they do not get the vaccine in the first place as that can only be from sexual intercourse or IV drug use?
Maybe the question should be can any government official absolutely guarantee that there are no other drugs in that specified vaccine in which the drug companies put something else in to cause some medical damage, but what I have heard is that a normal vaccine does include a portion of that disease so you would build up an immunity, therefore once you took the vaccine you HAVE THE DISEASE?
Vaccines is IV Drug Use Now in California and mandatory per Governor Brown to make it safe for the other students as well as the teachers per SB277 or is it determined that per doctors and government officials IV Drug Use can only be considered if it were from illegal drugs?
Maybe a teenager that was required to have these vaccines taken is stopped by law enforcement a few days later and then arrested for having many needle marks in his arm yet the officer doesn't believe the story.
In the one video it states that there are possibly 68 vaccines to be taken and for a student to be in compliance by September to go to school they must take ALL 68 vaccines which that many in a short time can KILL, and especially all them under the age of five, as one story I read is that there were 9 vaccines the hospital gave to a newborn and the child died.
In the other video school district officials going door to door come to a point where the parent shuts the door in their face, but will that be considered a physical threat on that school district official for which the sheriff can come by and arrest that parent and CPS take those children away, but by the way this was in May before the bill was passed and signed so it cannot be retroactive on a law?
You Law Enforcement be on the watch that when the children start getting all these vaccines it will be then that 911 calls increase dramatically for the hospital and then the parents will be arrested for child abuse, but this only happens after the vaccines were taken and not before and you can see the Medical Battery story and then make your own opinion.
California Governor Jerry Brown Signs Mandatory Vaccine Bill
http://www.infowars.com/ california-governor-jerry- brown-signs-mandatory-vaccine- bill/
Says 'science is clear' on vaccines
by Sacramento Bee | June 30, 2015
Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed one of the strictest schoolchild vaccination laws in the country, eliminating personal and religious belief exemptions for vaccines.
The governor’s signature came one day after the state Senate moved the bill to his desk, following months of protests and fierce debate at the Capitol.
Bought Movie Bonus Short- Unnecessary Vaccinating
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LKhhNsVNiJQ
Published on Jul 1, 2015
SB277 Recalls - Video of School District Going Door to Door to Vaccinate Kids
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=hHV2THGgOeM
Published on May 22, 2015
Medical Battery
http://www.legalmatch.com/law- library/article/medical- battery.html
Authored by Ken LaMance, LegalMatch Law Library Managing Editor and Attorney at Law
What Is "Medical Battery"?
Medical battery is the intentional violation of a patient’s right to direct their own medical treatments. Doctors must obtain a patient’s informed consent when rendering non-emergency treatment. If medical treatment is performed without the patient’s consent or against their will, the patient may have a claim for medical battery, even if the doctor did not intend to cause any harm.
In a medical battery claim, there is generally no need to prove injury or negligence. However, as in all battery cases, it is necessary to prove that the medical personnel engaged in unauthorized touching, contact or handling of the victim.
The main point of dispute in most medical battery claims is whether the patient agreed to the treatment or whether they refused it. The patient may refuse treatment directly, through advanced directives, or by way of a health care proxy. Most states have laws governing medical battery, though they may vary by jurisdiction.
Read these and watch the videos and then question will a child under the age of five catch Hepatitis B if they do not get the vaccine in the first place as that can only be from sexual intercourse or IV drug use?
Maybe the question should be can any government official absolutely guarantee that there are no other drugs in that specified vaccine in which the drug companies put something else in to cause some medical damage, but what I have heard is that a normal vaccine does include a portion of that disease so you would build up an immunity, therefore once you took the vaccine you HAVE THE DISEASE?
Vaccines is IV Drug Use Now in California and mandatory per Governor Brown to make it safe for the other students as well as the teachers per SB277 or is it determined that per doctors and government officials IV Drug Use can only be considered if it were from illegal drugs?
Maybe a teenager that was required to have these vaccines taken is stopped by law enforcement a few days later and then arrested for having many needle marks in his arm yet the officer doesn't believe the story.
In the one video it states that there are possibly 68 vaccines to be taken and for a student to be in compliance by September to go to school they must take ALL 68 vaccines which that many in a short time can KILL, and especially all them under the age of five, as one story I read is that there were 9 vaccines the hospital gave to a newborn and the child died.
In the other video school district officials going door to door come to a point where the parent shuts the door in their face, but will that be considered a physical threat on that school district official for which the sheriff can come by and arrest that parent and CPS take those children away, but by the way this was in May before the bill was passed and signed so it cannot be retroactive on a law?
You Law Enforcement be on the watch that when the children start getting all these vaccines it will be then that 911 calls increase dramatically for the hospital and then the parents will be arrested for child abuse, but this only happens after the vaccines were taken and not before and you can see the Medical Battery story and then make your own opinion.
California Governor Jerry Brown Signs Mandatory Vaccine Bill
Says 'science is clear' on vaccines
by Sacramento Bee | June 30, 2015
Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed one of the strictest schoolchild vaccination laws in the country, eliminating personal and religious belief exemptions for vaccines.
The governor’s signature came one day after the state Senate moved the bill to his desk, following months of protests and fierce debate at the Capitol.
Bought Movie Bonus Short- Unnecessary Vaccinating
Published on Jul 1, 2015
SB277 Recalls - Video of School District Going Door to Door to Vaccinate Kids
Published on May 22, 2015
Medical Battery
Authored by Ken LaMance, LegalMatch Law Library Managing Editor and Attorney at Law
What Is "Medical Battery"?
Medical battery is the intentional violation of a patient’s right to direct their own medical treatments. Doctors must obtain a patient’s informed consent when rendering non-emergency treatment. If medical treatment is performed without the patient’s consent or against their will, the patient may have a claim for medical battery, even if the doctor did not intend to cause any harm.
In a medical battery claim, there is generally no need to prove injury or negligence. However, as in all battery cases, it is necessary to prove that the medical personnel engaged in unauthorized touching, contact or handling of the victim.
The main point of dispute in most medical battery claims is whether the patient agreed to the treatment or whether they refused it. The patient may refuse treatment directly, through advanced directives, or by way of a health care proxy. Most states have laws governing medical battery, though they may vary by jurisdiction.
What Are the Legal Consequences of Medical Battery?
Although it is not necessary to prove actual injury in a medical battery case, the victim does need to prove some damage that resulted from the unauthorized medical procedures. Therefore the legal consequences of medical battery usually involve compensation for the victim’s losses. The amount of recovery available for the victim may sometimes be limited according to statute.
Medical battery is not the same as medical malpractice, which has to do with negligent acts performed by medical personnel. However, a single incident may involve both medical battery and medical malpractice. If this is the case, the court will thoroughly analyze all relevant factors when calculating a damages award.
Additionally, medical battery may lead to criminal punishments if the defendant acted with criminal intent. Although it is somewhat rare, criminal punishments in connection with medical battery may involve such consequences as fines or jail time.
This is total evil madness and Brown including all the other twisted corporate officials who supported this insidious agenda hopefully will end up with a rope around their neck or locked away where they can no longer harm and murder children and families.
Gov. Jerry Brown is a known homosexual who frequented the Laguna Beach Gay bars in the 1980's. One of them was the "Little Shrimp". Probably his next exploitation will be to become like Caitlyn Jenner - (don't know that, just guessing) Anyway this guy
Brown is corrupt as hell and would do anything for money. You can bet he's being paid off by the big pharmaceutical companies (to keep living his extravagant lifestyle) and he doesn't give a s#*t about Californians and their children, and you Californians better realize that he is WITH the depopulation agenda. So if you allow this SOB and other SOBs in the medical (depopulation) field to give your teen 68 vaccines, then YOU will be responsible for most possibly killing your teen, or maiming him or her for life. Do you think "they" (the state) is going to pay for all of the therapy and constant care that you will have to give your maimed crippled kid the rest of their life? (good luck with that) You Californians better get something going Fast and Now to Stop this travesty of murder to your children, and your kids better refuse to allow this. F the public satanist school system, you don't need their free lunches and their new world order-transhumanism , satanist, pedophile, gay brainwashing. YOU PEOPLE BETTER GET SOME BALLS< THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!
Maybe if you want a campaign on this to get it removed then the protest could be; Does Obamacare accept treatment based on any medical impairments that came about due to vaccines taken per a mandatory law, or is there absolute proof that vaccines never cause harm?
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