and CEO of HIAS, Mark Hetfield, pulls down a salary and related income
package of about $300,000 a year to save Muslim refugees among others.
I’m speaking specifically here of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), one of the groups mentioned in this editorial in the Jewish Voice entitled: HIAS & ADL Spend Jewish $$ to Bring Muslims to the US?
Regular readers know that HIAS is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors colonizing and changing your towns and cities.
We also learned last December that HIAS has dropped the word “Hebrew” from its name! Go figure!
From the Jewish Voice (emphasis is mine):
It’s almost too embarrassing
to tell the story about the Jewish organization, Hebrew Immigrant Aid
Society (HIAS) and its new job of resettling Syrian/Muslim refugees into
this country. And how many of us have ever heard of the
umbrella group of this endeavor, calling itself the Jewish Coalition for
Syrian Refugees in Jordan which includes under its umbrella, other such
name brand charities as: ADL, the AJC, JCPA, Jewish Federations of
North America, to name but just a few?
Before we dig deeper into this
lunacy, just how many Jews are there to be resettled from the nations
of Syria and Jordan? How many fingers do you have on your left hand? So,
without being geniuses, we conclude that the “refugees” being aided and
abetted to immigrate to this country are…Muslims.*** And
major American Jewish charities are stumbling over themselves to be the
rescuers of these Jew haters. And Jew haters they are.
We hear no words of love for Jews emanating from any major figure or
leader from among the Muslim controlled lands in that area of the world.
In addition, we must ask, “How are these people being screened to rule
out terrorists being welcomed to this country?” If our southern border
security is any indication of our ability to weed out undesirables, we
are in big trouble.
So to all of the Jewish groups
scampering to save the lives of Jew hating Muslims, please come to your
senses and do what such groups back in the 1930’s failed to do.
And that is to concentrate on using your good offices, power, clout and
Jewish funding to focus on the needs of the Jewish populations that
need assistance. And do so before it’s too late!
There is much more, read it all by clicking here.*** The vast majority of refugees being resettled from Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria are Muslims. We have reported on those numbers many times on these pages, but I have no time this morning to find those posts.
Before I get a bunch of anti-Semitic comments, just a reminder that the Catholic Bishops, Lutherans, Episcopalians, some mainline Protestant churches and some Evangelicals are also taking cold, hard cash (your cash!) to resettle Muslims in America too! I have never heard of one of them saying—we want to save the Christians and Jews FIRST!
Photo: You can check my numbers on HIAS by going to a recent Form990, here. They received (in rounded numbers) income of $26 million and $16 million of that came from government grants (you). They have 5 other employees in the 6-figure salary range.
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