Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Why the LA Times stopped carrying cartoonist, Diaz

This is priceless, but, unfortunately, is true.

Why the LA Times Stopped Carrying Cartoonist Diaz

The cartoonist Dixon Diaz can say more in a few little squares than the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal & the Kansas City RED Star can combined . . .


Anonymous said...

Kudos D. Diaz! A brilliant individual par excellence. A label of sheeple shall not be hung around a most astute,alert, discerning mind. Bravo!

Unknown said...

We Luv U, Dixon

Richard Sutherland said...


Dixon Diaz said...

I'm Dixon Diaz and you can follow my Boombox cartoons on Facebook:

and my other cartoon on my facebook page, "The Snarky Conservative With Dixon Diaz."