Friday, September 25, 2015

The evidence is irrefutable....Time to arrest?

The Evidence is Irrefutable

 Time to Arrest?

Voila_Capture 2015-06-23_02-45-15_PM

I believe this will help clear up any misunderstandings as to who is running your show. I have located fourteen counties and cities that are using this method in Georgia but I’m certain this will be the case in ALL counties in one form or another. The people elect them, the attorneys hijack them and business continues unabated. If you think that’s bad, you should see what we’ve uncovered about the state judiciary, the courts, the State itself and your good friends the Attorneys. They will have regionalization and the complete dismantling of any Republican form of government. If this video doesn’t convince you its already here then may God have mercy on your intellectually challenged soul.
I give you the enemy within. Will you now come with me as we begin the process of arresting all those fraudulent criminals? I will be happy to lead the charge should no one be brave enough to volunteer but I’m sick and tired of watching Americans find every excuse they can muster up to avoid being put in harm’s way.
Fight for what’s right or enjoy your flight. All will be remembered for which side they now choose. Corporate slave handlers or American Patriots.
The choice has now been made simple,
carl alfred :Swensson
Exposed- Update
0:00 / 7:12

Here is where this is going – its called Regionalism.  Several county administrations are merged and the elected officials are eliminated.  From that point forward, corporate officers, appointed by the governor (franchise manager)  make all decisions and any direct input from the people is eliminated…
TAXATION without representation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy is telling the truth. This is what "they" have planned for the people. To use these iris scans on "everybody" to keep them "contained" to "their" area. Men - Women it's time to gather together with plans on how to proceed to keep this stuff from happening. For the people who decide to do nothing - don't care - their will be weeping and gnashing of teeth because of the hell they've allowed to come upon this country.