Thursday, March 29, 2012

Depleted Uranium Contaminat​ion - A Crime against Humanity

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Depleted Uranium Contaminat​ion - A Crime against Humanity
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Thursday, 29-Mar-2012 09:05:54

Dear RM Agents and Readers,
Please follow through to the end of the article as well as the
references as many articles are telling as much at the end as the beginning in these 'times'.
Many Blessings,
Depleted Uranium Contamination: A Crime against Humanity
By Dr. Arun Shrivastava
Global Research, March 26, 2012
URL of this article:
This article is part of a longer essay on Depleted Uranium weapons, nuclear reactors and their environmental health impacts.
In this article the long term consequences of radiation contamination from unilateral aggression of the US and NATO countries on South and West Asia are discussed. Afpak region is being bombed daily and the cold blooded murder of nine kids out of the seventeen killed is just a small blip when billions are done in.
The world needs a public trial of political leaders for war crimes and genocide.
Depleted Uranium or DU [1] encased bombs that have been used since 1991 by US and NATO forces knowing well that the use of DU weapons is illegal being weapons of mass destruction [WMD] and amounts to War Crimes. These weapons were used in Gulf War 1 against Iraq, then in the Balkans and later, after 9/11 events, in Afghanistan, Iraq, North Africa, Libya and now being used in Drone bombings in Pakistan.
“When 20 years ago I stated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro that a species was in danger of extinction, I had fewer reasons than today for warning about a danger that I was seeing perhaps 100 years away.” Fidel Castro Ruz - March 21, 2012
Area Deniability Weapon
‘Depleted Uranium’ has nothing depleted about it: when this potent hard metal hits a solid surface like concrete or a battle tank, the temperature at the point of impact reaches over 40000C and turns the projectile into uranium oxide gas. These gases are picked up by the wind and carried all over the world creating vast areas of secondary contamination. Based on the population within the contamination map [Map 1], over 35% of India’s population received a heavy dosing of DU aerosolized uranium nano particles within months of the start of Afghan and Iraq wars. [2]
The total estimated population within the two circles is nearly a billion. [3] ‘The capitals of 19 countries are within 1000 mile radius and include New Delhi (621 miles), Islamabad (232), Bishkek (651), Beirut (515), Cairo (806), Ankara (785), Jerusalem (546), Damascus (468), Kuwait City (347), Nicosia (643), Teheran (429), Abu Dhabi (856), Amman (503), Riyadh (615), Ashgabat (645) and so on.’ [3] Countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Iraq, and some Central Asian States do not even have well established, dependable cancer screening facilities, let alone determining whether the illness is due to depleted uranium contamination or careless handling of toxic pesticides in the farms as was fobbed off by a very ‘respectable’ Indian environmental group. If you think that the population of contaminated regions has gone up, think again; it may have dropped significantly and not even India conducts honest Census operation. Asia, Europe and North Africa are slowly becoming sterile; the only virile bastards are those very leaders who screw 4 or 5 year old boys and girls, white boys and girls, often kidnapped by their own police. [4]
The total land area of earth is about 57.3 million square mile, which implies that roughly 8% of total land area is now contaminated. Add another 6-8% of the landmass within 1000 mile radius of Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya, and Sudan and you can guess that the entire West, Central and South Asia, half of Northern Africa and almost entire Europe is contaminated with DU aerosolized nano particles. While the spineless idiots in bureaucracy, foreign services, and the army worldwide are merrily radioactive, those “dumb stupid” soldiers from US and NATO forces are dying. Even the Indian armed forces are using these lethal weapons and they won’t even know why they died in peacetime. According to one report DU weapons have been sold to 27 countries and India is one of them.
According to Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat:
“The long-term effects from over a decade of DU exposures are emerging in Southern Iraq. They are devastating. The increased quantities of radio-active material (including non-depleted uranium), used in Afghanistan are 3 to 5 times greater than Iraq 1991. In Iraq 2003 they are already estimated to be 6 to 10 times 1991 and will travel through a larger area and affect many more people, babies and unborn. Countries within a 1000 mile radius of Baghdad and Kabul are being affected by radiation poisoning that includes the Capital, New Delhi, where the ruling elite lives... If we think cancer is a problem now wait until more DU is released in wars against terror and for ‘regime change’, on ‘mistaken’ Intelligence reports.” [5]
The Wind Carries these Deadly Particles and Gas
Each time southwesterly air currents rise up over North Africa and West Asia, they pick up radioactive nano particles and blow right across India. These winds also blow across the Himalayas where these particles are rained out or snowed out. These particles are carried by the perennial Himalayan Rivers irrigate the agriculture lands that feed 1.6 billion Asians. I know these parts.
“Nine days after the start of the American president's 2003 ‘shock and awe’ uranium bombing campaign in Baghdad, an invisible radioactive uranium oxide gas cloud swept through Britain's towns and countryside and throughout Europe.” Scientists like Dr. Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan, shocked Europe in a Sunday Times of London article on Feb. 19, 2006 that Aldermaston radiation monitoring centre which Dr. Busby oversaw, had shown high level of radiation. By tracking airflow pattern from West Asia to Europe during the time period, they came to a conclusion that the radiation level was high from the bombing raids over Iraq. [6]
Bob Nichols says, “The deadly uranium oxide gas measured about 48,000 radioactive particles per square meter. The average radioactive dose, according to official government index based calculations, was about 23 million radioactive particles for the average adult male in Britain and Europe.” That is sufficient dosing to turn the entire population sterile. [7] Just one nice and juicy ‘government defined depleted uranium’ is lethal enough.
In so far as India, South Asia, and the Himalayas are concerned, the airflow patterns from West Asia are regularly reported in major national dailies. What they don’t report is that these air currents carry depleted uranium particles at low, medium, and high altitude, from West Asia, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan across India, the Himalayas into China. This typical airflow pattern continues across Asia, and is carried around the world mixing with the global atmosphere within weeks. Further evidence comes from scientists [who have expressly forbidden me to disclose their name and place of work] who have tracked abnormal air current movements from the Gulf to Delhi, sometimes under “bone-dry” conditions. In Image 3, I have given the normal cloud movement from the same source. In Image 4, one can clearly see that while there is no cloud cover and there was a strong surface wind towards the mid-Arabian Sea, the streak was found moving towards Delhi. The same scientist further notes that the time for such “incursions” is normally between 6PM and 6AM.
So, the question is: what is going on? Meteorological experts suspect that some entities are regularly attempting to modify South Asian weather pattern. These have been tracked during Monsoon months too and these scientists say that ‘someone there is trying to inflict untimely weather change over the Indian peninsula.’ [8]
It actually means that someone is artificially directing air currents from West Asia to pass over Northern India, particularly Delhi. It is also well known that weather modification technologies have been in existence for many decades and one is known as HAARP. [9]
The Equation
Uranium isotope U238 is a natural substance and all life forms have trace amounts from ingesting food and water. Another isotope of uranium U235 is also naturally occurring substance. The ratio of naturally occurring U238 to U235 is 137.88. Human body can cope with this ratio. However, the use of depleted uranium, the primary waste product of the uranium enrichment process, in weapons upsets this ratio. Enriched and depleted uranium are both mutagenic materials; they attack DNA structure and alter it. Exposure to radiation from nuclear explosions and to the subsequent dust cloud is serious enough. The insidious aspect of the nano-particles of U235 dust is that they are very easily ingested, and being so tiny, they find their way into individual cells in the body, wreaking havoc from their constant radiation, and as a highly toxic heavy metal.
It means that the use of depleted uranium weapons can compromise the future quality of human population and all life forms. Responsible scientists had warned that DU weapons are WMD and must not be used. Yet DU weapons are being extensively used in Afghanistan particularly in the eastern parts, including the heavily populated Kabul and Jalalabad. Studies conducted by Uranium Medical Research Centre (UMRC) showed a ratio of 237 times in returning Gulf War I British soldiers, which ‘indicated the presence of 30-50% of DU mixed with natural uranium.’ [10]
During 2002 the UMRC research team conducted a series of field tests in Afghanistan. In Jalalabad it found concentrations of 400 to 2000% above normal level. At Nangarhar, the concentration was 100 to 400 times; every person donating urine sample was contaminated. Doug Westerman met the research team and this is what he reports: ‘In Afghanistan, unlike Iraq, UMRC lab results indicated high concentrations of NON-DEPLETED URANIUM, with the concentrations being much higher than in DU victims from Iraq. Afghanistan was used as a testing ground for a new generation of "bunker buster" bombs containing high concentrations of other uranium alloys.’ [11]
Discussions and email exchanges with UMRC team clearly showed that they were shocked by the public health impact of the use of these weapons. Dr Miraki says that every bombsite that he has visited and investigated, he finds that people are ill. The civilian population presents symptoms consistent with internal contamination by uranium." “Asaf Durakovic, UMRC’s president and a former US army adviser, believes that exposure to DU weapons may have brought a rise in birth defects as well as “symptoms of muscular-skeletal pains, immune system disorders, lung disease, and eventually cancer. “ It is an excellent way to kill a large number of people without gas chamber. And Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and Delhi are all in that juicy soup.
The Punjab Conundrum
The uranium contamination in Punjab confirms what has been well known around the world. Tests on children’s hair showed high level of uranium but lower than some tested in Himachal Pradesh. Elements like copper, chromium, zinc, lead, mercury, and uranium and poisons such as arsenic, show up in the hair. The important thing in the Punjab case is that Dr Carin Smit, a South African toxicologist associated with ‘Defeat Autism Now’ [DAN][and autism in children is directly related to the mercury poisoning from enforced vaccinations of poor households] found uranium in hair but the Punjab Government said that it is Central Government’s problem!! DAN has a solid reputation for in-depth study; the Punjab Government has a reputation for being one of the most corrupt and inhuman. [12]
Toxic elements don’t just appear in children’s hair because it is “Central Government’s” problem. These bastards should know that it their problems too; their own fucked up lives are highly radioactive.
I conclude this essay by warning the people around the world that (a) the US and NATO forces have indiscriminately used DU bombs and bullets and often DU mixed with enriched uranium [U235 and U234] and they continue to use these weapons in all war zones, and (b) the Pentagon is planning to use GBU-57A/B which is also known as Massive Ordnance Penetrator or MOP designed to penetrate 60 meters of concrete. It is for this reason that I had republished my 2006 paper in which I had warned that nuking Iran could kill millions across South Asia, in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. [13]
I again quote Fidel Castro Ruz, “the United States is about to commit and lead the world towards the greatest mistake in its history.
[1] “Depleted uranium (DU) is a man-made, radioactive, heavy metal derived from uranium ore. Naturally occurring uranium ore (rock in which the uranium concentration is approximately 1,000 or more parts per million) is mined and processed to yield a much more concentrated substance, one that is virtually pure uranium. Natural uranium exists in three isotopic forms and contains 99.274% U238, 0.72% U235, and 0.0057% U234 by weight. DU, a by-product of uranium enrichment, has an isotopic content of 99.75% U238, 0.25% U235, and 0.005% U234. As part of the effort to secure fissile uranium, many thousand tons of DU have been generated.” Since DU is 1.7 times denser than lead, it penetrates hard surfaces. [The authors] “reviewed toxicological data on both natural and depleted uranium. We included peer reviewed studies and gray literature on birth malformations due to natural and depleted uranium. Our approach was to assess the "weight of evidence" with respect to teratogenicity of depleted uranium.” The authors conclude that “animal studies firmly support the possibility that DU is a teratogen. While the detailed pathways by which environmental DU can be internalized and reach reproductive cells are not yet fully elucidated, again, the evidence supports plausibility. To date, human epidemiological data include case examples, disease registry records, a case-control study and prospective longitudinal studies.”
See also: and
[2] The term ‘Area deniability weapons’ was coined by John McCarthy who is Vietnam veteran and who now spends much of his time to expose the fraudsters who run the US Government from Washington DC. While illegal wars were unilaterally declared by the US under mentally challenged Baby Bush guided by that scoundrel Tony Blair, our spineless leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee wanted to be a party to this mayhem. And later Manmohan Singh continued to promise billion dollar businesses to the paedophiliac western leaders. Manmohan smiles only in their company; for Indians he has pasted a scowl across his non-existent mouth.
[4] Peter Eyre; ‘
Hollie Greig: UK Paedophilia runs rife in very high places’; 19 February, 2012
See also: Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain’s War Machine, here:
Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, Former Chief of the Naval Staff, India; 29 Feb 2004;
[6] Busby C, Morgan S; ‘
Did the use of Uranium weapons in Gulf War 2 result in contamination of Europe?’; Occasional paper 2006/1, Aberystwyth; January 2006. In this paper Dr Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan explain that based on evidences from the measurements of the atomic weapons establishment, there is cause for serious concern that Europe was in fact contaminated.
[7] Bob Nichols; ‘Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe;’
March 18, 2006
[8] Please note that all weather stations in every country are Government owned/controlled. Very few scientists have the freedom to truthfully state their findings or even publicly discuss the issues. It took me over two years to get to a scientist who would reveal these satellite images and discuss his/her findings. However, if anyone has unraveled similar anomalies please feel free to write to me and the matter shall remain confidential. If anyone thinks that these interpretations are bogus, also feel free to write your comments to the Editor.
[9] If readers wish to know about HAARP [High-frequency Active Aural Research Program] just Google the acronym. One good site is:
[10] Patricia Horan & Asaf Durakovic; ‘The search for depleted uranium in biological & environmental samples’; May 31, 2001; abstract; the abstract can be accessed at
[11]Doug Westerman; Depleted Uranium Dust - Public Health Disaster For The People Of Iraq and Afghanistan; Global Research; May 3, 2006
[12] Asit Jolly; ‘Punjab disability uranium link;'
BBC News, Chandigarh;
The Punjab Government knows that DU contamination is going on. The Indian armed forces and their top generals also know this. The Government of India also knows this. The people should know that their lives are at stake and they should seek to try these elected criminals for collusion with war criminals.
13] Shrivastava, Arun: ‘The Planned democide by American and European leaders’ 

Recent UFO footage over LAS VEGAS (Video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Recent UFO footage over LAS VEGAS (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 29-Mar-2012 03:47:47

Recent UFO footage over LAS VEGAS BLVD - YouTube
Watch the WHOLE video! It gets really crazy at the 2:30-3:00 minute mark! At 2:58 you'll see an AMAZING pattern! In the first 1:30 I EASILY DEBUNK ALL THE BIRD/BAT THEORIST!
At a bare minimum watch the two video links found below. They are EXACTLY like the orbs in my video. And be mindful of the constant TRIANGLES and other shapes that are formed. THESE ARE NOT BIRDS! Period... point... BLANK! BIRDS FLY! They do not HOVER! They do not BLINK! Nor do they spawn from each other creating NEW BIRDS! Watch the LINKS before you run your mouth about how this isn't real! Your ass has been warned....

Phoenix Call - World is dumping the dollar tomorrow

You Better listen to the Phoenix call tonight. Its coming down. We are fixing to have a one world currency.
All the Brick Countries are fixing to dump the dollar tomorrow.
The agreement is being signed tomorrow by the bricks

This is really Big People and it means the end of the Dollar and the USA as we have known it. Think about it, nothing is made here any longer. We depend on China for just about everything. We are nothing more than a service economy, dependent on other countries to provide us with all our toys. The Revaluation of currencies will occur after the agreement is signed. The good news is this could happen very fast.                                                  CLICK ON........                                                              

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Mar-2012 21:17:58

DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets' expectations.
[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]
Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.
In my full-length e-book entitled Financial Tyranny, I shared everything I have gathered on this controversial subject -- since I first found out about it in 1992.
If you have already read Financial Tyranny, the full scope of the problem we now face will be much more apparent as you enter into this investigation. Some of it will become clear as you read this first section.
This is the sequel to Financial Tyranny -- where we talk about the "good side".
Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been "vetted out" for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur.
A highly secretive, highly coordinated operation -- working for the good of humanity -- is about to make its move.
The Pentagon "good guys" are now in full political and logistical cooperation with a remarkable 134-nation alliance -- to bring the perpetrators to justice and free our planet.
The security around this enormous operation has been vast. Even those who will be affected by it -- and arrested -- have no idea of the staggering scope of what is about to be revealed before the eyes of the public.
Very recently I had four hours of verbal discussion with a new, public, high-level whistleblower regarding these imminent mass arrests.
We are set to record an interview at 6PM Pacific time for public release on this website -- within hours of when this first section should be posted. I will post-produce and release this interview as soon as possible.
I fully confirmed this man's bonafides and his testimony with one of my top insiders, who I brought into the discussion.
Dozens of specific points, not available in any public form, were authenticated in this vetting-out process.
Read more:

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 28, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 28, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Mar-2012 20:46:16
Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - March 28, 2012


We would like to revise history here, and that is the purpose of our mission. There were events in your past that saw the destruction of an entire continent and millions of lives lost in this catastrophe. It is our intention to replay this event, but this time we wish to achieve a different outcome. This is the basis for our presence here in you world, and as we move forward more of what we intend to do will be revealed to you. As more information is shared with you, you will understand better your reasons for being here as well.
Many lives were lost when your planet experienced great seismic activity and your oceans became mountains of water rushing over continents. What we intend to do is prepare your planet and your people for these events this time, and spare as many lives as possible from these consequences. We have a plan, and we have greatly advanced technologies than what you possess today here in your world and we will share these technologies with you to better prepare you at this time for this seismic activity which again will result in rising sea levels. There is no reason to panic or be fearful. Instead, this is a time to remain balanced, calm and courageous, as together we will work to prepare your world for these eventualities. In time, we will disclose our plans for your people and give everyone an opportunity to prepare themselves for these seismic events. Everyone, with no exceptions, will be given the opportunity to relocate to what we refer to as safe zones.
These safe zones will be scattered around your planet and they will be accessible through technological means that we will reveal to you at the proper time. Once within these safe zones you will be safe from harm's way as your planet restructures herself for her new beginning as a 5th dimensional world. When these events culminate and your planet rises in her frequency, you will be free to leave these safe zones and behold your new home within the higher realms. There will be plenty of notice and time given each of you to relocate to these safe zones, and there will be proper housing facilities available to all of you which will be provided through the advanced technologies that we have come here to share with you. These areas will be safe harbors for you and your family, and no harm will come to you as long as you remain within these boundaries during these seismic upheavals.
Great care has gone into the planning for these events, and again we wish you to understand there is nothing to fear and we do not wish to create a panic. We feel the time has come for you to begin to understand better the events of your year of 2012 and why we are here. You, our Lightworkers in the field, will be called upon to do your best to maintain the calm of your brothers and sisters. This is one of the more important reasons you are here incarnated within the human vessel at this time. As the beings you are, you will be able to remain calm, and we wish for you to act as Wayshowers to lead your fellow humans and to demonstrate for them that there is no reason to panic or fear these events.
These events are necessary on several different levels and they must transpire. There is no choice in that matter, but how you as an individual and you as a people live through these events is a matter of choice, and we are here to offer you one of those choices. We offer you the opportunity to triumph over these events by coming together as one without fear, without panic, and courageously face these changing times knowing that what awaits you on the other side is glorious and the new beginning that so many of you understand is necessary for your race and civilization.
We wish you to understand that events like these do happen from time to time throughout this universe due to many different contributing factors. The factors that are the cause of this event to come have been contributed to by the damage that has been done to this planet in the name of profit and greed. Your planet has been harmed in ways that can only be repaired by breaking out of her current 3rd dimensional shell and being birthed anew like the morning sun. This will happen within this calendar year of 2012, and we wish to have the relocation programs completed before these seismic events begin to grow powerful enough to cause widespread damage and flooding.
Looking at our timeline we would say that we would like to have your populations relocated to the safe zones by fall of this year. This will give us time to introduce ourselves to your people and build an adequate trust between ourselves before the initiation of these relocation programs, and we will make announcements through your media outlets once they are freed from the control of your dark Cabal. These announcements and explanations of these geophysical events will be broadcast repeatedly for months until we are satisfied that everyone around your planet has received adequate notification. We, of course, have alternative means to reach individuals without access to popular media, and we will see to it that everyone around your planet has access to this information in one way or another.
For now we ask you, our Lightworkers, to discuss with your family and friends your understanding of these events to come. We wish you to do this without causing any panic and to do your best to explain these events without causing them to fear them in any way. We understand that this will not be possible with all the individuals you speak to about this, and we ask you to do your best to calm their fears and assure them that there is an evacuation plan and there are dedicated teams of very large numbers who are highly trained and very capable to carry out these migrations that will ensure the safety of everyone willing to participate. We foresee there will be those who refuse our help, and we must honor their free will choice to experience these events the way they wish to. We cannot and will not force anyone to relocate from wherever they are. We can only offer our assistance, our advice, our expertise and our help. This is all we can do, and we will not do anymore.
There will be those who see these events and our plans to relocate you to safe zones as some kind of trickery or deception in some way. There will be debates among you about whether to trust us or not, and we say to you to rely on your intuition and your inner guidance and follow where this inner voice leads you. Whether this voice leads you to the safe zones, or this inner voice convinces you that this is all part of some evil plot, we will honor your decisions. These will be challenging times for you, we wish to make that clear, but we also wish you to know that we see this as a wonderful opportunity for all of the people of your world to come together in support of each other, in assistance to each other and in love for each other, and triumph over these adversities. What awaits you beyond these challenges will be a glorious new beginning for you, and you will emerge into your new home together as one.
We wish to say that we see these events as humanity's shining moment, and we have confidence that you will triumph over any challenge set before you. You have all gone through so much through your many incarnations, and we see these events as one last challenge for you to conquer before the blessings of Heaven are bestowed upon you. We are here to assist you, and together there is no challenge that can defeat us. Fear is your biggest obstacle now, and only fear can stand in the way of you and your new world. We have shared with you how we felt fear would play such a large role in the coming days, and it is here that fear will present its greatest challenge for many of you. It is your task to overcome any fear you may have, and it is your mission to help others overcome fears that they may succumb to.
Many of you have trained extensively over many lifetimes to be of service in these challenging times, and you will be called to the forefront to put all your training and your gifts to use in service to your brothers and sisters of your world. We ask you to be there for others and be a pillar of strength and calm reassurance through these challenging times. We will begin our announcements in the days ahead and it is here upon these initial announcements that fear will present its greatest challenge for many of your world, and so it is here that we ask you to rise to the occasion and do what it is you do best.
We see these events and how you will triumph over them as the guiding light that will shine upon your new world. This event will be eternalized within your history books, your artwork and your song for eons of time to come, and all future humanity will learn of the birthing of your new Earth and of the men and women who came together and made it all possible. This will be the story of the creation of your new world, and each of you will play a starring role in your saga.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles

G. Thomas Gulick Update 3-28-12 Addendum

In time, the thought of losing the Internet and finding links no longer open seems that can happen.
Just maybe, I best give you this oldie to watch. But be sure to have a pen and pad for notes.

EndGame HQ full length version - is a little over 2 hours.
Much of what was to come is now history. Jim Tucker is the expert on The Bilderberg Group/Project.

I have included an attachment just completed on the contributions of Henning Kemner. His work
took us to Dutch Since and now I am learning about another like-minded relationship within
Henning's lifestyle.

I understand Henning's life has been turned up-side down. Lost his home and the
Enemy Within had the house completely destroyed. What appears to be a D-8
Bulldozer did the job. He has really paid the price to be a truth-teller.

Time is not on our side. The Enemy Within is truly losing their grip on a One World Order. California is
my watch and see at this moment. The Progressive Community is a project in process. Not for me!

Again, our 'wonder boy', Dutch Since, brings the following.

Want to know about Chemtrails, HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification? Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go!

In closing, you just might want to toss something at me. If you take all of this in, you will spend perhaps 5 to 6 hours writing and making notes. But
the level of interest is your decision. I finished most of this in 5 hours.  Still I did not take in all the e-readers comments. Did I learn what to expect? Yes!
Do I think we will survive? No! Most of us will end up at zero but will go to success again! I still plan-act-dream-believe in the NexBoom ahead! Have to go.

This is great for the evening reading and discerning times. Many of you were not around in 2009 in our e-teaching sessions. Good to grasp the history
along your pathway to discovery.

G. Gulick
How Money Works - Since 1970



Parallels of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Hussein Obama:

1.       Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible.

2.       Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois.

3.       Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.

4.       Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had  very little experience before becoming President.

5.       Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.  Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his  inauguration.

6.       Lincoln was a skinny lawyer. Obama is a skinny lawyer.

7.       Lincoln was a  Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.

8.       Lincoln was in the United States military.  Obama is a skinny lawyer.

9.       Lincoln believed in everyone carrying their own weight. Obama is a skinny  lawyer.

10.      Lincoln did not waste taxpayers' money on personal enjoyments. Obama is a  skinny lawyer.

11.      Lincoln was highly respected. Obama is a skinny lawyer.

12.      Lincoln was born in the United States.  Obama is a skinny lawyer.

13.      Lincoln was honest, so honest he was called Honest Abe. Obama is a skinny  lawyer

14.      Lincoln saved the United States. Obama is a skinny lawyer.

Amazing parallels, aren't they?

New Patriotic Song --- Enjoy and be thankful!

In God We Trust

Because of the Brave

Enjoy this  new song!   And Pass it on to all your Friends ! Stirs your heart strings!


God Bless America
Home of the Free
Because of the Brave

Dinar PTR Call In Print 3-28-12

DAN: Incredible day as far as mornings go! I dont think we've ever had a day w so much perspective n talking possibilities n scenarios as today. I believe it's that way cuz its extremely close. Could happen at any second. AND we're entering the Summit movement - they're now starting things. They're doing things now that they're supposed to do. Hopefully in the midst of this all we r going to hear the announcement we've been waiting for. In the middle of the Summit? At the start of the Summit? As they're doing things in the Summit? IDK. What we're hearing around the globe is that basically things cant go much further cuz its already been announced in places. Rembr, I'm repeating what other ppl r telling us!

D: Do I believe it's today? I believe it's very very close. But, today from alot of higher up places here's whats goin on. We've been asked not to discribe what they're saying. Watch the times. Watch the clocks. Listen to the news. Watch whats happening. Forget whats in print n watch the things that r goin on. U might be able to figure out this timeline. Cuz its right here.

D: It's immentently possible for anyday. It's possible for today.

Tony: its gona be a great day! We didnt give u guys as much info as we could have yesterday. Its good cuz u would have been disappointed today cuz it didnt happen last night. Lots of depressed ppl yesterday. U have good reason to be cuz it shoulda been over. Putting all that aside...I'm gona tell u that it is over. Thurs not here yet. It IS over. In fact, there r gona b some announcements. They'll b happy n they'll b excited today too. 
D: This is a TNT statement. Not a PTR statement!

T: Yeah...TNT!

D: Altho, I agree, I still hafta do that!

T: Really guys, there r some things suppose to take place this eve that I am hearing about between 3-5. I'm not sure if its what we're looking for but alot of ppl seem to think it could be. Here's what I will tell ya... I firmly believe that u'll hear on Thurs that Iraq has been removed from Chpt 7. U r gona hear that. Everythings been resolved n they've been removed. Could they release them from Chpt 7 w out us seein the RV? I can tell u this right now. I actually got a call during the call they said "Yes and u will." U may hear about Chpt 7 on Thurs but not heard about RV yet. Not HEARD just that u havent heard.

***Rapid fire info- my fingers cannnot keep up guys!

T: cuz it didnt happen last week prior to the Summit, they will not create mass confusion during the Summit. Mskes sense. Streets blocked off, traffic being redirected, ppl being searched, n today their communication has been cut off in Baghdad. Mark can call Kurdistan but cannot call into Baghdad. Phones r not working. All comm has been cut off. That's no secret. Anyone tryin to call in will know that. Mark was outside of Baghdad so I called him on Skype. While talking w Mark, his Iraqi guy came in n said "all Iraqi's will have money in 2 days!" They're all happy n excited! This is a great week. These type of things r happening. A guy out of Kuwait, a political guy, says u will see this by Fri morning. Our Friday.

D: Oh man! Did u just start a mess!

(((Joking around now between D n T!)))

D: Seriously we r hearing these things n keep them to ourselves cuz cant validate them, but we r getting validation from strange places today. We're not saying its for sure today. Tony, ur not calling it b4 Fri r u?

T: No, I'm not. I'm saying something is goin to happen today from what I heard. Something this afternoon n ur gona see some things, but I dont know if its gona be. I hope all 3 of the ppl that told me Fri r wrong! I hope it's today! If its not, I can live w Fri myself!

D: We r repeating, believing n buying into what we're hearing. But when it doesnt happen, what does that mean? The sources were bad? If we tell u what we're hearing n our ppl r wrong, isnt that what this has been since the beginning? We're hearing these things from very very high places. Shouldnt we b able to tell them that? Our answer is usually "not yet." Now we have alot of serious ppl sayin serious things. My Q? is "is it real?" "Is it real this time?" I hope so. It looks good, but I still hafta check.

T: It's coming from everywhere tho! Simple- if u see Chpt 7 removed on Thurs, guess whats gona happen on Fri?! Thats real simple. So, we'll see!

T: Gary has some really good info tho....

D: He hung up!

T: U guys, I'm having a great day if u cant tell! Lotsa good info today!

D: Gary DID leave!

G: No! I'm right here. I'm just goin, I dont know how I'm gona follow up! That's for sure! LOL!

D: U were gona give them the rate, cuz we already gave them the date!

G: The rate... hmmmm.... the rate....

D: We r jokin around here everybody...but we're also very serious. We're playin a lil bit w some incredibly good news n I dont want anyone to take this disrespectfully. We know that there r some serious things goin on. We're jokin now cuz we're goin "really?!" "can we believe this?!" This is kinda where we sit too. We r sitting where u guys r sitting too...

D: We're playin a lil w this great news...but there is serious info comin in.

Gary: All I know is the info is coming from good sources n as real as it gets. How accurate is this? There is a political dynamic here. Will it continue to move fwd as everyone is expecting? They're ready at the banks. Training complete. Ppl from overseas say it's done as far as they're concerned. They're very positive and they're very credible. Do we dare believe them THIS time?

G: The ol' Charlie Brown concept! Will we end up on our backs again? At this point there r alot of good reasons to.

G: Lookin at an article this AM. 2 different papers. Iraq is going to b restored to its financial n political power n everybody is goin to recognize it today. Can we read into this article? Yes we can. The ppl that showed me the article says that exactly what we can do. The restoration is coming n everyone is going to be aware of it. We wait, we watch, we're eager to see how this comes out, how it's goin to be reported to everybody.

G: Just as Tony, altho I didnt get a time, I am hearing between today n tomrrw that we will see alot of things happen. We r gona see alot of things happen. Does it mean the RV? I think it means we will evidences of it moving fwd dramatically. *sigh* Oh boy.


T: Tony has a time too!


G: Trying to put it into perspective cuz there's alot of positive things that we've heard before! It scares me...

D: We put so much horsepower to that, that u had to hit the gas peddle like 4 or 5 times!

D: It's true tho!

Dan needs to get to a Dr appt now... Tony n Gary doing Q&A without Dan!
Dan gives his tips to have in place! If this RVs, dont waste ur time going to Atlanta. Make an appt before u go. No matter who u r cashin out w. Be thinkin about Wealth Mgrs NOW. Whether they believe u or not, have u begun notifying ur banks now that something is about to come as far as ur accts? Say, I've invested in some financial securities, some currency exchanges, when they come to fruition, I want to alert the bank that I'm gona have some infux in the balance of my acct. How can I best do that so my money is not held up to the least amt of time? Or something of that order. Ask G n T about that, they know what I'm talking about....Have a great Weds everybody!

If he can, he will pop back into the call on the way thru the hills...

"I dont know" as the subject line for 5for10

The meat of the call is done, but here r the 5for10 Qs, beginning w the mods from the boards:

Q: Clarify the 2 tier payouts mentioned on the calll yesterday?

T: Really confusing.... We heard a rate that was so ridiculous that I hope its true. If so, paid out in portions so a payment for u given in portions. Heard there's another rate that there will not be a paymt plan but able to pay u out completely. Let's just wait n see what the rate is. I like the outrageous rate n it comes w a paymt plan n all the reasons behind it. Based on info 2day n last nite, it wont work that way... too much confusion. Wait n see what happens n then we'll discuss it.

Q: Have u heard anything about Shabs being on tv every half hour in Iraq saying the new rate is $3.17?

T: 2 days ago heard he was on tv Was announcing the RV, but there was no rate given via our guys in Iraq. Heard from other sources that it was $3.71. Alot of different info out there. On tv 4-5 hrs, not every half hour. Also Shabs saying currency is now international n some other things. Still waiting to see it tho.

Q: If this does not happen by the end of the Summit, what is the outside wall/date for RV?

T: April 10th.

Happy bday from the BSP chat to Tony!

(Happy bday from the free side too, Tony!)

Bday wishes again...from WA State! (Hello from RacerX to the WA peeps!) Also doesnt have any Qs but will pass along the 10K to the person who told her about the IQD.

T: Thank the person who got u into the IQD! Unfortunately for me, it was Dan!


T: Ur the 1st person who has said u r giving ur 10K to the person who got u in!

More nice chatter...

C: Keep the faith!

T: If it happens today, then great. If it doesnt, a good announcement will come tomrrw. Good things will happen Fri. If something goes wrong? I already told u the date to look for... April 10th. If u noticed, it was something I didnt hafta think about. It was something I already knew.

Bday wishes again to Tony n thanking the person who got him in...

What does Gary say the highest the IQD will be - iho?

G: It's all over the board! Heard everything from double digits ($23- n thats impossible) to $1. So confused from all thats out there. Sayin "u guys have got to be kidding me!" EVerybody has their justifications for the rate. At this point, I am comfy n happy around $3.50-4.50. But everyone is telling me I'm crazy. But that's where I'm sittin.

C: anything about 3 is gona be gravy

G: Kuwait will readjust, so when that moves everything will be moving around it... so we're just gona wait n watch.

Q: For those of us setting up TAG accts, who do we talk to? Mgrs tell him that ... (sorry, couldnt keep up w that part)

T: Ask Gary about the TAG and what else the bank will do for u!

G: Uhmmmm..... What's a TAG acct? Ur the one who has all the details about that Tony!

C: Transaction Guarantee Acct. Fully insured thru end of 2012...assets or asset-backed currency will keep the character if there's change to treas notes.

G: That's whats been told to us-trying to verify. Most banks do not have TAG accts just non-interest bearing. Some do have them-certified but an extension of the Dodd Frank. Then they need to get more info themselves. Very few banks will even talk about them. I believe the banks r just as confused. Trying to get an official answer to that. Nobody wants to go on record at this point. Big frustration as nobody will talk at this point. I'm reluctant to even say anythiing cuz we r not the experts. Must rely on the experts. I'm only telling u what we're told at this point. Needs verification.

C: Rumtel til verified.

G: Yep. Until we get the confirmation!

C: Let us know when u know!

C: Bday wishes to Tony...

Q: If can come out as high as $23, can they really afford to come out that high w so many investors?

T: Shabs said last yr that they could support $15-16. EVerybody is comfy w that. That was a yr ago. Still same now. Could come out low n run up high. Ppl r comfy w that. Reason $23, is cuz US was hit w a penalty n gona use that to pay back the oil. Scenario that goes w that... Not based on Iraq, but based on US. Sounds crazy to me! Even the pay out is crazy! It's so far out there I will be totally shocked. Believe me.

Q: Rumors that if ur Iraq u can purchase IQD n invest on ISX?

T: If ur over there, absolutely. If here, lotsa documents. Even tho 13303 says we can do anything Iraqi citizens can do (extended til May 2012) after that, we r outsiders investing. Is it the right thing to do? I'll tell u what I got this AM: Mark said today, there's been no attacks, no bombings, no insurgents, nice n quiet. Not in Baghdad, but peaceful there! Also heard today from 3 letter agency saying it is hell over there - oops sorry - pure chaos over there. All within 30 mins of each other! Keep that in mind if investing. I dont do long term investments myself, so I'm not the best person to ask if thats something good to do at this point (my paraphrase)

T: It's about us stimulating the economy. Many industries will be hurt cuz the professionals have lotsa IQD! Ppl will be quitting their jobs! Ppl will be moving up the rungs (bankers, lawyers etc) to replace those who retire on their billions. Jobs will be opening up. This will help create more jobs as well. (that was paraphrased as well)

C: Shout out to Rana!

Q: Heard it will not RV cuz getting ready for One World Currency in 2013. Is this the beginning of eliminating the middle class in the US.

T: It has the poss of doing that if we do not stimulate the economy. Makes tier 1 larger by us moving up w our IQD... This last year we r getting rid of the middle class cuz of losing all the jobs. Top tier is getting the billions. (answer was way longer)

Q: glitches in the system or waiting on Shabs or waiting for announcement of Chpt 7 release? Which is it? Does anyone know?

T: let me give u the scenario that I'm aware of... the rate is in the system n has been released by everyone n is awaiting the final word. Waiting for NSC mtg. delayed delayed delayed. Mtgs taking place. Every agency now signed off. Cant have chaos during the Summit now. Summit over on Thurs. Yes, even those dates r off - they r not correct! Blackout now cuz in the thick of it now. Major decisons being made by the countries now. Big thing is done n waiting. now working on little things. UST - system must be put in place so everyone doesnt run to the bank ASAP n have lines out the door.

T: somebody needs to ask Gary what the banks will be doing for us!

Q: Gary! What about the banks?!

G: waiting on a number of banks who r monitoring. Made the statement that they r aware that we r on top of it. They're waiting to open their doors. All entities involved in finance r waiting for this to happen. All the banks r waiting...w us... This is a plan in process. Mid-course corrections that happen, creates other problems. Waiting to see things, waiting for some calls...

Q: Pmt plan for higher rates?

T: part is cash up front then credit line. 6 mo restriction of the credit line. Complicated mess. Lets not all get confused on this.

C: Is that part of the US penalty?

T: yes it is. non-interest bearing... it is confusing... if it happens, I'll be here to explain it.


T: 10-18

T: I like what was said, u guy's skates work! Gary know how to talk right around (skate around) that one!

Lovejoy: Explain what the banks will do as far as cash out? WM (wealth mgr) only not others?

T: branches couldnt take a mil IQD. That high n up goes to WM. To help u. They really want to control ur money, control ur life. Not a bad thing, but choose this WM carefully! Let them know not to send out ur name to all his partners. He will be ur central person in ur life. They've recently hired a whole bunch of them. So...not too well versed in what they're doing. Make sure u interview them!

T: have a super fantastic day! We r looking for something this afternoon, if not, it's ok!

G: clarification regarding bank - we're not saying run to a bank or the bank will open the door tomorrw morn. It's looking good n they have a plan together to handle the process. No reason to jump ahead. It can happen at any time. We r waiting for confirmations. It's all still in the works.

T: If u go to the bank, every teller will not u/stand. They've been told for years its been a scam. Not everyone will know about the packages. So dont go in there getting mad n upset n cussing them out. It's not the way to go in as a multi-millionaire to set up an acct n getting established w that bank. Be professional n courteous. Patience. Dont be running over each other there either. Get ready to enjoy this!

Mods singin happy bday to Tony! (Scarey - LOL - I'm sure this was a good idea on paper!)

T: pls enjoy today. I seriously seriously believe this is our week! 3 ppl have confirmed Fri. 2 others r sayin something will happen this afternoon. Either way, we r where we want to be!

Call over!



February 19, 1945