Monday, February 14, 2011

White Knight Report 2-13-2011

<<< Sunday, February 13, 2011In The Year Of Our Lord ~ February 13th, 2011 Part 1 Continued ~ Contact2 Central Banks and the Federal Reserve and Leveling the Playing Field - Reported January 31, 2011

   The Federal Reserve has kept the United States Government in perpetual debt. And, by doing that, it keeps the government subservient and thus the people as slaves…, a chain of slaves and what the people are referring to as a “free society.” We are neither free, nor are we a “Republic.” The debt…, Look at the amount of money that you pay in taxes and that YOU pay in loans, and you’ll be surprised to find out that most of you are seeing 90-95% of your income go out the door. That’s ALL created by the Federal Reserve…, to keep us slaves through debt and taxes. So, if the government is debt free, and the people are debt free, you don’t have that control over them anymore. That has been the game that the Federal Reserve has played all along…, in order to print money, they basically issue ten times the face value of the money they print as in debt to the US government. And so it becomes an unending perpetual debt cycle, and there’s no way out of it until we take a currency and base it on metals. And so this transition we’re going from, a lot of people have talked about the debt forgiveness but it’s simple mathematics. If your dollar, your Federal Reserve note that you hold in your hand right now is based in debt, it has a negative value. Now the new currency will have a positive value because it’s based on something like gold and silver, or oil. And so when you add a negative one to a plus one …, the result is zero. So, there is no way to reconcile the debts from a negative ledger to a positive ledger, as this system has evolved over the last four hundred years. So…, we have to revalue ALL the currencies around the world and we revalue against commonly used, and commonly accepted values which are gold and silver and oil. And so the Federal Reserve doesn’t want that. They’re fighting that and the politicians that are fighting that are the ones behind the resistance to get this all done. So, it was the Chinese that circumvented all that through various methods and compromising through politicians to get it done. But, the end result here is that we’re going to a currency that backed by something, as apposed by a currency that’s backed by nothing, albeit a negative nothing…, which is debt. And that’s why this is so important. And this is how the federal reserve has existed for the last hundred years…, it’s perpetual debt. And that all ends now.

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Anonymous said...

Only your labor can replace money, that is the last value in this reality, when you own something it owns you, technology is already on the shelf to do all menial task, energy has never been a problem, everyone has been reduced to think they cant live without the elite, no need to go into dark ages over this, all people must realise that money has never existed ever, just your labor, food can be grown for all, just the money changers don't want that.

Dan said...

The Act of 1871 is "NULL and VOID" (UNITED STATES, INC. as our government).

As of March 26, 1861 there has been NO Constitutional Congress to vote on any Laws, when the Southern States' representatives walked out of Congress without a lawful adjournment.

Even the 13th and 14th Amendments are "NULL and VOID," and judges base their rulings on this.

If the Corporate Congress voted on the Act of 1871 into law on February 21, 1871 before they were even a corporation then that is putting the Cart Before the Horse, which does not work.

Go to every member of Congress and ask them to revoke the Act of 1871, and if they refuse then have them arrested for supporting SLAVERY of the people.

But even then they have NO Jurisdiction as they themselves are SLAVES, and SLAVES can not be voted into office.


Since each of them can be held for treason, as now the War Crimes of George W. Bush have now been read in the House, and none of them have taken any action, then each of them are to be removed from office, and hold this in front of them too.

Anonymous said...

I am adressing you White Knights. As far as I am concerned you are delerect of duty for not acting with speed and earnest to protect the Constitution Of the republic, and are also Treasionous to the people of the us. You did not stop the cabals bombing of the world trade center, the then war with Irac and afganastan, the atomic weapon causing the tasame in japan and its people, the flooding of and use of Haarp to create mass flooding propety and human lives lost ing New Oreleans, the latest Haarp useing flooding new york and sandy hook, these mass murders you did not also stop killing inocent school children also for the dead solgers shipped back from Iraq and aganastan in coffing where the solgers having their guts removed and sewn in to trans port white china (heroin) and the parents were never able to open the caskets and view their love ones for the bush mafia & cia. what the fuck are you doing nothing but spouting and lip service to the american people. And I have no respect fot the joint chiefs of staff, those generals etc. know whats going on and do nothing. There need to be a cleaning of all standing in the way of implementing NERASA. Its time you old men stop playing your dazy chain games and turn off that music and listen to the call of the People.