An open lettter to my friends - and foes - alike ..........................
Each day this week I have been noting what is taking place in the Middle East - israel, Syria, Iran, et al ..........
Definitely appears that the Ezk 38-39 war is beginning in the Middle East, and soon to come to our nation's shores.
EVERY day there are missiles and bombings, shootings, knifings all across the nation but, in particular, in those areas surrounding the muslim/"palestinian" communities. It is the Israelis in their tiny little cars - a family - that runs over the mines and their cars and bodies are blown to kingdom come, or their cars are shot at to the degree that they look like swiss cheese and the car's occupants are killed along the unguarded roads from tiny community to tiny community (kibbutz). It is the Israeli families sitting in restaurants eating pizzas and burgers that are wiped out by gunfire and bombs, or riding busses to work or school or home that are blown up. It is the Israeli neighborhoods and schools that these demon crazed muslims go to with their guns, shooting students, children and women and throwing cocktails in the windows of their tiny residences. It is the Israeli farmers on the outskirts of the kibbutzs - unprotected by any military or police - that find their sheep and cattle slaughtered, crops destroyed and their lives at risk when these demons come to their abodes to kill them.
NOTHING has been said about the Israeli attempts for peace in the land. NOTHING HAS BEEN REPORTED about the prosperous businesses nor the lovely hotels and apartrments on the West Bank, a thriving tourist area, that were turned over to the palestinians - for free - for them to have jobs, homes and to have prospertiy. WHAT DID THE PALESTINIANS DO WITH THIS???? THEY DESTROYED ALL OF IT!!!! Now they complain that they have nothing!!!! STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES. YOU CANNOT NEGOITATE WITH THE DEVIL. He NEVER keeps a promise for peace.
On the other side - the Israelis provide FREE medical care to ALL regardless of their race or religion or financial poverty, even to those who just shot or fire bombed and killed their people. It is the Israelis who God has gifted with wisdom and genius, who are creating leading computer and cell phone and military technology, who excel in medicine and therapeutic practices and make it available to the world. It is the Israelis who excel in farming and share their proven successful methods with a world that is starving, having had to learn to grow their food in the desert sands and rocks - surely yet another demonstration of God's blessing upon His people and His land.
Just like in the united States, it is NOT the Israeli people who are making decisions for war and causing grief to the world. NO! It is just like here in the states! It is the NWO cabal members - in government and business - who make the decisions, who rule and reign with their tyranny over the people and cause the misery between factions and nations, and this results in the entire world hating Israel and its innocent people just like the entire world hates the UNITED STATES and its innocent people. I know that the Lord is going to protect His people and His land, Israel, but there will be a cost to the nation. Many innocent lives will be lost due to the satanic cabal and the carrying out of their plans in the Middle East, just like is going to happen here in our land.
Sadly, in our nation many of the populace continue to be totally ignorant of what is going on, INCLUDING those serving in the US military. Many STILL have not decided which side they are going to serve, that of tyranny or that of freedm, and that indecision places them squarely on the side of serving tyranny. Those who have sided with tyranny, including the police, military and various 'federal government departments' - the slime of the earth - are being equipped with the latest military technology to wipe out humankind while the poor general populace is left mostly defenseless. Our nation is going to suffer a blood bath like none known before - all because of the NWO satanic cabal. Most here in the states will be totally shocked when the s--t hits the fan here shortly.
The trains close to us run day and night. One can tell by the sound of the train and the fibration blocks away from the tracks that a HEAVY LOAD is being moved - like military equipment being observed in transit all over this nation. HS - the Nazi SS in America - continues to order rounds upon rounds upon rounds of ammunition. They are training and equipping all departments of the rogue 'federal government' with badges, uniforms, firearms and 'authority' to slaughter at will for the NWO. And then there are the UN/ NATO foreign troops in our land, hidden in the forests across our nation and in 'closed down' old US military bases across the nation, preparing to slaughter Americans. The death camps are ready and waiting, and Americans continue to believe that nothing unusual is going on or that there should be NO concern.
A NOTE to SERVING IN THE US military: YOU ARE BEING USED FOR TYRANNY BY THE NWO CABAL, comprised of those companies (Halliburton for one) and individuals (the so called 'elitists') who are self-serving, making tons of money off of you, and COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOU OR WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU OR YOUR
FAMILIES. Many of you joined up to have a job and income during this poorest economy that this nation has yet experienced. Did you know what you were joining yourself to when you signed those papers? Did you not know that all military is being experimented on? That they kill their own so that the TRUTH of what they are being ordered to do does NOT GET OUT? Did you realize that you are nothing more than disposable scum and fodder to those who are making money off of your guarding those poppy fields, and shooting under orders innocent children, women and men who have done NOTHING to deserve to be slaughtered, slave trade, drug running, etc.? What if those were YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS BEING SLAUGHTERED?? You in the Middle East in particular - on ships and on land - YOU ARE BEING SET UP TO BE SLAUGHTERED YOURSELF. You may well NOT be coming 'home'! The cabal's goal is to destroy both our nation and our military so that our military CANNOT DEFEND THIS NATION FROM THEIR TYRANNY! Why do you think that this rogue SS government in America is rounding up vets? And taking guns from them? And putting them in mental institutions under false pretense? And refusing to provide vets with adequate medical care and counseling? WAKE UP! I am told that there are certain 'orders' that you DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY! Our military was created those many years ago to DEFEND OUR NATION AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC - IT WAS NOT CREATED TO INVADE SOVEREIGN NATIONS AND SLAUGHTER INNOCENT PEOPLE TO PROVIDE PROFIT AND CONTROL TO THE MURDERERS AND THIEVES THAT ARE RUNNING THIS WORLD. YOU ARE AN ACCOMPLICE WHEN YOU OBEY THEIR ORDERS!!! CAN YOU LIVE WITH THAT?
The foreclosure issue, in my opinion, is only the beginning of what the cabal has planned for Americans. It is not necessarily that these MERS processed loans are going to be 'forgiven.' NO! Today I read where the 'forgiven debt' is being bought up by the Federal Reserve and God knows what other entities, and these will NOT be forgiven! Quite the contrary. Now what is going to happen is that those who cannot pay their debts (being bought up by the cabal vultures) will wind up in debtors prisons for non-payment of debts, serving as slaves or being killed. The same destiny is planned for those Americans who refuse the coming computer chip injections, to begin in early 2013.
These are perilous times. The Lord keeps saying to 'be prepared' and, quite honestly, I don't know if I can ever say that I am 'prepared,' particularly in light of the fact that none of us know at this time what is coming at each one of us specifically, only in generality. I continue to be amazed at the large number of 'Christian friends' who NEVER talk about ANY of this, not even the slightest bit aware of what is going on in our nation. IF anyone does, it is simply to forward an email of 'news' provided via someone else who sent something to them, but NEVER discuss THEIR PERSONAL perspective or concerns about the situation, theirs and that of the nation. They are either in TOTAL DENIAL or simply too busy with their own lives, eating and drinking, sports and movies and bars, to note that something is going on that isn't right. It is like it is going right over their heads.
I keep saying I am going to stop sending out the email alerts, but there are times that i feel so strongly that I must at least provide information and warnings - then it is up to them what they do with it.
Consider this 'fear porn' if you must. The TRUTH is not always ice cream and apple pie, my friend. Some times you are served a BAD BITE and want to throw it out. At least I will NOT be accountable to Almighty God for YOUR blood because I have provided this warning to you.
DEBKAfile ~ Massive Israeli Troop Movement to Golan Border
DEBKAfile Report...September 19, 2012
"Massive Israeli troop movement to
Israel's northern Golan border with
Syria early Wednesday.."
"Israeli reservists drafted with no
notice & sent to Golan border region"
"Air Force, Central Command and other
IDF units flown to Israel-Syrian border
"Movement called 'National Asset' as the
"Massive Israeli troop movement to
Israel's northern Golan border with
Syria early Wednesday.."
"Israeli reservists drafted with no
notice & sent to Golan border region"
"Air Force, Central Command and other
IDF units flown to Israel-Syrian border
"Movement called 'National Asset' as the
The little mini-State in the middle east is not the Israel of the Bible. It is not a Nation. It is only a STATE and a very illegal one at that. The Israel of the Bible has been around a long time and the little bastard state of israe-LIE has only been around since 1948. The white race is Israel. PROVEN!
Thanks for the truth. So many people believe the Isreali people are apart of the cabal. Which is not true.
Israel and Saudi Arabia innocent???
They made their bed with Lord Rothschild and his criminal Zionists, they get to lie in it.
Finally, the truth of 9-11 is being investigated with real work done to get this case to the International Criminal Court.
If the Israelis and Pakistan are proven in court to have been involved, they will be wiped off the earth.
This "Israel" colony of Britain has never been innocent. They had to be especially depraved, stupid & vain to join the Rothschild's global NWO scam.
Whatever they get, its well deserved.
Same for the Nazis of Saudi and Islamists.
Evacuate the diaspora, and then let that sanctum of evil burn.
I won't miss the insane leaders of Iran or Israel one wit.
My ear friend: You paint a pretty bleak and scary picture, but none the less true which it appears on the surface thus far. The media has done an excellent job in keeping the people in the dark pounded with fear and hopelessness, but take heart because this is all soon to change. In spite of what it appears to be which is an illusion, there are events taking place behind the scenes that will soon become public knowledge. The world is starting to wake up and the shift is in progress. We are moving back toward the right side of history and all the real evil criminals of this world are soon to vanish. I am not saying that there will not be some explosive events on the surface by the evil ones, but the golden age is upon us. When we collectively come together in truth which is beginning to happen, all madness on the surface will soon disappear.
Trust me, these criminal financial terrorist and all the rest of the sick and twisted greedy bastards of this world are on their last leg. The time has come. Praise the creator and get ready for a world and life of peace and happiness that we could ever imagine.
"The Israelis provide FREE medical care to ALL, regardless..."
So when the Israelis provide universal healthcare, it's because they're divinely inspired, but when Americans even SUGGEST such a thing, it's because they're cryptosocialists who hate hard work and want to foster a culture of entitlement. (How many scare stories have I read on the internet and even on this very blog about how Obamacare is a Marxist plot?)
I see a gap in logic, here. Would somebody care to step up to the plate and explain?
Here's the thing with Isreal or any other State or Government; they should be able to stand on their own. If not, then another form will take its place.
how many more to be slaughter before our good military take action!
Israel stole their land from the rightful owners, the Palestinians. The "jews" treat the Palestinians like animals..which they are not.
They continually steal their land and put up new "jewish" settlements. They prevent food and medical supplies from being delivered to the Palestinian people. The "jewish state" is the abomination of desolation. They destroy everything.
Yahweh, the father, returned back to the earth as a man. His name is Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.
ISRAELs government is not for the people or of the people! i send blessings and prayers to all ISRAEL people! but do not support there criminal evil government. sorry my christian beliefs prevent me from supporting criminals governments pretending to be out for Jewish interest.there attack on us in open water shows just how corrupt the ISRAEL government is! attack our military again and there will be no ISRAEL! we will not be fooled again!
The majority of the people of the Nations do not want war and for the most part ever wanted it. However because we have sociopaths running most of the nations the loving citizens of nations get lumped in with their governments. Israel is not the victim here (maybe their people) but their Prime Minister is a war mongering sociopath. He came to my country Canada spewing war talk and banging the drum. He then continued on to the Us same same. Horrible horrible man if we didn't have a sociopath in power (Stephen Harper) we would have thrown he's hatefull greedy ass out of the country as soon as he opened his foul mouth. I believe that the majority of the world want peace and love throughout and can live in harmony when these sociapaths are removed legally. I do believe we are on the threshold of such a world
Understand's not the Isreali's there Leaders that is destroying there country...they are Zionist and Nazi working inside the government...Open your eyes before it's too late. The prime minister will arrested alone with others for treason and fraud against humanity!!! October surprise is coming folks!!!
Israel is one of the main headquarters of the New World Order.
Yes, even exactly how it is spoken in Revelations.
That nation as well as London do finally fall.
It should come as no surprise the bankers will do everything they can to prop up Israel, before blowing it up, in hopes of building the final temple.
1. It is US that provides FREE medical to ALL Israelis.
2. Obamacare/Romneycare funnels vast amounts of tax dollars through insurance companies. The ensuing fraud and malpractice is predictable... - A conflict of interests exists between Govt, providers and the people needing actual health care... - Too much 'pay-to-play' corruption.
Perhaps I should offer an alternative:
- Complete nationalization of health care via a peer reviewed scholarship program, and peer reviewed govt licenced practitioners... We should nationalize this industry until it is no longer an 'industry', and deploy it to meet local needs... Traders in human misery should be ferreted out of our social system. - Just my opinion.
(The very idea of a privatized for profit health care being at it's core, repugnant...)
At cost medical research, equipment, and supplies... Open to public records, sans private patient data.
I believe this is an area of our lives that could actually benefit from thorough government intercession, and thorough public involvement. - In fact this could help US to finally turn the corner, and become the decent nation we were always meant by the vast majority... 'people's intent', to be.
An incentivized scholarship/residency program 'insurgency' deployed throughout the land like a beneficent army of healers. Sort of like D. Kucinich's Idea for a redeployed 'army of peace'.
Well, well, well! It seems as though the disinformationalists, as predicted, are beginning to fall on their own swords, lol. This post is such an outrageous lie and I am so glad that 95% of the commentors here don't believe one word of it. Admittedly, I barely got past the first paragraph as it made me so nauseated. Israhell should be decimated for all of the savage murders that it has committed against millions. They are not victims and since they own the media in this country, they are able to make themselves out to be innocent.
They are also behind all of the 'christian' doctrine being pushed in the protestant churches, so much so, that the evangelicals, etc. do not worship Jesus..... they worship jews!
Fear not, the correcting time is fast approaching and israhell is right in rhe crosshairs. This is why they are deperately trying to start a war with Iran. However, what they fail to realize is that they playing right into the Divine's hands. In other words, they will be the cause of their own undoing, because it's time to reap the harvest.
Excellent overview of the United States' involvement with Israel. How much money we have given them over the years. How much we have supported their terrorist ways. How much they have taken over our foreign policy. Let us declare our independence from this foreign country. After 60 years they should be able to stand on their own feet.
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