The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why - 90% drop predicted!!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 24-Sep-2012 21:49:10
Date: Monday, 24-Sep-2012 21:49:10
Well to me, there's no way that the unemployment rate has stabilized. Like Steve Bridges the Obama Impersonator said when Impersonating Obama "Unemployment figures continue to hover around 10%...that figure does not include people who have given up searching for work. We can really bring those numbers down if more people would just quit looking." Apparently if Proctor and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, and Kraft Foods aren't making any money, then it means that the people don't have any money to spend on their products, because these are all household items that people use every day. The correction that needs to be made, is to get the greedy, stupid thieves out OUR government and put the American people back to work making American made products which we will gladly buy, because made in the U.S.A. has always been better quality products that last longer and wear better, etc. There are other countries that make some excellent quality products (I'm sure there are many that I'm not familiar with) also, such as Germany, Italy, and France, Japan (electronics) etc. For your entertainment and as a commemorative, here are 2 links to some very funny videos of Steve Bridges As Barack Obama...... (P.S. We Miss Steve Bridges!)
I looked through the whole article above and on link, and I never saw Romney's name mentioned. I didn't watch the video though, so if it said something about Romney, I didn't hear it. You are on an obvious anti-Romney campaign. I know Romney is no count and he is one of the NWO puppets. He's already been bought and paid for. That's probably why he doesn't want anyone to know how much money he has, or about taxes, etc.
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