Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dreams from My REAL Father - full length video

> Subject: Do watch this today: Dreams from My REAL Father - full length video
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> ______________
> Gilbert makes a very strong case Barry Soetoro aka Obama is the illegitimate child of communist organizer, Frank Marshall Davis. Legally, it doesn't matter in most states. The law in almost all the states says the named father on the BC is the legal father. Soetoro owns the birth certificate he put out to the world.
> For Hawaii - IF - he was born there:
> "Paternity is at issue for a child if the biological parents of the child are not married to each other at the time of birth of a child and paternity has not subsequently been established. Birth Certificate: The Father will be shown on the birth certificate if he acknowledges paternity when or close in time to the birth, or the Court orders the birth certificate to be changed to reflect the Fathers name."
> No one has found any marriage license or certificate between Ann Dunham and Soetoro, Sr., if I recall correctly. Sheriff Joe's chief detective, Mike Zullo covered this in one of the most recent updates. And, that there isn't a shred of evidence Soetoro was ever in Hawaii until age 5. Zullo also covered in depth the cockamamie methods used in Hawaii back then making it a cake walk for fraud and birth certificates.
> Personally, I believe he was born in Kenya. If you read the mutli part series, The Obama You Don't Know, Soetoro was brought up in a privileged life. His mother was well connected. At one time she worked with Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner's father. Small world.
> Dreams from My REAL Father - full length video:
> Every Republican in Congress, including Ron Paul, have been protecting that impostor and his criminal acts (wire transfer fraud, election fraud, forged birth certificate, forged selective service form, perjury) for four years because they're cowards.
> The Obama You Don't Know
> -- 

1 comment:

Michael T said...

This film certainly seem like it was given access to info that perhaps only CIA would have on BHO/Barry Soetro. I have to wonder if the CIA director's resignation has anything to do with the info in this film?????????? May be a bit of a stretch