Saturday, September 22, 2012

Europa, the harlot that rides the Islamic beast

Dear brothers,

Remember the Harlot that rides the beast in the Book of Revelation? 

The name "Europe" deciphers that prophecy: Europa is a pagan goddess from the island Crete that rides a beast in ancient Greek mythology. This pagan beast riding goddess supposedly founded Europe according to the myth. The Europa myth is part complex masonic myth that started with the Elohim landing in Mt. Hermon Northern Israel, and progressed to a complex relationship between masonic portal lay lines on the 33rd degree, the Pyramids and ancient advanced civilizations, and portal lay line energies that the masons manipulate in their rituals with the help satan and his fallen angels, in order to bring the end times in.

The harlot in Revelation IS Europe, Rome. The Beast is ISLAM. And what exactly is the beast? The Antichrist Mahdi, the ascended masters, aliens, the Antipope and false prophet and soldiers who will control the 7 hills of Rome, Mystery Babylon, which controls the world.

What will the Mahdi do? He will introduce a new religion, a new one world form of Islamic/Jewish religion with the help of the ascended masters.

Who will clap for this false messiah? The Jews, Muslims, and pagans. Who will suffer? Catholics and Christians.

The UN symbol is a woman riding a bull.


Anonymous said...

Close, but no cigar.

The Harlot Beast is Pagan Israel, merged with Rome which lets out the final beast: Islam.

Islam was invented by the same bankers who started the New World Order, the fake jews and all their fallen angels..

So in truest fashion, ISLAM is making a huge comeback. The Antichrist God will rise to take over all Israel, as the Mahdi, once the curtain falls and Jerusalem collapses.

Anonymous said...

This has been posted here before, and it's been debunked before.

The UN symbol is not a woman riding a bull. It's an azimuthal projection wreathed by olive branches. Some European countries put out commemorative Europa artwork on stamps or coins or whatever, but the UN has nothing to do with that.

Also, the myth of Europa preceded the Freemasons by thousands of years, so, sorry, but that connection doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

The great harlot who sucks them all in is definitely Israel.

Notice where it says the most important distinction: "The Child was initially the Nation of Israel, but in the last days it will be only the elect.."

God's message is sobering and final. The nation-state known as "Israel" had its chance to follow him long ago, and they lost it; denying him for all the years after.

Today's Churches teach the exact opposite, saying that "The Child" is still the nation of Israel. What a gross and profane twisting of the word of God that is!

Indeed, because evil will be highly prevalent God will gather his elect and call them "the new Jerusalem" for very good reason.

Therefore who will be wroth with the dragon, deceiving and controlling the New World Order?

Israel, and it's profane churches in Rome and London.
Then it will apparently be torn asunder (a casualty of war) as all nations turn "against" Her Highness. But the Beast called Islam rises to power and rebuilds Jerusalem. You may want to ride to a place of safety for this next part.

The same Islamic bible which many of the absolutely brain dead lightworkers swear by. This Islamic emporer will force a bizarre, hybrid one world religion and what does Rev 14 say?

"Those who resist to worship in his image, will find them beheaded."
Islam's main rule for its faith is to behead the infidels who do not swear by their gods and rulers, perfectly matching Bible prophecy.

Epirocker said...

I am so sick of seeing people fighting over whos religion is right. They are all bad news with few bright spots. Sick of seeing Islam demonized when not all muslims are suicide bombers. Christians and catholics seem to forget the fuckin crusades and he dark ages. Surprise assholes. It was your religion. Every single religion was backwards. If you take anything from them its mans connection to God. THAT is the truth. Not to mentiom the Bible has been manipulated so much its not even funny and you still claim its truth and dont even know what in it is genuine. UGH.