Friday, September 7, 2012

GEN Dempsey refuses to pursue IRAN war; his airplane was hit by missile

My note:  Last week a missile hit Gen Dempsey's plane.  The perpetrator was likely Israel because Dempsey recently SPOKE OUT against an IRAN war (for Israel).  Netanyahu is livid.  DRAKE said in Sunday's radio show that prior to the attempted assassination, he had not known what "side" Dempsey was on - cabal or peoples'.   DRAKE did say that Obama had issued an order that troops in a part of Afghanistan turn in their guns, despite its being a COMBAT zone.  As a result, over 300 people were killed, and GEN DAVIS reversed Obama's gun order, returning the guns to soldiers.

16 U.S. "intelligence" agencies and SecDef Panetta recently published a report saying Iran does NOT have nuclear weapons nor are they building one.  ISRAEL, on the other hand, has over 400 (never inspected) and THEY have threatened to "take the whole world with them if attacked".  YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED THAT ISRAEL IS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY, starting with Homeland Security (w/ the Southern Poverty Law Center) - ALL 45 CZARS, CONGRESS, ROMNEY'S ENTIRE "ADVISOR" STAFF, ALL OBAMA'S APPOINTEES AND CABINET....and dual-citizen Israelis have been placed at the TOP LEVELS of virtually EVERY federal agency, to include the Pentagon, State Dept, think-tanks, ambassadorships, presidential "advisors" and envoys, Defense Board "advisors", etc.  They OWN all the PROPAGANDA MEDIA.  They OWN Hollywood.  They OWN the dastardly Federal Reserve Bank that's cheated Americans for 100 years,  They OWN all six too-big-to-fail banks.  The OCCUPY the US Treasury.

Gen. Martin Dempsey Stands up for America Because Obama won't
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Sep-2012 09:37:54

AND THIS is why there was an attempt on Dempsey's life when he was in Israel. He had better watch out because Zionist Israeli gov has a lot of tentacles here in the US and everywhere else. They have had us ever since Johnson conspired with them to sink the USS Liberty.


When Gen. Martin Dempsey told British reporters he did not want the US to be “complicit” in an Israeli attack on Iran, the boys in Tel Aviv were crushed. For weeks Netanyahu & Co. had been telling anyone who would listen that the US would have no choice but to be sucked into a devastating regional war in the event of an Israeli first strike on Tehran. Their tone was almost gleeful. In the absence of a direct response from the White House. Iit looked like the Israelis had us over a barrel.  The American giant, it seemed, was helpless in the face of the Israeli pygmy’s deft manipulations. Then came Dempsey, whose comments put the kibosh on Israel’s blackmail threats — and threw Netanyahu’s government into a panic:

“Dempsey’s announcement changed something” — it’s the understatement of the year, perhaps the decade. Because this is the first time since the days of George Herbert Walker Bush that a major player has reminded that Shitty Little Country of its littleness. For months, the Israelis have been going around acting like they are the superpower, and we are a minuscule dependency relying entirely on our patron’s generosity — and endless forbearance. 

Or maybe not so endless, at least as far as the US military is concerned. You’ll recall that in the run up to the invasion of Iraq, a number of high-ranking officers spoke out in public against the lunacy of believing we could march in and turn the place into an American suburb. They questioned the low-ball estimates of troop strength and other resources required for an extended occupation, and the neocons were telling them to get back into their barracks.

They don’t like Dempsey much, and after this they’ll like him much less: in their eyes he’s just a tool of the Obama administration. Yet even if this is true, and Gen. Dempsey is speaking out at the behest of the White House, haven’t we come to a sorry pass when the President of the United States cannot speak in his own name and on his own authority about an issue vital to our national security? What a testament to the power of the Israel Lobby. Not bad for a pressure group that supposedly doesn’t even exist.

The catch is that this point exists in theory only: there is no solid evidence the Iranians are pursuing nuclear weapons, and indeed the official US assessment is that they gave up all such attempts in 2003, and haven’t resumed. There have been all sorts of rumors that a new intelligence assessment was in the works, but so far it hasn’t surfaced. The clear implication is that, as in the Iraq misadventure, key elements of the intelligence community are refusing to drink the Israeli Kool-Aid: Dempsey’s dissent is the first unequivocal and clear voice raised against the prospect of fighting an unnecessary war for Israel’s sake.


Anonymous said...

They own our country.

They own all media ( tv broadcast, radio and print).

They own all of Hollywood.

They own the entire music industry.

Zionists are NOT true Jews. They have hijacked the Jewish faith. Zionists are NOT decedents of the tribe of Abraham. They are Khazars!

For statistical purposes only ( Zionists are included in this group because they hide among true Jewish people), the worlds Jewish population is approx. 13.5 million yet they wield a dramatically disproportionate amount of world power.

The Zionists have taken over our country's entire political system through lobbying groups like AIPAC and the supposed civil rights orgs like the Southern Poverty Law Center that basically call anyone an anti-Semite who try to get the truth out to people.

Respected websites like make a point of trying to get the truth out about Zionists.

An interesting person named Brother Nathanial Kapner was raised Jewish but is now a converted Orthodox Christian. He has a couple website that go into detail ( print and video) about the entire Zionist agenda, that is worth reading/listening through. One of his websites is called

Zionists are the greatest danger to the world as we know it today!

Anonymous said...

Good for General Dempsey taking a stand against the cabal. AS congressman Dennis Kucinich couple months back voice his support to audit the fed saying, they think they're some kind high exulted priest hood.