Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Health - 4 Giant Acid Reflux Myths

4 Giant Acid Reflux Myths 

Since most people don't have access to medical journals, where health research is published, I'm always perusing the internet, magazines and other publications to see what people are being told about health issues, especially digestive health. 
Because if someone comes to me with their gut on fire, desperately seeking my guidance, it helps to know what might already be "in their head" (and in their stomach!). So when I see something that's not exactly right or just plain wrong, I have to write about it and set the record straight.
Well, lo and behold, an article was published recently that discussed myths and facts about acid reflux.
Some of the information was OK, but unfortunately more of it was misleading...and some was completely, totally and utterly wrong.
So without further ado, here are the myths, what I call the author's "sort-of" facts, then the REAL facts about how to eliminate acid reflux no matter how long you've had it or how bad you have it:
Giant Reflux Myth #1:
You should cut back on protein.

Sort-of Fact: Not all proteins should be limited--only meat proteins are culprits. Plant protein foods like hummus and peanut butter are OK to eat.
REAL fact: Yay for the plant proteins; however, animal proteins can be much more easily digested (and hence less likely to cause an acid reflux attack) when they are eaten with the right other foods, in combinations that are efficiently broken down by your stomach...or all by themselves.

Giant Reflux Myth #2:
Milk helps soothe acid reflux.

Sort-of Facts: Although milk neutralizes acid in your stomach, the stomach responds by creating more acid.
However, many people report that apple cider vinegar soothes the burning from acid reflux, but there has been little evidence to support that. But it's not clear how it works, since apple cider vinegar itself is acidic.
REAL facts: Milk is a protein that requires an acid enzyme for digestion, but milk alone is typically not responsible for an acid reflux attack. Similar to meat, the biggest problem with milk arises when it is combined with foods that hamper its proper digestion.
And as far as apple cider vinegar goes, while it may "test" acidic in a lab, like lemons, it is actually alkalizing in your body. So it makes perfect sense that it soothes the burning of reflux.

Giant Reflux Myth #3:
You should avoid all caffeine foods, including coffee, tea and chocolate.

Sort-of Facts: Better options are herbal tea and green tea, the latter of which has caffeine.
Some people can continue drinking coffee and tea and eating chocolate as long as they don't increase their acid reflux symptoms.
REAL facts: Yay for herbal tea and green tea--they are alkalizing and soothing to your system.
But note that it's NOT the caffeine (in coffee, tea and chocolate) that's the acid reflux culprit. It's the fact that they are acid waste-creating to your body and they're usually consumed after a typical modern hard to digest meal when your stomach is already struggling and secreting tons of acid.
So they're like kerosene being dumped on an already-raging fire.

Giant Reflux Myth #4:
Acid reflux only affects people with poor diets.

Sort-of Facts: You can eat all the right foods and exercise, and still end up with acid reflux.
Acid reflux occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach pass up into the esophagus, and the sphincter muscle (the barrier between the two) has a defect, so it's unable to block the acid.
REAL facts: This is the BIG blunder--no one just "ends up with" acid reflux!
Acid reflux is CREATED by eating meals that are very difficult for your body to digest.
While "hard to digest" meals certainly is referring to the typical fast food meal or packaged foods, they also can include "healthy foods" that are simply eaten with other foods that don't "play nice" together in your stomach.
And the garbage about some defect in the sphincter muscle? Puh-lease! 60 million Americans (1 out of 5) experience acid reflux at least occasionally, and 25 million of those suffer DAILY. You mean to tell me they all have some "defect"...that they were formed wrong from birth.
The only "defect" is what they put in their mouths.

OK, enough of the myths and "sort-of facts" -- now let's take a look at...
How it REALLY happens--the anatomy of acid reflux
Acid reflux is the result of a simple chemical reaction--not in a lab, but in your stomach.
Each type of food requires a specific kind of digestive enzyme -- some foods are broken down by acid enzymes and others by alkaline enzymes.
So when your meals are made up of several different types of foods (as most typical meals are today), the mixing of the opposing acid and alkaline enzymes in your stomach can cause the enzymes to be neutralized and weakened.
This can hamper and S-L-O-W down your digestion.
When this happens, your stomach knows something's up, so it secretes more acid to get things going again.
But then that acid comes into contact with the alkaline enzymes and is weakened.
This process can go on and on for HOURS, and what you end up with is poorly digested food and a LOT of acid sloshing around in your stomach.
This is the acid that slides up, up, up into your throat and makes you a fire-breathing dragon (especially when you lie down).
This is no "defect" -- it's the laws of chemistry at work!

Food is your answer to acid reflux
When you change your diet to include more alkaline foods and meals that are comprised of foods that require complimentary digestive enzymes, your digestion improves DRAMATICALLY.
That means: No more acid sliding up into your throat and sleeping propped up on pillows!
I will show you exactly what to eat in the Great Taste No Pain health system.
Follow it and you reduce and end fires of acid reflux as quickly as your first meal!
And for those of you who are sensitive to gluten too, Great Taste No Gluten is for you.
Now don't worry -- you'll still be able to eat foods you love. You just need to be a little more careful about what you eat together so everything can be broken down efficiently.
And both the GTNP and GTNG recipe books are loaded with delicious, easily digested creations that are sure to become some of your family's favorites.

The flip side -- too little acid
Poor digestion and acid reflux can also be the result of too FEW digestive enzymes.
You see, after years of a difficult to digest diet, you may have diminished your body's ability to produce enzymes, because you've used up SO many trying to digest complex meals for SO long.
And when your body's done making enzymes, it's DONE.
Plus, eating cooked foods of any type inherently uses more of your body's enzymes because the naturally occurring enzymes in the food are reduced or destroyed the more you cook the your body has to do ALL the work.
Digestizol Max digestive enzyme formula can give your body a much-needed boost when you eat meats, dairy, starchy carbs, and any foods that have been cooked.
Digestizol Max is a safe, natural blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes that come to your body's aid like terminators, helping to break down whatever you've eaten -- protein, fats, carbs, you-name-it.

There you have it--the myths, REAL facts and simple science of acid reflux.
Now, like Dirty Harry says, you have to ask yourself one question:
Are YOU ready to say goodbye to acid reflux?
Well, are you?
You CAN do it--and it can happen in as quickly as one meal.
All it takes is a couple modifications to what you eat together and possibly some enzyme help to start a whole new acid-reflux free life for you.
Start your new life NOW with Great Taste No Pain or Great Taste No Gluten and Digestizol Max.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Florence has been reflux-free for a year!
Dear Sherry,
I have just celebrated my first anniversary of pain free digestion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Great Taste No Pain books that made me finally understand the years of reflux I suffered and the fear that accompanied every meal I ate.
The only time I have a problem now is when I, unthinkingly, or purposely, eat the wrong combination, so I just go back to what works and all is well.
I, too, took Prilosec and other drugs for a number of years, and they did not alleviate the did!
When I told my doctor about your books and how they helped me, he took down the information and said it sounded like a very good thing. I'm sure he looked at your website.
And, when I told him I wished to stop the drugs, his only advice was to "wean myself off." This I did without difficulty.
Thank you again for giving me back my life. My husband is also doing the program and has benefited as well.

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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