Monday, September 24, 2012

How can I shield my Smart meter?

How can I shield my Smart meter?
July 15, 2011

How can I shield my Smart meter? (July 15, 2011)
[Editor's Note: The cost for these shielding materials can add up fast if you order more than one or two feet. Any metal foil that has good conductive properties, such as copper, can serve the same shielding purpose as these impregnated mesh materials. You can get thin gauge copper foil at hobby stores or craft stores. There are likely good sources found on the internet as well. Aluminum foil is the least costly and the most readily available. If you overlap (and double fold) seams and glue it to a rigid backing material, you can save money and still get fairly good shielding. It's a good idea to ground whatever shielding material you decide on. The ideal Smart Meter shield would be a parabolic metal bowl shape or a -hemisphere shape placed immediately behind the Smart Meter and extending out to a line where the outer perimeter of the hemisphere reflector would be even with the front surface of the meter. That's not possible to install with most meters, but it's the ideal design all the same. I'm wondering if thin panels of orgonite cast as 3/8 or 1/2 inch thick panels could act as an EMF absorbent or EMF reflector?,,Ken Adachi ]
From: Keith Howe
Date: Fri, July 15, 2011
To: Ken Adachi

Hi Ken,
Lots of people having health problems from Smart Meters. Here is a company with good information and a simple, inexpensive solution. Lots of great products for EMF detection and protection. I have no connection to them.
How can I shield my Smart meter?

How can I shield my Smart meter?
A Smart meter is a radiofrequency (RF) emitting device that the utility company has installed on your gas or electric meter. The RF signal emitted transmits information back to the utility company about your gas or electric usage. The signal is intermitent, but operates 24/7. Usually, the utility company will not permit you to completely block this transmission. However, you can shield your living space to minimize the amount of RF exposure you receive.
There are two main categories of shielding materials that can be used: RF reflectors RF absorbers
RF reflectors cause the majority of the signal to bounce off, somewhat like a mirror reflects light. They can have very high shielding performance, and in general should be grounded for peak efficiency. They will usually offer better shielding (less RF transmission) than absorbing materials. RF absorbers will absorb the majority of the signal, with very little reflection. The energy absorbed is release as a tiny, almost unmeasurable amount of heat. Grounding is usually not needed. In both cases, SOME amount of RF does get through the shield, as no shield is 100% effective. You can use double or triple layers of shielding to improve performance.
So where should I put the shield? And how much area do I need to cover? First, the shield must be positioned BETWEEN you and the source of the radiation. Generally, this means that the shield will be placed on the interior surface of the wall adjacent to the Smart meter. Think about the Smart meter emissions as coming from a light bulb located at the meter, and the shield casting a shadow. Cover enough wall so that the people would be in the protective "shadow" cast by the shield.
 So which one is right for your situation? In a hypothetical world where your Smart meter is the only source of RF radiation, either type of shield would work well. However, in the real world, there will be multiple sources of RF radiation. Some of them might be right inside your own home. Some might be coming from other directions. In such a situation, if you use a reflecting material, it will reflect on BOTH sides, and you could end up increasing the amount of RF in your living space. On the other hand, if you use an absorber, it will absorb on BOTH on both sides, so you cannot increase your exposure. If, you use both materials, a reflector on the side closest to the RF source, and an absorber on the side closest to the living space, you get the best of both materials... and the absolute lowest RF transmission. Any small amount of Smart meter signal penetrating the reflector will be absorbed by the absorber. Any signal coming from the opposite direction will have to paSS through the absorber, then reflect off the reflector, and finally pass through the absorber again before it re-enters the living space. This would be a very small amount indeed.
Which materials do you recommend?
Fabrics such as RipStop Silver and Ni/Cu Ripstop are good choices.

Laminated MW Absorber is a convenient, 48 inch wide film that is very low cost and easy to install.

You can cover over your shielding materials with almost any decorative medium that you like. The shielding should be protected from abrasion, excessive flexing, and moisture.


Anonymous said...

Best advice: Withdraw consent from all smart meters or devices you gave no consent.

Withdraw your consent and be a member of your respective states, not the faux-corporate D.C.

Anonymous said...

Smart meters are wireless two-way transmitters plus an operating system with software. The "smart" meter is a cell phone substation (cell phone tower) and computer. The intended use is to force people to buy "smart" appliances. You will have to buy a smart appliance because you won't be able to afford your utility bill if you don't. "Smart" appliances have chips imbedded in them which interact with the "smart" meter like cell phones interact with cell phone towers. Again, "smart" meters are cell phone substations. You wouldn't want a cell phone tower in your neighborhood much less on every home in the neighborhood. And "smart" meters have an operating system (computer and software) ....they can tune up the radiation if you try and block it. Yes, "smart" meters are tunable. Probably means they can be remotely tuned up or think of the implications of that...probably means they can tune it down to pass any kind of safety inspection....and they can tune it up to fry your central air so you have to get a "smart" one.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

There is no evidence that the radiation from electromagnetic sources such as mobile phones computers don’t harm us.Cell Phone Radiation Protection