Saturday, September 22, 2012

Major dialog is under way on the Federal Reserve, and its essential replacement.

Fwd: From the White Hats this morning!!!!

Major dialog is under way on the Federal Reserve, and its essential replacement. Dislodging a pack of Sewer Rats takes time. An alternative Sovereign funding mechanism is needed, but removing the compromised "Bought People" to get Congressional action takes time. Redesigning a whole new United States and Global funding infrastructure has been evolving for years and is very much part of G7 and IMF consciousness. But remember what happened to Strauss Kahn in the IMF when he pushed too soon? A solution acceptable to Asia, the EU, and multi-participant key interests is part of strategic planning and dialog. Right now, getting the RV's and GS resolutions needs sensitivity and a firm hand. These are delicate times. Any wrong move gives them an excuse to backtrack, and evade a release commitment. A century of dead claws embracing the Global jugular needs diplomatic negotiation facing self-interest opposing parties in total opposition. Dislodging parasites is a specialist vermin removal task. Far more than you realize is very much in play, including serious Intel investigations into the Varmints and their hidden Corporate chains. Lifting them is the issue when they OWN Justice! That, and the compromised low lives engaged in Politics worldwide today being prepared to work together and avoid the inducements offered. Motivating ethical coordination from Snake Oil Salesmen? With respect, you can't even deal with a clear illegal and remove him. Contemplate the world's difficultly dealing with the mass of compromised dirt-bags holding State positions protecting special interests. A lot is being collated ready for phased release.


Anonymous said...

I don't want Congress to design anything for me! The Federal Government needs to be reduced to one administrator @ $30,000.00 per year with one secretary. Everything proposed by the states with the final implementation by citizen vote only. Don't allow these politicians to make a career of government and don't give them any power to pass any laws! I've had enough of that kind of corruption, haven't you?

Anonymous said...

Don't ever assume they are just going to automatically close the Federal Reserve down.

Be guaranteed it is going to be a lot more tumultuous then that, people ought to be prepared.

Anonymous said...

LOL one administrator? Are you insane? There is far too much and we cant even get along as citizens let alone come to an agreement based off logic and reason and not opinions. 30,000 is not enough to live well off of and everyone deserves that. 50,000. Still less than what hey make now and its middle class. Take your bitching to overpaid celebrities and athletes. They make more money than most of congress combined and you take issue with people who make it a career? And they are.voted in by citizens mind you. Especially representatives. I realize theres alot we arent told but not everything is a conspiracy.