Tuesday, September 4, 2012

MORE PROOF--Hutchison eliminates radioactive contamination

Bismuth, an alpha emitter and in the uraninite change of decay was tested with John Hutchison's radiation elimination equipment. A massive rapid transmutation occurred.
Samples are being sent for analysis.
Video visually shows the transmutation.
Pellets of Bismuth were placed directly in front of one of the interferometers, at the point the frequencies are projected.

Previously, uraninite was tested with Hutchison's equipment. The results from this previous test proved Hutchison was able to rapidly advance the radioactive decay of the uraninite. (3 billion years if decay was achieved in a matter of 30 days).

Hutchison is currently creating a "frequency shield" to intercept the radioactive particles hitting the Earth from the ongoing Japan nuclear disaster. The radioactive particles contact the shield and are transmutated into inert, non-radioactive elements.

Peace. Be well.
Earth Protectors are on duty.

Nancy (Lazaryan) Hutchison


siriusvoid said...

Altering the reaction of radioactive isotopes...
Cool low tech solutions for high(?) tech problems..
Kinda reminds me of orgone accumulators.
Also Rife technology.
Also those genetic mutation beam experiments D. Wilcock was talking about..
I hope more good guy techies can wrap their minds around this and make it available for local environmental/home use... could be money well spent.
Maybe they can even learn to use this tech to clean up nuclear waste piles and D.U. before we all go super-nova.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this gift from God. You are going to be so blessed for doing this!! We love you!