Sunday, September 23, 2012

Proposed Constitution for the New States of America

This New States Constitution denies most of the freedoms that you now enjoy
This Awareness wishes to inform entities that this New States Constitution denies most of the freedoms that you now enjoy, and while it is worded in legal terminology to give it the appearance of creating something that will diminish crime and so forth, it is also creating a police state such as the reserving of all powers now given in the New States Constitution to the police.
This Awareness indicates that this kind of phraseology as that which means everything except what is covered in this Constitution, the police then can make up any rules they want for any situation that is not covered in this document. That there are so many similar and tricky phrases in the New States Constitution that there will be little room for anyone to move or have any rights of freedom, including freedom of speech, assembly, etc.; that it will make it almost impossible to ever escape from the domination of these laws, or to ever again gain freedoms that have been allowed under the Constitution.
Some Scary Parts of the New States Constitution
.....(more here;
then, this link):
The Proposed Constitution Articles of the New States of America
.....(and more here).....
The Newstates of America Constitution has a Preamble, too - it mentions not one of the objectives of our present Constitution. Instead of "justice and domestic tranquillity", the new constitution seeks only "good order" without defining what that means. The very first words are "So that we may join in common endeavors" - and the body of the new constitution makes it clear that this means an end to individual endeavors. Their new constitution is expressly states to be good only for a prescribed period of 25 years: our posterity is left to fend for itself. No reference is made in the Preamble to our defense or general welfare. Worst of all: the matter of liberty - so central to our present Constitution - is totally ignored in the Preamble of the new one, which seeks only, "an adequate and self-repairing government". The emphasis throughout their new constitution is on the government - not on the people. "Adequate" turns out to mean: too powerful to be challenged. And "self-repairing" means that the laws and governmental structures can be continually changed and shifted to permit anything our rulers wish to do.
Before I explore some of the details of their secret new constitution, let me give you a bird's-eye view: Article I is divided into two parts defining "Rights" and "Responsibilities." It turns out that some of our present rights disappear outright, and practically all of the rest become conditional and fragile, able to be terminated on the whim of the government. The responsibilities, however, which are obligations of the citizen to the government, are absolute and unconditional.
Article II defines what are called the "Newstates". The 50 states we have now become 10 in number. It is no accident that our federal government for the past several years has managed its outlying activities through ten federal regions. These 10 new states will be completely subservient to the federal government and creatures of it. Read The New States Review <(dead link?)

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Anonymous said...

All I can say is "TRUK THIS". Can't happen.

Anonymous said...

As everyone is waking up, the chances of this happening will become less and less.