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Reader BS: "Seems Poof Is All Wet."
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 19-Sep-2012 19:38:38
Date: Wednesday, 19-Sep-2012 19:38:38
We know Poof is connected to Reagan and Wanta.
WHO is Neil Keenan ?
The prosperity packages are rolling out right now but not true. Stop posting lies. All of us who paid into the prosperity programs with good intent of getting a return on our invetment are victims of lies, thefts and evil doings.
Folks, there are no free lunches, never has been, never will be. Find a job and go to work and quit dreaming of things to come which are not coming. You stand a better change at winning the lottery than receiving any of these freebies. Perhaps an education would be in order since only the ignorant are belivers in freebies. Don't get something for nothing - sorry to pop your bubble.
The dinar guru's are the most ill informed group yet. They still believe they will get millions - "ainta" gonna happen folks.
THere is a further article that clarifies some of this:
Once we come to terms with the idea that Prana, or GOD's Grace, or Clear Light/Energy/Being is meant to exist only in the service of GOD...
That it has being trapped and imprisoned down here in the most absurd and grotesque forms imaginable by negative entities...
It will become our utmost priority and highest duty to bring about it's liberation.
Until then we will both worship and fear illusory, and frightening aspects of our own superstitious minds...
Thus re-enforcing our own karmic ignorance and living lives of unnecessary difficulty and pain..
Until we accept this responsibility, we will suffer the same fate as all trapped Clear Light/Energy/Being.
Stagnation, Pain, and Death...
This is an extremely difficult lesson for the PTB to grasp.
Mainly because they continue to grasp for Clear Light/Energy/Being (POWER) outside themselves...
To obtain it from others like(?) parasites...
Attempting to trap, contain, and 'possess' the energy of 'others' within themselves...
- Huge Mistake...
The world Will move on in spite of them...
Certainly Not because of them..
This path we are on Will be clear of hazards and obstructions by and by...
Poof knows his business very well.
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