I felt this article by Steve Beckow was worth putting out here. I have felt all along that the so-called Libya incident was completely manufactured (by "the cabal") in an attempt to delay something, cause chaos, etc., etc., etc. And that something was likely NESARA. But the article by Steve formulates what is going on with the prosperity programs upcoming soon, to a theater and home near you...--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NESARA is ready for introduction, apparently, and is just awaiting the right moment. At the same time, lower-level members of the cabal, not in containment, are causing as much mayhem as they can and their latest wrench in the works – an anti-Muslim movie – has caused a short interruption. But we’re told matters will soon be back on track. Perhaps you’re aware, as I’ve been, that it’s been very, very quiet recently, aside from the outbreak of violence in the Middle East. This may have been because we were on the verge of NESARA’s introduction. Let’s review what has been said about NESARA recently. Obviously as much as possible, the people readying necessary are not hanging signs out their windows. But we have been given hints. For instance, on Sept. 6, 2012, St. Germain delivered a message in poetry through Valerie Donner, which in essence said that the cabal was finished and NESARA was right in front of our eyes: “Can’t you see their faces? We washed all the dirty laundry, and we still have a few more things to do to improve their places. “I’m telling you now that the whole of it is right in front of us.” (1) On Sept. 10, on An Hour with an Angel, I asked Sanat Kumara, who is the Planetary Logos, if NESARA would be announced on Sept. 11, 2012. SB: NESARA was due to be announced on September 11th, 2001. Now, to my way of thinking, if I were a member of the highest universal council, I would choose September 11th, 2012 to announce NESARA. Is there any possibility that NESARA will be announced tomorrow? SK: There is always a possibility of that, and you know it to be true. (2) On Sept. 14, in a personal reading, Archangel Michael revealed that in fact NESARA “was intended to begin, as you have guessed, on 9/11. And there has been disruption, as you know. There has been disruption with the bombings in the Middle East [the embassy attacks]. So it is… it is a brief interruption, not a long interruption.” I asked him how people could be in containment and still act out and he revealed that the disruption is coming from low levels of people not in containment. “The disruption is twofold. One, it is those who have not [been put in containment] and we are talking rather low levels, actually, so do not look for massive conspiracies. Although we do know that there are some, even as they were not in containment, who would love to take advantage of such chaos. But what it is doing is bringing to the forefront the collective choice to say, ‘No more.’” (3) Let’s have a look at what mostly SaLuSa tells us about that progress since it’s he among our sources who reports most often on matters like NESARA. SaLuSa acknowledges the tediousness of waiting and the activity behind the scenes. “We know that waiting for significant events that you expect any day now can be tedious, but you will have your day of satisfaction and excitement. You can after all see evidence around you of the changes, and even more is going on that is not apparent.” (4) SaLuSa said on Sept. 14 that “until the dark Ones are removed they will still try to interfere with your progress, believing that somehow they will still succeed. They will learn that they have little power left and cannot return to their previous level of control.” (5) Some time back, he assured us that “the weight of evidence against those who have corrupted the banking system is overwhelming.” (6) On Sept. 12, he observed that “the fact that much is happening in your world has not gone unnoticed, and for those who are just awakening to it, it seems that chaos reigns.” “Your traditional trusted institutions such as your banks are being seen for what they really are, but as yet the answers to their problems have not surfaced. However, the plans to cover such an eventuality as their collapse have been formulated. As with much of our allies work, it is ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. The old corrupt system will not be retained, and the new one is receiving support for the far reaching changes that it will bring.” (7) His comment that “it is ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced” lines up with Archangel Michael’s statement that its introduction was disturbed by the anti-Muslim actions of Terry Jones and others and the reaction of Middle-Eastern populations. Sanat Kumara told us in An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 10 a little about NESARA and India. He said that “NESARA will be coming through the, what you think of as the, parliamentary system in India, so that it will not cause massive dislocation.” (8) He then discussed how NESARA was in part designed to correct instances of oppression like the caste system. He remarks that followed were as applicable to the rest of the world as they were to India: “Now, you see the breaking of that wall, and if you do not, then come with me and I will show it to you. And what you think of as NESARA, it may not appear exactly as you think, but it will appear, and there will be equalization. Because when you are entering into a reality — and understand, this is one of the guideposts that is saying you are shifting dimensions — so it is fitting, because we do not wish to create complete breakdown and chaos, because that will result in fear, that will result in rioting, that will result in injury. So that would simply feed the old third.” (9) SaLuSa tells us something very similar: that the financial wing of the cabal has fallen apart and won’t be resurrected. kauilapele | 2012/09/15 at 23:17 | Tags: 2012 Scenario, NESARA, Steve Beckow | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, channeling, chaos, disclosure, energies, new energies, prosperity package, releasing, spiritual growth | URL: http://wp.me/p1dHgy-3Py |
If you release it they will calm. Get it? If you release NESARA those living in proverty around the world will calm and stop listening to the media about who is good and who is bad and begin spending their blessing. Release it and stop playing.
My Faith is where God is, because there so much words of disaapointment, so much. Of Intel and Rumor of getting closer, people somewhere got their paper work. But no real Proof, only typing words saying this happen. I am pray this all stop, and real of what is true that this final finish and done. This World is unhappy with hate , jealous, greed, so I pray this day, that people of this world will. Come together in Faith of what they truly believe of all these Programs will come together without doubt, knowing we serve a God that can do all things. I am looking for a Mircle and a. Breakthrough for all the World to see. Believe we need it. Let go and let God. It Link to our Heart and Soul. Amen
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