Friday, September 21, 2012


     In "On First Principles by Origen," Origen quotes the Apostle Paul that there is a carnal Israel and a Israel of the spirit being the Church so that carnal Israel will be provoked to jealousy by a "foolish nation" in their eyes being the Christian followers of Jesus Christ. They would judge themselves much smarter than the Christians and many enraged at these "foolish" or "stupid" followers of Jesus Christ in their eyes! He quoted such as Deut. 32:21, "They have stired me to jealousy with their idols (including money if the only god or idol for many of them!), so I will stir them to jealousy; I will provoke them with a foolish nation." In early Christian writings, the Church Fathes called the Christians a separate "race" and "nation" living among the races and nations on earth. Jesus labeled His followers "sheep" meaning defenseless without smart, dedicated shepherds (leaders) given them by God to lead them to safety and victory.
     Quoting from "Pawns In The Game" by Commander William Guy Carr, Royal Canadian Navy, who was claimed murdered for exposing Satanists and other evil schemers in governments of America and Europe based upon secret information from Canadian intelligence, "The men who plot and plan wars and revolutions ahve done a great deal to bring about a Godless world...They could not move nearer to their totalitarian-materialistic goal without formenting wars and revolutions. They must of necessity destroy the civilization founded in accordance with the Divine Plan of Creation before they could impose their evil totalitarian ideology upon the people of the world." He exposed many secret details how the world wars were set up, who overthrew the Czar of Russia as a plan to later overthrow Christian civilization and Christianity in the world, how millions of Jews get their lives threatened by world events engineered by a small but wealthy clique of Satanist Jews and Gentiles who hate the human race and want to kill off most of mankind. Then they plan to rule the survivors as their slaves in the Great Global Plantation they create on the earth with Lucifier as their planned "god" over mankind! These incredibly evil leaders are insane, bu very cunning and hold the ordinary people of America and the world in geat contempt! I was asked by one of their top leaders to join them as he rated me highly talented in fields useful to them. He wanted me to help crush the American people through Wash., D.C. When I refused to join, I had a series of murder attempts on my life to try and silence me. Wash., D.C. under their control ran blocking actions so I could not get either state or federal grand juries to investigate the six murder attempts on my life then. I still have a scar on my forehead from one of the periods of attempted murder by their side.
     I studied with six of the most gifted economists of America and Europe. I finally came up with a basic foundational economic formual that can expand into hundreds of economic formulas to answer every question asked how to make economics work and work right for the nation. I did not see this in the beginning. My wide economic studies finally landed me in the Bible which taught basicallly all the smart answers we need to help the poor and unemployed in society, help raise up the middle class to a higher level of prosperity in society, how to boom business, and how to create more revenues for government while lowering the tax rate for the nation. People don't have enough faith for this. I know how to set up a government which in the end needs no taxes to run it, but only one nation practicing an important Bible teaching of Jesus Christ started doing this and would have ended up with a government no longer needing taxes. This was Czarist Russia but what happened to start skyrocketing the economy of Russia has been censored from the economic courses by the liberal economists. It worked too well so had to be censored from the economic courses of America and Europe. Now my formula for how to boom the economy of America or any other nation on earth is T=MPV. T stands for total purchasing
power in a nation for a given period of time for a given size of population. This is equal to M for units of money or effective substitutes times P which is effective purchasing power per unit of money or effective substitute times V which is velocity factor of money meaning how fast money is spent for a given period of time. This formula  expands as I say into hundreds of formulas when required and is itself backed up by smaller formulas not needed to be listed in the master formula of mine. Using this formula with my trade secret economic answers I picked up from many different economic sources and I am confident we can skyrocket the economy of America when this formula is used for America.
     Those tired of a rotten national economy, massive unemployment, poor business, high taxes, and overly tyrannical government with tons of needless regulations, back passage of my Omni Law. Look it up in the search box at the top left of Nesara News over the archive listing for Nesara News of filed reports and see what the Omni Law is. Once passed, my hands are untied and I will show you how fast we can turn the American economy around. Put in my pen name of Erasmus of America and see the dozens of other reports I posted with Nesara News over the months. If stuck, send an email asking for a copy of the Omni Law from my email address of . Those wishing to help finance the Omni Law Drive, send a check, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. We will register this and send yoy back a receipt by email or else mail so long as you give us the information where to send to you. Also, we get our Camelot Project set up for the super industrialization of America, we will get back to you whatever finances you backed us with and we will have special ways so you are an insider with us and will have access to countless new industries being set up others will not be able to act as backers of.
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Probably all intelligence sources in Wash., D.C. already know who I am. I was written up years ago by a very prestigious international organization as "The Einstein of American Economics." However, I went heavily after the practical side, not just theoretical side of economics.)

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