Sunday, September 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

Begging for money again?... this pukr TT is not the president you idiots...

Anonymous said...

I've got something for you Turner, you are dead on correct about that.

Tim Turner's plan for the new Islamic States of America

It's a free ticket to the FUNNY FARM.
Enjoy my letter of recommendation and PRINT that out. You belong in the same psych ward with Bill Clinton, Billy Graham and Netan-yahoo.

Anonymous said...

Wow! So, let me see if I get this straight.

TT and company, a group of self proclaimed sovereigns, who have expatriated their "citizenships", by filing their UCC financing statements, correct? Thereby, being no longer citizens, they are no longer qualified for the benefits and privileges bestowed upon them by congress, to include filing Income taxes, correct?

HOWEVER, TT then goes and creates fraudulent bonds to PAY OFF Income taxes!! IF He was a Sovereign, then why in the world was he concerned with paying taxes to the defacto government? By doing that he recognizes the standing of the defacto government, correct? And stands under that government, correct?

But, but he was the President of the united states for America, so why pay tribute to another government?



Anonymous said...

Yeah lets all trust this idiot Turner, who claims to be the President of the United States.

Good idea Americans! We will trust an inbred hick who's friends with Saudi drug lords like Ramzi Yousef and zionists like Sheldon Adelson.

God, how in the heck can Americans be so gullible?

Anonymous said...

It is funny the way no one understand how they have revised the entire Constitution under the District of Columbia. So much for "We the People". Well when the collapse comes, which will be very is true what they say "the American People will not fully wake up to the truth until they have lost everything. This Country deserves what is coming to them. God will have no mercy.

FYI: Look into the 14th Amendment you will find that you are a slave to these people and we were sold down the road a long time ago.

Mr. Turner may not be the true President of America but he has got more balls then the American People who are only concerned about their own self. I don't see anyone protesting anything that is happening in this Country but around the globe everyone is on the streets.

Communism will be fun--I am sure a lot of people would like 3 meals and a place to sleep as long as someone else is paying for it!

Anonymous said...

An independent Republic for the United States of America cannot be tried in the jurisdiction of the corporation called the UNITED STATES. Both governments have to be equal or one is supreme over the other.

Seems Tim had not been able to create a supreme government office and is subject to the corporation.

People have either been blind, ignorant of necessary facts, or deceived.
I do not believe all those who have Tim as a leader are deceived...they are adults knowing full well what they are doing and who they are placing their 'trust' in.

So if they are not deceived, are they blind? Are they ignorant of necessary facts?

When a country goes to war with another country, all those involved are included in the spoils of war. So there is no way the followers can act like they aren't part of the Republic Tim led.

Just like everyone wants all Irag people to be punished for where they live, imagine that same frame of mind going to all the people who signed up for the Republic.

Someone crossed jurisdictions or enjoined jurisdictions. A sovereign would not be subject to the 'statutory' laws of the corporation.
Maxim of law - An equal has no power over an equal.
So Tim Turner is less that equal to the MAGISTRATE JUDGE.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Tim Turner actually discovered to be a DHS Agent undercover whose assignment was to build a database of names for the FEMA camps? I heard/read that somewhere. Anyone? So glad I never got involved in his "project".

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Anonymous said...

I am convinced that the human race is the cruelest species on earth and want to dominate, berate, and destroy. All of you deserve what is coming.

Anonymous said...

Oh boo hoo' you are a crybaby loser. You're obviously admitting that this goon TT has no power, has never been the president. To say he has more balls than other patriots a is b******* whining. So next you threaten .. because you failed.. and say we will suffer communism... like we deserve it.
Shut the hell up shut up and go away

rpogue said...

How many of you trash talkers know what you are talking about?

Pay attention to the fourth paragraph of the following.

A corporation or other entity's rules and regulations. They typically specify the number and respective duties of directors and officers and govern how the business is run. The exact requirements governing by-laws are determined by state law.

Rules and ordinances made by a corporation for its own government.

The power to make by-laws is usually conferred by express terms of the charter creating the corporation, though, when not expressly granted, it is given by implication, and it is incident to the very existence of a corporation. When there is an express grant, limited to certain cases and for certain purposes, the corporate power of legislation is confined to the objects specified, all others being excluded by implication. The power of making by-laws, is to be exercised by those persons in whom it is vested by the charter; but if that intrument is silent on that subject, it resides in the members of the corporation at large.

The Constitution of the United States, and acts of congress made in conformity to it the constitution of the state in which a corporation is located, and acts of the legislature, constitutionally made, together with the common-law as there accepted, are of superior force to any by-law; and such by-law, when contrary to either of them, is therefore void, whether the charter authorizes the making of such by-law or not; because no legislature can grant power larger than they themselves possess.
Tim Turner was elected to be the interim president of the republic. There is no such thing as a sovereign citizen. Tim was not living under the corporation, he was involved in commerce which is every man's God given right. I wonder how many of you badmouthers work directly for the corporation of evil banksters. Tim is a brave man who will eat the court that illegally kidnapped him for lunch.

Anonymous said...

OMG the gun totin' inbred hillbilly sycophant is now the "Acting President"? Where's the "Vice President" you know, the one nobody got to vote for? And where's the oh so eloquent mortgage fraudster "Media Boy"?

Well they aren't publishing the fact that Jeanine Stewart (Republic Records Keeper) was RAIDED by the feds and ALL REPUBLIC DOCUMENTS IE: SIGNED DOCS, DATA BASE etc are now in the hands of the FEDS who seem only to be interested now in identifying those connected with Turners pathetic "Ranger Program" so they can hang the VIOLENT RIGHT WING TERRORIST LABEL on RuSA. Sweet excuse for martial law if they can pull it off huh?

Well no matter I guess when you see so many just trading one scam artist for another, gullible, desperate cool aid drinkers swarming out of RuSA and taking up with the likes of Fred n Nina, one of the equally bogus "Postmaster General" gurus or any one of dozens of other lackwits.

Bottom line, you just cannot save people from themselves.

Anonymous said...

"He was involved in commerce which is every man's God given right."

No, he WASN'T involved in commerce! He was involved in inter-state by national trade, which is not anyone's common right.

Only the tremendously gullible believed him, because you can't claim to be separate from the corporation and then pay taxes using fake bonds. So he puts his signature on all these papers, signs it with his fictitious authority and pays the IRS?

Or is he not part of the corporation at all? You can't have it both ways, not in any jurisdiction. So which is it? Most are going to say he's just a lying goon, and wanted so badly to fool the masses he went as far as to pay the IRS. Nobody's buying this load of crap, you have to be thick as a brick to engage in international commerce and claim you aren't in the corporation.

Anonymous said...

And what are YOU! A benevolent one. Shut up!

Anonymous said...

Sure he will have the courts for lunch. Sorry bozo, the goon has been had, and those who chose NOT to leave are likely going to jail with him By by losers. You were warned.

Anonymous said...

Yep, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I will NEVER get involved with any so called patriot or sovereign again.

rpogue said...

Typical bankster responses. The constitution you link to belongs to the corporation.
Which is the truth? Did he pay the IRS or didn't he as claimed. You can be a free man and do commerce with the corporation. You need to research contract law before you argue it. And how do you know so much about the inner workings of the system unless you are part of it? Stay home, little one. Your time is coming.

Anonymous said...

Unless you have something worth saying and can argue with proof. You can go to hell. I can see your still fast asleep. Go back to bed they will wake you when they come to get you.
I think its funny that so many are quick to judge someone else before they do more homework than the internet. How about reading the Constitution, asshole!! Maybe you can't read?
You will like Communism. I can't wait until the truth comes out. We will all be laughing at people like you and saying "ya, told you so"

Anonymous said...

Do you think your going to change an operation over night? Oh this is funny the way everyone wants a quick fix over something that took them 100 + years to create.
Cant imagine why America is falling apart. We can't even get people to understand the real constitution. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Those that were willing to take a stand for freedom did so knowing full well the possibilities. Something has to be done. To condem others who were willing to step up to the PLATE and be willing to go head long into the enemy do not deserve to be thought of like they were fools. The plan was sound. The man was weak. He lied and he wiggled And got what everyone in D.C. should also be getting.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. And when that didn't work TPTB brought in Drake to flush out militias which no one had ever heard of him before.
MY QUESTION IS: where's the news of what happened in court Monday?

Anonymous said...

Where is the physical monetary backing? is it stored legal tender, actual precious metals or what exactly backs this re emerging government?