Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tim Turner's Arrest Documentation



Anonymous said...

Though Mr. Turner is an evil man, what every concerned citizen should be looking at is the precise nature of the criminal charges they levy against him and attempt to hang him with....

For your ultimate warning will be displayed in what they charge him with, as those same rules of procedure will be applied to all of you!!!

Think about that long and hard.

Tim Turner is a false flag operation and if the Jury is stupid enough to convict him of all charges, they will convict "any" purported sovereign citizens they catch of the same..

And that, you can absolutely be assured.(even if it shouldn't be allowed)

America should be prepared for outright Civil War. Awaken every single person you can, there is time, and you all have little choice.

Anonymous said...

Amazing on many levels...

Dan said...

So has Tim Turner claimed his Sovereignty yet he can still be charged with Income Tax Crimes?

If so then all those that support Drake and the State Sovereignties can be criminally charged too?

SO ONLY those born in a foreign country can claim their Sovereignty and NOT Pay TAXES?

Anonymous said...

"If so then all those that support Drake and the State Sovereignties can be criminally charged too?"

No they cannot be, this is incorrect. This is a gross bastardization of the facts.

Tim Turner deliberately did something stupid, which is a crime. He claimed that he and his minions were still members of the "Republic" even though they had Social Security Numbers, Trust account IDs and so-called licenses from the United States.

By doing this he committed fraud, as holding those documents proves he is a member of the U.S. corporation - no matter what he ever said to his slaves.

Drake and the State Sovereign resolutions are different, because states are publicly sending an "International Notice" to the Hague that proves they are not members of Corp. U.S. Thus, almost all involved either tore up their birth certificate or are making moves in court to dissolve the trust - they can't be touched in so doing. (exact opposite of what the Turner & all their minions do)

Anonymous said...

Either use the link below or place this "Season of Treason Full" in a youtube search.
What you will discover (without a doubt) you will know to be the truth.
Be prepared to be shocked. Sadly, what we have been taught as the truth is a complete and total lie.
It is the matrix; and red pill or blue, at this point it doesn't really matter because everyone is going to learn the truth... soon! "Trick or Treat, and Welcome to the American Nightmare!"
And BTW, our income taxes go DIRECTLY TO THE CROWN, the Crown Templar... And the reason we get ripped so bad in court is because the court system is setup to rip the citizens a new one... it's all done on purpose and by design because our incomes taxes are used to line the pockets of the bankers and NOT TO support our country. And Washington works for the bankers and not for the citizens... Once you learn the truth DO NOT GET EVEN get away... escape, as a people 'tricked' and under a dictatorship we need to 'for once in our lives' get our heads out of our A$$s and determine ourselves to create a sane governmental system for our children, and for the next generation of world citizens. Good luck and God speed!

Anonymous said...

What were today's court results? Where were his supporters? Where are the news articles to keep folks updated? Share links if available please.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a update?????

Anonymous said...

Look on the back of a Social Security Card. You will see it says you must return it if requested to do so. If it is something you must return, is it yours?