Sunday, September 2, 2012

We the people ... Who's STUPID?


Dan said...

Maybe if he thought about it he would think he was actually Stupid!
According to God Almighty, which is the Author of the Holy Bible, which Obama was supposed to Swear an Oath of Office to, is watching this boy as to who he is actually giving his allegiance; Lucifer or Allah, or are they both just mythical beings?

Anonymous said...

Again, "how stupid are you?"....look at who is holding the gun to this guy's head?

The Nazi cabal has been running this country for decades....when you can figure out who that is, you will stop being so stupid!

Watch the documentary, THRIVE which does an excellent job of outlining WHO IS CONTROLLING THIS COUNTRY and why!!!

It's almost embarrassing that so many people are pointing their finger at this guy when if you just did a bit of your own research, you would find out the real truth.....and it is ugly!

But the truth will set you free! GET PREPARED as our country sets to be set free....

WATCH this documentary:

Anonymous said...

God didnt write the Bible, men did. If you would get past this ridiculous religion paradigm youd see it doesnt matter what deity. Evil men make evil decisions