Monday, October 15, 2012

10 Reasons to reconsider voting for the current President:

Each underlined word is a link to give you additional information about the topic.  This is the most important election in the history of our nation so be informed and inform others.

President Obama

10 Reasons to reconsider voting for the current President:

  1. He celebrates a communist;
  2. Obama has a ‘kill list’;
  3. Obama destroyed an entire industry, coal;
  4. Obama violated the War Powers Act;
  5. Obama violated the Logan Act;
  6. Obama violates his tax pledge;
  7. Obama, Joe Biden, and Eric Holder are responsible for trafficking illegally purchased weapons to Mexico that killed hundreds of people. Stimulus money was used to buy the weapons and Biden is personally in charge of approving stimulus money;
  8. Obama approved taxpayer dollars for losing green energy companies and fleeces America with the scams like Solyndra;
  9. Obama bypasses Congress and legislates from the White House. Example;
  10. Obama bypasses Congress and gives aid to the Palestinians.

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