Here is something every one should read for their Health. It concerns the Fluoride in your water. God Bless Love to all

Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 03:21:20 -0400
Subject: Don't drink the water !
![]() ![]() Don't drink the water! ![]()
My research showed a different story: Fluoride in public water, in tooth paste, in processed food, and even in bottled water is slowly killing people, causing debilitating diseases in the process, such as cancer and Alzheimer's. To add insult to injury, instead of preventing childhood caries, it causes discoloration and weakening of their teeth. My files soon were bulging with scientific studies proving that all of this was true but, like so many other topics, the documentary was never produced due to lack of funding.
That's where I came into the act. I still feel a personal connection to this story and I know how important it is to get the information out with no further delay, so I offered to present the funding issue to everyone on my mailing list in hopes that enough money could be raised to clear their debts. This is the third and final call for help. At this time, Paul and Chris are about one-fourth of the way to their goal, but they are not discouraged. They are going to meet their release deadline of October 19 no matter what, which means they could be in debt for quite a while. For my part, I have committed to cover the manufacture of both the standard DVD and Blu-Ray versions, so we definitely will have programs to ship on October 19 – just four days from now. To learn more about this documentary and to see the preview, click here.
G. Edward Griffin
FYI - the got the idea from NAZI GERMANY who used fluoride to dumb down their prisoners because it made them docile!
So the BIGGER QUESTION is - how many NAZI Germans roam free in the corporate usa and have been implementing their end game here?....history tells us that "thousands" were let into our country after WWII; and we all know how history has LIED to us! my guess is that they let in MILLIONS and they started their plan to destroy this country!
PURE EVIL exits!
CONTACT your local "Water Commission" and give them this article and this comment! Your will know right away if they are on the take by their reaction to this information!
THERE IS NO NEED FOR FLUORIDE to be put into your best thing, is BOIL your water and add lemon to it!
Read the book, The Enzyme Factor by Dr. Hiromi Shinya who makes several recommendations about what you can do for your health! HE HAS NEVER LOST A PATIENT TO CANCER and talks about what he uses with regard to water!
LASTLY, JOIN YOUR LOCAL MILITIA and help educate people about the importance of drinking healthy water! Every state with a water supply should be watching it - GUARDING it - from these psycho-paths!
CLick here to join your local militia:
I stopped drinking tap water a few months ago, opting instead for distilled H2o with small amounts of natural sea salt added, to put some minerals back in. It's a bit (not much, considering) of a hassle but I can state that I feel AT LEAST 100 times better physically and mentally/emotionally/spiritually.
There was definitely a detox that happened- flushes of small pimples on my body for a few weeks, no biggie really and actually quite good to see that *something* concrete was happening. At present I still get the odd pimple or two, mostly on my legs. Never on my face. That phase seems to be ending. And I have never really had pimples before, so this is due to detoxing.
Note that if you opt to avoid fluoridated water, this includes coffee you'd get at restaraunts or at a friend's house, etc. This takes a little deep thought to detect all the sources of toxic water that one would usually not think of- it's hidden everywhere, in cooking... what about "products" at the grocery store that have "water" as an ingredient? As far as food goes it's best to do all one's cooking from scratch and really think about the materials one uses. It sounds like a supreme hassle but it's really not- you just have to get used to taking responsibility for yourself, which is always a good thing in my opinion. Simple is best; we don't need to be getting hung up on elaborate cooking recipes at this late date. Our lives are at stake.
The people who will tell you that distilled water has "high amounts of bacteria" or that it leeches the minerals out of our bodies are the same disinfo troll shills that routinely badmouth herbs and vitamins- they want to keep us sick & stupid. DON'T BELIEVE THEM!
One of the best things that has happened to me from this change is that WATER TASTES GOOD AGAIN... and I mean REALLY good, like God intended.
Stay strong friends- and don't waste a second of your precious lifetime on fear.
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