Thursday, October 18, 2012

Drake Update: Da End Game IS at our doorstep…

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Drake Update: Da End Game IS at our doorstep…
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 18-Oct-2012 13:23:06

Posted on 10/18/2012
Ready, Set…
Awright, HEADS UP!!!
I have been trying to let everyone know…everthing BE very CLOSE…Yes?
Well, guess what?
Da End Game IS at our doorstep…
We ALL need to complete our readiness/preparations…NOW.
All the things I have been expressing on the shows and our website are just about to START… Get that right, Start…
Anyone who needs to be talked to, do it now…
There will be several ‘notices’ coming from several places in order let everyone know what is going on and what to do.
We may NOT get to our Sunday show…IT is that close…think first of next week at the latest.
I have received intel from five of my contacts that stipulates that the ‘action’ is very close to taking place.
WHEN notification is to be made, I will be posting it on this page and our website.
Exciting as this is…each of our actions must show restraint, take it slow and easy. Do not lose your control or take extraordinary actions just yet.
Make sure you are in contact with the militia in your area, they will receive the ‘final’ instructions at the right time, and you will need to know that information.
Everyone should be careful and safe as this unfolds.




The message below comes from a person believed to be trustworthy who claims to be in contact with high level military and intelligence insiders.

The “end game” to which he refers is a series of actions to be undertaken on behalf of the American people to remove the Socialists/Communists currently controlling the U.S. government, and to restore Constitutional government.

The people involved are people of integrity who are committed to carrying out this action peacefully, but when it happens, there may be some significant disruptions of transportation, communications, banking, and logistics.  

According to the information which has been published, the changes which are coming will be historic and unprecedented. These changes will include elimination of unconstitutional federal agencies (including the IRS and the Federal Reserve System), removal of corrupt individuals in all branches of government at the federal, state, and local levels, and the filing of criminal charges against those complicit in the conspiracy which resulted in the takeover of the government. Conviction on these charges could result in extremely serious consequences for those convicted.

It is not a matter of if, but when.


Anonymous said...

My info has it that we will start to see news articles (from credible media sources) that will start to expose the fact that that government is a sham. As this happens, people will be forced to deal with this new reality.

Anonymous said...

"All the things I have been expressing on the shows and our website are just about to START… Get that right, Start…"

And for anyone who came in late, Drake claimed that one of the first things we would see is the media being completely taken over, then mass arrests of almost all the House, Senate past and present, media heads and Banksters all arrested including Obozo and the Bushes. Then new money and ascension into paradise etc.
Anybody taking bets?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I ll take a bet. it ain't gonna happen. we have had 2 green lighylight allready and nothing changed. there ll be elections and there ll be a next president...

Anonymous said...

For arguments sake, let's go with the tack that the big 'D' has his motive, intent and intergity cap securly on and has 'ducks in a row'.
Common sense tells me, if I start shouting from the roof tops, with my hair on fire, this 'second' time then, my info and timing best be, straight arrow skinny......... or else my word after this, won't be worth the amount of TP it takes to wipe my arse.
Hey Drake,
You do know the 'consequencies' and 'ramifications' of giving out this specific info at this time....don't you?
Got you secret, long term, 'hold up spot' decked out ? (just in case....)
All the best.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. I was just told by a patient relations manager for Scott and White Medical System that their legal documents are unchangeable. I have to sign and consent to them in order to get medical attention with their professionals.
The document is a blind consent that whatever their health professionals decide, medical and anesthetic, I consent on a continuing basis to their decision until withdrawn in writing.
This is BEFORE seeing the health professional.
Imagine going in to have a checkup and they say they want to check your chest and do an xray. Worst case scenario with your xray or one swapped in for stealing body parts, they decide you need some immediate medical attention and with that blind consent, a regular doctor office visit ends up with you on a gurney, in an operating room, under anesthesia, and whatever happens happens. And it's all your consent until withdrawn in writing, but you can't do that right now can you?
I tried to strike through continuing and indicate on a per visit basis after expressed discussions of the situation and intent.
But no! They want to be the representative of my corporeal body from start to finish.
Now if I happen to have the right liver for some millionaire, we can just imagine how that works can't we.
The problem with blind consent is we can never predict the unintended consequences of what someone else can do with that power. No second opinions, no discussions on what you think is the right course of action, and if they happen to leave a pair of scissors in you and decide to operate to take it out without discussing why you are having that pain; well all of that was your consent on a continuing basis.
General consent is unconscionable. An attorney who does not know me but is protecting the interest of the medical system and their ability to make money any way possible or through Obama Care are setting up these agreements in advance.
Imagine an epidemic and the health professional decides (by your continuing basis consent) that they do not need to treat you because you will die in 24 hours anyway.
Well that's what was offered and I could not accept it in good conscience without making changes to have access to communicate about my health. I asked do I have to leave this system that I have doctors in as a result of not being able to accept your new consent form?
The answer is, unfortunately we have procedures in place and part of those procedures is you have to consent without modifying the document or we can't see you.
Well. Access to medical care is a right, but they aren't the only company in town. Thank the Creator there are no monopolies and I an go somewhere else, but not before making a complaint at many levels.
Another area of consent is any left over body parts can be used for education and research and information about me would not be disclosed.
Hello! In this day of cloning and targeting diseases to certain demographics, I don't want to walk down the street and see another me because of their research, and I don't want anyone figuring out how to make me healthier, how to make me trans-human, or how to clone me or kill me by keeping my extra body parts for education!
These rights are unalienable. My parts are mine attached or detached, they are Me!
Okay, off the soap box.
IRS is unconscionable. They make you file, if you don't they'll file for you. If you file and they don't like it they will levy you, if you don't pay it they will garnish you, and if you need your money to live they don't care. They will make you homeless. I find it strange that someone posted they stopped taking auto withdrawals from their girlfriend's account in July, but the court case that was posted against them was in Sept. So that gave them three months of activity to show they were not taking garnishments or levies prior to the court case.
Everything happens for a reason I guess. I sure hope that guy won. I haven't seen any results yet. I think the original article was on wnd website.

Anonymous said...

Dear Drake-
We know that you visit this site and that you have even mentioned it on your "weekly update" radio show.
Do you concur with what has been posted here as a response to your post? And- more importantly- is this "Go signal" for the betterment of our country or worse? The reason I ask is because this "News" here and on your own site is vague and ambiguous. So if you would be so kind as to let us all know if we are preparing for the WORST or the BEST and if the "End Game" move is positive.
I believe- and I am sure you will agree that your reply would lay- any major worries or concerns for those of us out of the loop- to rest.
So, with that being said- are we preparing for "FREEDOM" or "STRIFE"?????
Please take the time to clarify.
A Concerned American

Anonymous said...

This is for concerned's pretty obvious from your comments and questions that you haven't done your"due diligence" Drake has prodded us to do. If you think that this could be a bad thing then you are not focused on the problems that we face, for it depends on where YOU are in this endgame plan. Are you a banker, who, perhaps have been naughty in your profession? Or perhaps a politician, who has heavily proffitted on the backs of your constituants- are worth many times your yearly salary due to insider trading,hmm? If I were you I would research Drake's-among others to gain an understanding of what is soon to play out.In a nutshell it's all good and better. NO FEDERAL RESERVE,spit, NO IRS,spit,spit, and NO POLICE STATE.spit,spit,spit. All is unfolding as it needs to be to set our sorry asses free.Namaste.

Anonymous said...

If you listened to his show yesterday you would have already heard the answer to that. We are preparing for a red light to the militia and ground allies, which could happen by the first of next week. He was not anticipating for the worst but anything can happen between now and then. If the Cabal is to make a last ditch attempt it would be now and most likely they are already preparing for that.

Anonymous said...

I'm not at all associated with Drake, and I made the first comment in this post. The media stories are ready, video clips are ready, the dam is about to break. Probably will start from overseas within a week or less.

Anonymous said...

Why all the ranting and raving? If Drake says somethings going to happen by early next week, you already know it won't.

Anonymous said...

heres the problem.. this type of "warning" has been going on for quite sometime now.. the boy who cried wolf...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anon 8:21. Good call, you smug little hypocrite. Your honed skills have seen through my truly concerned and inquisitive post and figured out that I am indeed a banker/politician. There's nothing getting past you is there? (minus your hubris and quasi-new age love to all.)
My deepest apologies that some of us have come in on the game late with questions hoping to be answered- but instead of your obvious lack of humility- I will say thank you for adding absolutely nothing to my post and will wait for Drake to reply without any condescension.
Do us all a favor, before you end your hateful responses with Namaste- practice what you preach.

Anonymous said...

Your info is probably the same place Drake got his; THE INTERNET! What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Did any of you arguing whether Drake is right or not read the Addendum 'Not From Drake' right below the Drake update? Or even the first comment? Probably not... Anon 2:09 do you have any more info you can share with us please?? Inquiring minds would like to know more if possible!

Anonymous said...

when i see it i'll believe it. Although i was surprised by an announcement by FOX unrelated to this,that mortgages would be made current if you had any hardship and if you had an amount of 5k your second mortgage could be paid of with it considering you owed more than 5k. But not real sure about the reasons they announced this on FOX unless connected to the so called WANTA-REAGAN-MITTERAND PROTOCALS. Who knows, maybe Drake is telling the truth. But if it doesn't happen soon Drake, strike three your out!!

Anonymous said...

BTW MONITOR, stop telling me in Tagalog my comment is subject to approval. I'm typing from the Philippines yes, but I'm not a Philipino ok. I'm American born to both American parents.

Anonymous said...

When will be DA END of chemtrails? We are being bombarded with them this afternoon.The dark are still very much in control.No changed

Anonymous said...

the attacks on Drake make me sick to my stomoach. Does anyone listen to what he says? You either have to be really young or unworldly to not be able to read that he has the best interest of the country in mind. and I cannot believe the questions people ask him. He is quite knowlegeable on a myriad of subject but people want him to tell them when to go to the bathroom. He is not the Pentagon, or the nanny government. He is a spokesperson for Intel.

Unknown said...

I presume no one is listening to the "Drake" anymore so he needs to boost ratings, last time it was a green light and you were supposed to sit back, now its a red light and you are to take action, does anyone else notice the dichotomy there? He must just get a good giggle with all this attention over his meaningless drivel, playing with people and their hopes for a better future.

What a tool.

I predicted 5 months ago that Drake will set everyone up for a BIG disappointment just before the election, in order to blame the failure on Obama some how. Kinda like he did last time with his green light, when the "good " military was stopped by Obama's "rat patrol" Expect a more dramatic repeat, basically because the Republican tickey has not one supportable policy to vote for, so lugnuts like Drake have to dream up fairy tales in order for you to vote against Obama and for the robber baron who has a proven track record as a liqiudator of American wealth and jobs (see recent Greg Palast story on how Romney raked in 115 million dollars from the auto bailout while shipping jobs to china).

Wake up people, you are being played.

Unknown said...

What Drake is doing is good for the Republicans, who have brought your country to its knees.

All the rest is just hyperbole.

Freedom eh? Be careful what you wish for.

If the militia in the US was worth the hassle they would have held to account the billionaire bandits who pilfered the public treasury. Instead they are now mobilizing to get the Party responsible elected. Ever heard of a rich person who did not support the Republicans? That is who your militia works for, cuz if they working for the american people they would have acted long ago to take these guys down.

Good luck and godspeed.

quisno son of the Republic said...

This is a ruse. There is talk among the provost marshalls but there is nothing on a concerted effort to arrest any one. Military is still in the dark and certain persons are out there trying to push an agenda.
Lets go through this agenda. Some in the DOJ want to see what the people are capable of. Less than 5% have any sign of wanting to change through any action other than rioting. there are 100 million guns out there (estimated by the DOJ of any consequence)
Obama has been told that Soros has been alotted 10% increase in votes in his Vote count by his Spanish corp owned by Soros. They will be counting the votes from these Voting machines in 26 States.( You all had a chance to cull that illegal enterprise)
Obama and his cronies want to know how many will be coming out against him. Homeland security has started graduating out the Obama youth citizens to combine with Mercs to beat down any resistence (mainly from any returning military now out of the service) as the true riots will begin when he is re-elected. This is a ploy to see your strength and your demeaner.
The true Revolution will be created by these people in control- Cities- cordoned off, power and water turned off and any one trying to exit these major cities will become targets.
Keep your cool get together talk and make ready for a 3rd World War. these people in positions of power are putting in bunkers to be lived in. To me this means possible nuclear war. Right now The US is attempting that on Russia in Syria as American soldiers and Russian soldiers fight one another.

Keep alert but dont be premature on your duties. This is Still the United States of America respect her as such. You have law enforcement in your counties who you should be talking with as they are your advanced guard.`If you feel that they are part of the Cabal and not citizen orientated learn how to change their minds. They too will be treated as you are now in time for the eugenisis is real. < the rules of power are clear> Refer to your Declaration of Independence. Learn Your Constitution and be ready for what approaches.
If you love and want your Nation(Republic ) Then act in that manner with meekness and in strength from your Creater.
remember the promise given by each of those who signed that Declaration as they promised their homes, their hearts and their lives for the creation of this Nation. You can do no less.