Sunday, October 14, 2012

Eyes Over U. S. Supreme Court

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Sunday October 14, 2012

Eyes Over U. S. Supreme Court

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Exper
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that last Friday the U.S. Supreme Court was in emergency session well into the night. The subject of the emergency session was: The mechanism for the final U.S. implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
American Patriot
Ambassador Leo Wanta

Note: Protocol implementation will return $1.5 TRILLION to the U.S. Treasury and zero out the U.S. budget deficit in sixty (60) days.

At this hour, Protocol implementation continues in Europe and now Asia at full speed.

P.S. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) continues to order massive repatriation of collateralized assets reference precious and industrial metals, as well as oil and natural gas holdings (eyes over India, China, Japan and the Philippines).

P.P.S. The decline in bank stocks last Friday on the worldwide equity markets confirms that Protocol implementation is occurring with consolidation and collateralization of banks worldwide.

P.P.P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, including recent events in Reno, Nevada involving the Iraqi dinar, Wells Fargo Bank, HSBC Bank of China and the U.S. Treasury.


darylluke said...

What....NOBODY commented on this one?

Wow. IF this is indeed factual, it certainly is monumental news!

And :
"P.P.P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, including recent events in Reno, Nevada involving the Iraqi dinar, Wells Fargo Bank, HSBC Bank of China and the U.S. Treasury."

This will be MOST WELCOME news once facts come out about this, too! Here is to HOPING this is not mere RUMORS and/or INTEL from "gurus", but SOLID FACTUAL REPORTING!! ;-)

siriusvoid said...

I think the countries are done with this system...
The point of diminishing returns has been reached and breached..
There's no faith in a return on investment money, so no investment in the IMF/WB.
No investment in growth.
The next phase will be the world wide protracted depression.
Hence the IMFs demand of all countries: Repatriation of collateralized assets to back outstanding loans. - NO MORE FREE LUNCH for the G5 etc.
Obviously a lot of people hate the idea of debt relief, RV, the Wanta/Reagan/Mitterrand Protocols, WGS, etc. and are trying to sabotage them.
But the alternative of austerity/attrition/war, is madness... Profitable for a few... Hell for the rest of US.
Yet so far, the PTB refuse to budge.
The solution is obvious but must be fought for...
Otherwise the attrition factor (DESPERATION/HUNGER) will kick in and all hell will break loose here, and everywhere else.
The time to do the right thing is NOW.
Wishing Heart, Soul, and Spirit, that world debt relief/RV/WGS/Nesara are finally here.