Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gently detox -- 4 superfoods to remove toxins from chem trails, heavy metals, noxious chemicals, pesticides, drugs, GM0s

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Gently detox -- 4 superfoods to remove toxins from chem trails, heavy metals, noxious chemicals, pesticides, drugs, GM0s
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Thursday, 18-Oct-2012 09:43:39

Detoxing can be hard on your body and cause a wide variety of alarming side effects. After all, the substances being removed are usually pretty horrible, consisting of toxic chemicals from Teflon, vaccines, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy residue, heavy metals, aluminum, radiation, and even by-products from GMO foods. There are numerous detoxing agents and methods available -- some more costly than others -- and some producing very intense experiences with potentially dangerous side effects.
However, there are several ways to remove these noxious substances gently, with kindness to your system. These techniques may take a bit longer to achieve completion; however, if you have the time and are sensitive, or just don't like pain, one of these methods should work for you.
Learn more: 


Anonymous said...

The thing that the readers of all this should know is they better have money to do this as it can get real expensiv real quick. I do not want to sound negative, But we have a UGE problem and these treatments are only bandages. The treatments mentioned are sort of like using a garden hose on a forest fire. After studying alternative medicine for over 20 years, and having many Alternative Doctor friends that are treating many patients, we all conclude the toxins and poisons are coming faster at us than we can treat them. We have highly toxic AIR, GMO'ed FOOD, POISONED SOIL, AND WATER. Unless you can live in a hyperbarically sealed room, eat food grown hydroponically, and drink water that is distilled most of this has limited usefulness. WE NEED TO LOCK THE BASTARDS UP THAT ARE DOING THIS TO US.... THE QUESTION IS HOW DO WE DO THAT?

Anonymous said...

I for one am grateful to have this information. Thank you for posting this. All of the recommendations in the link are affordable and easily done, and I already do. Perhaps that's why I am not easily depressed, or as negative as the above comment. Regular cleaning internally is no different than regular cleaning externally. You do bathe,right? Could it be better? Yes. Am I just going to lay down and die because it's not? No!