Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Intel update: Oct 2 2012


Intel update: Oct 2 2012

Hi Everyone!

This is yet another short and sweet update.

- The paddy wagons are getting full, have been for a few days now.

- The military is rolling- and it's NOT Martial Law

- The DC scammers, I mean, Politicians ran out of Washington last week, and some are still running

- Strangely enough O isn't doing anything this week- according to his Whitehouse schedule he doesn't have a single speech, debate, hand shaking, or fundraising event to go to- strange when his schedule was packed full last week and considering that Congress suddenly decided last week to all run away, I mean, leave Washington so that they could all start campaigning for the election... you'd almost think that something was going on behind the scenes....

- Reno is a very popular destination this time of year.  All those know-it-all's who've been camping out in motels there, thinking that they were "All that" and that they could push their way to the head of the line,  (I wonder how many of them are washing dishes and floors to pay for their motel bills?), have discovered that the big boys don't give a crap who they are or what their handle is.

... As I said last week, the changes are on the wind, and very soon we will wake up to a whole new world.  I know after hearing so much hype and having so many "deadlines" fall to the wayside it's hard to keep that positive flow, but seriously folks, it's right in front of us.



Anonymous said...

God bless the Big Boys to hell with criminal congress please drop them into a deepest whole where nobody can find them.

Anonymous said...

Presidential Debate scheduled for October 3


Anonymous said...

Verified by three of my contacts, the NDAA is being used on the vile, stupid miscreants of the bankrupt Federal Reserve Inc. who have sabotaged Leo Wanta's protocol funds for decades.


Caspar etc. are not real and is CIA. Leo Wanta does not own the funds. The Wanta Reagan Mitterand funds belong to a Global Collateral account which is owned by the U.S. Treasury.

Anonymous said...

"Strangely enough O isn't doing anything this week- according to his Whitehouse schedule he doesn't have a single speech, debate, hand shaking, or fundraising event to go to- strange when his schedule was packed full last week and considering that Congress suddenly decided last week to all run away, I mean, leave Washington so that they could all start campaigning for the election... you'd almost think that something was going on behind the scenes...."

Yes, Behind the scenes he is preparing for the Internationally Televised Debate on Wednesday night, an event that has been scheduled for months!

Yet another genious poster on this forum that I can now ignore.

Anonymous said...

The infamous good guys need to arrest the treasonous,sedicious TV and radio moguls and take over the air waves and stop all the lies and propaganda that spews out of the mouths of these traitorous talking heads! They are all guilty of sedition,IMO! Stert telling the truth to the American sleep walkers and the rest of the world!TV and radio are their biggest brainwashing tools!DUH!