Hello All:
The next few days will bring what we have been waiting for. Read this and know we are very close. GOD BLESS LOVE TO ALL
The next few days will bring what we have been waiting for. Read this and know we are very close. GOD BLESS LOVE TO ALL

NESARA Coming “Shortly”?
2012 October 10
Posted by
Steve Beckow
of the original GRT discussion group, 2009
So much is being said right now
about how close we are to NESARA.
Archangel Michael said on Monday, Oct. 8, 2012:
Archangel Michael said on Monday, Oct. 8, 2012:
Beckow: Are there any obstacles remaining in the path of the announcement of
Michael: None.
So, why is it not here today?
The worthiness issue that we have talked about is the only, and we are not
calling it an, obstacle. Because the pieces are in place. This is going to
unfold in ways that you do not anticipate. It is going to unfold with ways
which have the assistance of your star brothers and sisters, the cooperation of
the Company of Heaven. It will be in place very shortly. No, I do not mean
soon, I simply mean shortly.
What’s the difference between shortly and soon, please, Lord?
Days. Okay.
Days rather than months. (1)
Now the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle say:
events are preparing to happen quite shortly. Your world is at a point where
the collapse of its economy is imminent. … [A] concerted squeeze is about to
cause a mass collapse of the fiat money system. … [The] colossal debt and the
squandering of the gold-based IOUs now due for repayment are to be the twin
vehicles for the change of governance and the instituting of the new global financial
global fiscal situation is rapidly deteriorating, rendering the false optimism
based on the ‘cooked books’ statistics of the West quite meaningless. On the
bright side, this accelerating slide is also creating the opportunity for the
new system to be suddenly introduced by our sacred allies. … These diverse
momentums are quickly coming to a head. … Collapse is close. Those working on
the plan to replace the dark governments with new ones are fully confident that
their announcement of this change is at hand.
world is to be changed from a realm of treachery and strife into one where the
governance actually takes heed of the people and then acts accordingly. The new
financial system is designed to bring succor and universal prosperity to all.
Nevertheless, this is a mere prelude to the wondrous transformations that are
planned, including a formal disclosure announcement of our presence.
are confident that the events of the coming time will at last move your world
out of the grasp of the dark cabal. Conditions are locking into place which can
make this change inevitable. Our intention is to ensure that this shift happens
as easily and smoothly as possible. We have used our ability and technology to
prevent attempts to threaten this outcome. The dark comprehends what we are
doing and knows it is powerless to alter the end result. …
who sit at the very core of the legality of ancient statute law are supporting
this change of global governance. This exciting development together with the
imminent collapse of the world’s economic system has put the cabal on notice
that its protracted reign is indeed coming to an end. …
you can imagine there is so much to be done, but we are fully prepared for it
all. We already know where the action needs to be taken, and there will be no
delay in getting things moving. ” (2)
Rather than join in the chorus on
NESARA, SaLuSa chose to praise President Obama today.
already know which world Leaders can be trusted, and Barack Obama will lead the
way. It seems we cannot say it enough times to convince some people, but he is
a highly spiritual soul simply waiting his opportunity to begin his real
mission. He will re-unite the world in peace, and set the scene for our coming.
The doubters will not have long to see that what we say is true.” (3)
SaLuSa would not be saying this if
President Obama were not fully versed on NESARA and working with the galactics
and ascended masters to bring it in.
The furthest he went in the direction of NESARA statements was to say:
The furthest he went in the direction of NESARA statements was to say:
you are now in the time of great expectations, and these will be fulfilled as
you have been promised. Your present governments still stick to the usual
policies that deny what you know to be true, and the media still follow suit.
However, that will all change before very long,” (4)
However he did say on Sept.12, 2012:
plans to cover such an eventuality as [the corrupt economy's] collapse have
been formulated. As with much of our allies work, it is ready to be implemented
and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. The old corrupt system will
not be retained, and the new one is receiving support for the far reaching
changes that it will bring.” (5)
And he added on Sept. 21, 2012:
now a number of actions that are destined to start the changes are proceeding
well, and it is likely that all of a sudden some of them will announce
themselves to the media”. (6)
Archangel Michael also gave us a few
insights into the latest plans for instituting NESARA:
Beckow: Will NESARA simply consist of the addition of zeroes to everyone’s bank
account, as rumor has it?
Michael: Yes.
So… [laugh] I privately had the joking thought to myself that I should make
sure my balance has a nine in it rather than a one, so that the zeroes have
maximum effect!
That is a very good idea. But understand, if you really want maximum effect,
simply add another zero.
I have the ability to add another zero?
You have the ability to request another zero, of course. (7)
The galactics say that they know
whom they can trust and what parts they will play. “You of course will be very
much involved in our joint activities,” SaLuSa said today, “and be assured that
we know who we can call upon for help.” (8)
If our bank accounts will simply be increased by a number of zeroes, it doesn’t seem quite as important to have a moderate supply of cash on hand, but it still might be a wise precaution.
If our bank accounts will simply be increased by a number of zeroes, it doesn’t seem quite as important to have a moderate supply of cash on hand, but it still might be a wise precaution.
(1) “Archangel Michael: The
Returning Masters are You – Part 2/2,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/archangel-michael-the-returning-masters-are-you-part-22/
(2) “Sheldan Nidle: Early Halloween for the Cabal,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/sheldan-nidle-early-halloween-for-the-cabal/
(3) SaLuSa, Oct. 10, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) SaLuSa, Sept. 12, 2012.
(6) SaLuSa, Sept. 21, 2012.
(7) “Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You – Part 2/2,” ibid.
(8) SaLuSa, Oct. 10, 2012.
(2) “Sheldan Nidle: Early Halloween for the Cabal,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/sheldan-nidle-early-halloween-for-the-cabal/
(3) SaLuSa, Oct. 10, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) SaLuSa, Sept. 12, 2012.
(6) SaLuSa, Sept. 21, 2012.
(7) “Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You – Part 2/2,” ibid.
(8) SaLuSa, Oct. 10, 2012.

If Barack Obama is leading the way, this is the end of the American Republic and the beginning of a New World Satanic religious Order with a Muslim at the helm! Adding zeros to everyone's account is the solution to a worldwide economic problem?
Steve Beckow likes to say that he doesn't post predictions because no predictions come true.
How, then, is this post any different from a prediction?
There is an old saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. now, the rest of the rest of the story. When horse doesn't drink he usually, just dies. Don't drink!!!
LOL, you said the 'end of the American Republic'.
If you are on this continent, you know they push democracy and we are waiting on the 'return' of the Republic.
You can't end something before it begins and it always has the potential to begin again.
We don't have an American Republic now, unless you know something I don't.
If it is here now, then that means Barack brought back the Republic only to end it; which would not make sense without extra details of how and why.
I understand where you're coming from, Anonymous, as I too have my misgivings about President Obama. But the truth is that Mitt Romney is probably not really going to be working for "we the people" should he get elected.
If Salusa is correct and can be believed (which I believe he can) then voting Obama may end up being the way I go. It's tough for me though because I am a hard core Ron Paul supporter. I hate that he's not running anymore. I would vote for Gary Johnson to vote my conscience, but I do believe Salusa.
Let's see if he and the other galactics are correct about the rest of October. If they are, then perhaps we'll all have any easy choice on Election Day.
I can't believe these people are still trying to feed us this BS. Obama is as EVIL as evil can be.
No, Obama is a Communist. Nothing good has ever come from Communism except mass extermination. Don't vote for BHO!
Perhaps while the election is moved back, Obama will change his running mate to Ron Paul.
That would definitely give him the edge and help prove that messages have said Obama will win by the largest landslide vote in history.
That along with his NESARA announcement.
I am perplexed at the stupidity that reigns here in spades!HELLO anybody home upstairs(brain) Salusa has been revealed to be a fraud by proxy of the cabal. Mike Quincey is damaged goods,not to be a trusted source,yet John still posts this trash to continue to mislead us or at least those who may have missed his post revealing Salusa and HARRP transmission that he was channeling all this time thinking it was really a higher being.Based on this single revalation,I wouldn't trust any channeled report. The satainists have purposely exposed this so we would take this attitude toward infomation being given visa channeled means etc.It's like the guy has an issue with stuborn DENIAL that this is a HOAX,but doesn't want to accept it? WTF is going on here?!
The Word tells us ......know my people by there fruit which they bare. BHO has produced bad fruit and has bore bad fruit. NOT even dog catcher would i vote for him. So in discernment i reject this post. I see it for what it is. DARK CABAL
If anyone believe this without documentation, they are all in a dream still... So keep dreaming.
I do believe the reason John post this crap is because wants others to see just how many fools are among us that buy this OBOZO good Guy garbage. All I can say is what are you people smoking who beloved that OBOZOZ is a good Guy? It must be some good smoke if it can warp your mind to buy this fantasy.
We already know who and where Barry Soetoro came from. His father was Frank marshall Davis a devout communist recruiter who mentored him. Barry is a muslim hello. he is not a christian. he wants to destroy america. So take your salusa and nesara and stick it where the sun don't shine. Face it people, we are on our own. No white knight coming.
Dreams come true
Dreams come true
When was Salusa exposed as a fraud? How is Mike Quinsey damaged goods? Can you share a link or provide something to back this up?
I want to know too.
We were taught as children not to point a finger because the THREE OF YOUR FINGERS ARE POINTING BACK AT YOU :)
"We already know which world Leaders can be trusted, and Barack Obama will lead the way. It seems we cannot say it enough times to convince some people, but he is a highly spiritual soul simply waiting his opportunity to begin his real mission. He will re-unite the world in peace, and set the scene for our coming."
O rly now?
Sound like Antichrist much?
Regarding Obama, as my grandma used to say, "Pretty is as pretty does".
Write some one else in. You don't have choose either one of these guys I'm gona write in Jesse Ventura
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