Hello All:
Bix Weir latest info. God Bless Love to all
Bix Weir latest info. God Bless Love to all

From: bix@roadtoroota.com
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 13:03:41 -0400
Subject: Our Future is Much, Much Brighter Than Most Think!
face it...The Road to Roota is all about the future but where we are headed is
a result of what was done in the past. My analysis has show that there ARE
people working on freeing us from the Banking Cabal who has controlled us for
so long. Obviously, the work is not done...but it is very close. Our future is
much, much brighter than most think!
have posted the latest Friday Road Trip for Private Road members here:
this week include:
There's a New Silver Rigger In Town!
Like A Thief in the Night, Good Guys Hit Hard
CME Reopens The Doors For The Market Riggers
"Buzz Lightyear" Bernanke Carries Through With The Master Plan
How Many Times Can Jeffrey Christian Be Wrong?!
John Gault Arrives Right On Time
can sign up for the Private Road and gain access to all the articles about what
is happening to us here:
safe out there!
the Road you choose be the Right Road.
What was this all about? Oh, I see. Send me your money and become a member and I'll feed you a line of BS. Get lost Bix!
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EyeAreEss has turned it up a notch. You get rid of them for on tax year and they come after you for another. I had a recording where I stated the call was Under Duress, and Under Coercion. That I do not owe them, and I don't want to do business with them. She said because I won't contact them is why they issue the levy. I said, lady, I send a form to request a refund, some agent charges $5000 civil penalty and the letter says send another form and if we don't like it we'll charge another $5000. I cannot in good conscience communicate with a business like that. I told her. I submitted forms and explicitly put, not subject to lien or levy and they were accepted, yet here and again someone creates a debt out of thin air and now they want to affect my life and the life I created. Their levy will leave me without food and shelter and will interfere with the obligations of contracts I am already entered into. Their levy will make me fail to perform the obligations of other contracts. I said I demand lawful money and I convert the salary, reward or recompense for services rendered, into lawful money or US Mint dollar coins. I said when I convert the recompense at the bank, they do not give me money of account. The agent would make an agreement to life the levy only if I agree to make payments. I told her, I don't want to agree to pay what I don't owe, but I will to life the levy. The she says, It has to be your agreement. I told her, it will be your agreement and you will say that on the letters you send for payment, but I'll accept it to get the levy released. She says. I can't let you accept the agreement unless you really want it and I can't release the levy without an agreement. You don't sound like you agree. I said, okay. I agree. Since the call is recorded and beginning of this call states I am calling under duress and under coercion and a contract under duress is not a contract anyway, I agree to make the payments. She says, I can't accept that. You'll have to call back. I can't let you accept under those terms. I say, no. The reason I call is to have the levy release, whatever I need to do to release it I will because I can't live with that levy. It will prevent me from having shelter. I can't live my life if that levy stays. She says she can't continue because I already indicated I didn't want to call them, but the levy stays. She'll give me time to think about accepting payment and call back. I keep her on the phone, telling her, I agree, I will pay, then she asks what can I pay. I make an offer and she accepts only if I don't have any other levy's. She sees I didn't file a 2011 tax return and I'm due a refund. I told her, lady, if I file and someone doesn't like it, I get charged $5000. I do not plan to file any more returns with your company. It's against conscience to send forms with a company and get penalized for sending them.
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She sets up the payment plan but she wants more if I give her a bank account. I say, I can't I don't have the proper id for a bank account, can't I send a cashier's check or something. She says it has to be a bank account or if don't do that I have to give her financial information so she can determine what I pay without an account. I say, I don't owe you and I don't want to tell you anything private about me. So she gives me until the 9th to call back and either have an account or disclose private and confidential information about myself. I told her, to pay when i don't owe is involuntary servitude, can't they review the standing I provided on the docs? She says it's already determined. I say can't they refer it to a court, even though the court won't have jurisdiction over me. she says I have to put it in the court. Laughing out loud how someone can create a document before I am born alive and then enforce the provisions on that document without validating status. Clear as day, the status is not that of a person, individual or taxpayer.
I eventually responded in writing. There are things 'life' can do that a corporation can't. Life does not pay taxes to live. And a financial instrument is not money nor income until converted. Banks do not convert to money of account as per The coinage act of 1792.
How can one garnish a portion of an instrument that isn't wages nor income before it's converted at a bank to some subsistence. Banks don't convert recompense to wages nor income. I don't provide 'personal' services. I need the recompense converted something to live life. I need to purchase energy (food) so I can produce more energy with my corporeal body so I can get more recompense for this vicious circle in life.
I am who I've been waiting for.
My experience with the EyeAreEss is that they are business of Undue Influence and no one in good Conscience would want to contract and re-contract with them on a yearly basis. And if you don't contract with them on a yearly basis because it's against conscience, unconscionable, they will come after you and MAKE you contract with them.
Who in their right mind would agree to that?
It's Turpitude. It's involuntary servitude when you don't owe and an unknown agent has the power to create a civil penalty contract and a new debt, bring into existence $5000 that did not exist before. They have the powers of Congress and the Federal Reserve to create money out of Thin Air.
Who knew?
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