Sunday, October 14, 2012

Promising: Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Energy Device Could Be THE Answer

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Promising: Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Energy Device Could Be THE Answer
Posted By: LetFreedomRing
Date: Sunday, 14-Oct-2012 09:40:19
What is the E-Cat?
June 3, 2011
The following information about the E-Cat has been gathered over the past year from statements by Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi, Rossi’s collaborator. So far, no thorough independent examination of the E-Cat has been permitted — but numerous tests have taken place in which outside observers have been involved in and have their reports have been published.
E-Cat is short for the term “energy catalyzer” and is a device in which hydrogen gas, powdered nickel metal, and undisclosed proprietary catalysts are combined to produce a large amount of heat through a little understood low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) process inside a specially designed chamber. The inner workings of the reactor are covered by a trade secret which Rossi consistently refuses to discuss.
In this process, when an external heat source is applied (Electric or fossil) to the reaction chamber, large amounts of thermal energy (heat) are produced, much more than could be accounted for from chemical reactions. From reports of tests, it appears that the reaction begins when the reactor is heated to around 60 degrees Celsius, and once the reaction is stable, the external heat can be turned off and the reaction can continue for a considerable length of time. In an October 6th test in Bologna, Italy, the E-Cat ran without external heat (referred to as ‘self-sustain mode) for almost four hours, maintaining a constant temperature and boiling water continuously. Initially, Rossi and Focardi believed, and stated that the heat was generated because the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, a proton, penetrated a nickel nucleus and in doing so a nickel atom became a copper atom. Now Rossi states that while transmutation does take place, it is more of a side effect, and the core effect is caused by some undisclosed mechanism. Rossi says he has a firm understanding of what is taking place, but will not disclose his theory until he has patent protection.
How long the E-Cat can run in self sustain mode without external heat being applied is unknown, but Andrea Rossi has said that for safe and stable operations it is necessary that the external heat source be cycled on and off.
The energy produced by the nuclear reactions is used to heat water, and the output of the E-Cat is hot water or steam. Lead and Boron are used as a shield to prevent the release of gamma rays during the reactions, and when the reactions are complete (The hydrogen input is turned off) there is no radioactive waste.
The significance of the E-Cat as an energy source is that it can produce energy at a much cheaper rate and much more cleanly than other sources on the market. The major ingredients, nickel and hydrogen are common elements and readily available at low cost and are consumed in very small quantities. There is no release of CO2 or other greenhouse gases from the E-Cat. Unlike traditional nuclear fission power, no radioactive materials are involved, and no radioactive waste is produced.
Rossi has been awarded a patent for the E-Cat by the Italian Patent Office and is seeking further patent protection.
Andrea Rossi launched the first commercial E-Cat plant, a 1 MW thermal power plant in Bologna, Italy on October 28th, 2011 which was tested and certified as being acceptable by an agent for an unknown customer. Rossi has stated that the customer is a military entity that does not want to be identified.
Rossi’s Leonardo Corporation is planning to move into the domestic market within between a year and eighteen months, and has already started production of parts for one million small 10-20 kW E-Cat units that can provide heat and air conditioning to homes. Rossi has said that his target price for these first units is going to be around $1000 each.


Anonymous said...

Another honest, clear, concise report. It doesn't attack nor defend Mr. Rossi.

However we should add that Mr. Rossi hasn't shown any interest in allowing the world to follow his truly long running tests (lasting a week or more). Even if that monitoring were internet based only. If he could convince others that he can run tests for weeks at a time, then any and all scam theories would be completely discredited, and a lot of people that are on the fence could start pressuring the powers of be to fund this guy. Including myself. Its in your hands Mr. Rossi. How about heating a large building all winter long ? One couldn't possibly do that with hidden wires, or hidden chemical sources.

Perhaps his work is just still quite a bit far from commercial applications. If that's the case, admitting that would add to his credibility.

Anonymous said...

Please try to do better investigation. We wanted to believe in this, but it looks entirely false.

When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Reports at this address seem more duly critical and have pretty much revealed this to another BIG scam by Rossi (note his background) (Copy paste into browser)

Criminal like background of toxic waste dumping for many years:

Sad. Because there probably IS a way to do this.