Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Prophetic Word For The Election

Jeremiah 37:17
Prophetic Word for September 27, 2012
"I hear the Holy Spirit saying the presidential election this year will be a national referendum on whether our national religion will be Christianity or Islam? I also see major chaos surrounding this years election."

As a prayer leader in this nation, I'm deeply concerned about the condition of the church in America. If we do not gather together into the house of God and pray these next few weeks, we will most certainly go into captivity.

About Dale Gentry  
Dale and his wife Jean have been married for 50 years and have been in full time ministry since 1967. Dale served as a senior pastor for twenty-two years and since 1985 has served as a prophetic voice to leading churches across America and many nations of the world. He continues to mobilize Christians to pray for another spiritual awakening in America. 
For more information, go to 

Breakout Prayer Network
P.O. Box 77093
Fort Worth, TX 76177 


Anonymous said...

If we are lucky it will be neither. Religion or government; they are both about control and I can live without either.

Anonymous said...

Watch what you're saying Dale.
Sounds like you're listening more to NWO fear porn than the Holy Spirit to me.I highly doubt the Holy Spirit would be parroting the Islamophobic propaganda BS.He would know that the true threat is the New World Order and the Satanic families of globalists that rule this world.I don't feel your word is from God..sorry

Anonymous said...

Wow! How are you, Anon. 11:41, so all-knowing that you can state for a fact that we have no threat from Islamo-Fascists??? Read the Old Testament and see what nations are involved in the End Times prophecies: Persia (Iran), Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Syria, all Middle East countries. Read the description of the end time persecution of Christians in Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Revelation (beheading here). Even the Muslims themselves in their Quran aka Koran, predict THEIR Muslim Mahdi (what we call the Antichrist) will rule in the end times and cleanse the earth of unbelievers and infidels. In case you didn't know, Christians are considered infidels. When was the last time you read the Bible, if ever?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget...we have a Muslim in the White House, several in high positions on Homeland Security, many in the military, several in Congress, hundreds crossing our unprotected borders and many thousands more scattered throughout the US. This is "fear porn" (what the h#@l kind of expression is that?) or is it facing reality?