Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Wednesday October 3, 2012
Wednesday October 3, 2012
Protocol Update
International Intelligence Expert

President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
source source
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that former U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan's affidavit, which includes White House logs and records, is now in the possession of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.
The First Lady's affidavit shows direct communication between Ambassador Leo Wanta, President Ronald Reagan and then White House Associate Counsel John G. Roberts Jr.
That's right, folks, that is the one and the same John G. Roberts Jr.
The former First Lady's affidavit also fingers then White House Chief of Staff and Bush Crime Family crony James Baker for conspiring with then U.S. Treasury Secretary Donald T. Reagan, then Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, and then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the Bank of England and none other than JPMorgan in trying to block the Wanta-U.S.-French-Chinese intelligence operation that was in the process of downgrading the Russian ruble and bringing the Soviet Union's economy to its knees.
P.S. At this hour, Protocol implementation continues nonstop in Europe with France ready to receive their long awaited payment within hours, if not already received.
Spain is now flush with Protocol cash, and IMF President Christine Lagarde continues to order massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets reference precious and industrial metals, along with oil and natural gas holdings.
Reference: Lagarde and the IMF have completed an audit of the ECB (European Central Bank), which shows that the European Central Bank is broke and loaded up with worthless cross-collateralized derivatives tied to the Bank of England, the corrupt London LIFFE Exchange along with the corrupt U.S. banking giants Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan.
In closing, a direct message to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon:
You have been indicted by a New York Federal Grand Jury so quit illegally freezing customers' segregated accounts NOW!
Things are going to get worse for you as the New York Attorney General has just started in his investigation of your crooked bank.
Absolute nonsense! Heneghan is as bad a Sorcha Faal with his lies.
As you can plainly see, what we are dealing with here is not much else than a sophisticated criminal gang of mafia lords.
A criminal gang of this magnitude is so powerful, it requires very ruthless legal muscle...and Leo Wanta who is the 27.5 trillion dollar man is literally a part of that muscle.
The story is simple: Courts, especially admiralty courts operate according to how much leverage you carry.
For example, the Pentagon (which was staffed by both parties, a legion of Zionist socialists whether R or D) stole 2.6 trillion dollars during 9-11 and ran away with the cash.
That is an awful lot of leverage to hold over a Court's head, and get them to dismiss long standing criminal charges against Blankfein, Chertoff, Bush, Dov Zakhiem and other such scum as George Soros.
Of course around that same time, the Gold bars went missing from the U.S. treasury vaults. Approximately 27.6 trillion worth in Gold to be exact.
And Leo Wanta returned from Switzerland, determined to track down that stolen Gold. And so they did, in multiple countries across the Globe including Tunisia and Uzbekistan...the traitors had done their absolute best to hide the Gold across every country.
But not good enough, as through the aid of hired private eyes Wanta was able to finally seize the Gold back. Now we are not talking a few Gold bars, never. The accountants and management were able to seize back billions of stolen Gold bars, some illegally diverted to Israel & Kuwait, and through this type of scaled operation they now have all the leverage.
In the Wanta trust's possession is at least three trillion or more in recaptured Gold bars and currency assets. Leo Wanta's trust belongs to the Global Collateral Accounts and U.S. Treasury, it does not have anything to do with nor does it cross arms with Neil Keenan.
In these assets, Leo Wanta Inc. (since nowadays, everyone knows the real score here) has all the leverage needed to put Jamie Dimon behind bars & start locking every last one of these criminals up for a good bit.
The Judge has ordered immediate implementation of the Protocols and now even John Roberts, is cornered in that he needs to pass it quickly. These summons will utterly destroy any remaining protections A. Rothschild and his cronies had, legal wise.
They can they be summoned, jailed, kicked out of their positions and no longer be a threat.
As powerful as Rothschild's empire is, you have to remember he and his goons the Rockefellers, Bushes, Ackermanns, Napolitanos, Soros, Zakhiems and other pathetic trash made a fatal mistake. They went and opted to commit crimes all over the world, with the fleeting and unrealistic expectation that they couldn't be caught for it.
Thus, the only protection these mega Zionists had was the fact Rothschild owned 4 trillion dollars, more than the entire United States makes in a year. They locked up virtually all their assets into paper computer files, which are in fact housed in the Bank of England.
While they go around boasting about their "successful" New World Order (which is in fact nothing but a pack of, obvious criminal outlaws) they seem to forget entirely this fact, and once an Audit occurs of their precious Central Bank known as the Bank of England suddenly their whole empire goes up in thousands of flames.
This is why these criminal fools have been trying to force Martial Law down everyone's throat, in any country you arrive at, because the only leverage they have over people is the 4 trillion dollars to pay their loyalists off.
If they don't have that money, and lately Rothschild/Nicholas doesn't have any really good holdings in Gold either....then pretty much everything they ever built is finished.
So with all the investigators, even the Auditor of England demanding entrance into the Bank of England records that's got these mafias worried. It just takes one lighting of the match to topple the whole empire, alas.
You see, he is not that different from you if you robbed a bank- he just did it worldwide.
You see Rothschild and his goons aren't any different than any other criminal gang, it's just nobody was noticing they exist...and so they were able to screw everybody due to the fact they have ten trillion dollars.
Ten trillion dollars buys a New World Order.
Alas, tis the only truth...
I'd like to see that affidavit
Great sharing about the news of Protocol Update in market.
Thanks for sharing...
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yep siriusvoid I would like to see some proof of all of this too! It's time for those who post to back it up by showing some proof of where they got their information! Until then it's all just BS!
Very interesting point of view! Is it possible for you to share more knowledge about admiralty courts and leverage? Thx
Does'nt mean shit, it will get overruled, Supreme court rule 45, this is a dictatorship wake the HELL UP !!!!!
The Pentagon Zionist (both parties) ACTUALLY stole MORE THAN $4.9 TRILLION (audited), of which only $2.3 TRILLION was announced on Youtube by Rumsfeld one day prior to 911. The Budget/Accounting office AUDITING the missing trillions was the ONLY office hit at the Pentagon on 911, and that area had been REINFORCED by a recently building project to insure the REST of the Pentagon wasn't affected.
THIS is the story about a 2008 meeting between Chief Justice Roberts and Bush regarding to STOP implementation of the Wanta Protocols.
WHY don't people like you do a little thing called RESEARCH! I posted the article about the 2008 meeting between Bush and Roberts - "The Crucifixion of Judge John G. Roberts", which I read a LONG time ago. Did YOU read the Christopher Story reports? Probably NOT! They are still out there on the web to give you an education.
Yes but those rules no longer apply, he CAN'T interfere anymore because Rothschild does not have the funds necessary to try and deny implementation of the Protocols....
All of Rothschild's Gold is gone, now tucked away in vaults far outside of their view and purview.
Here it is broken down in ways you simple people can understand:
1 ) Every United States court is an Admiralty court, when it has Gold Fringe on the flag.
2) These Admiralty courts are controlled by the Federal Reserve and its BAR Association.
3) In order to win in the rigged court, you need leverage.
4) All the stolen fifteen trillion dollars in Gold, are leverage and resource.
5) Leo Wanta Inc. now holds the reigns on all that Gold, not Drake, not the White Hats, not anybody else nor Neil Keenan.
6) The court is now forced to honor the contract or basically be arrested because of all the Gold in that trust account.
Keenan holds the reigns on a separate trust account, that right on cue as if part of a play script, "shows up." Leo Wanta's trust that belongs to the Global Collateral account owns 26 trillion in Gold deposits due the U.S. Treasury who now has no way to divert.
Do we get to see Roberts go down too? I would like to see the entire Supreme Court go down after their ruling that corporations are people. How irrational is that? We need a rational Supreme Court.
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