Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reptilian Bases Reported Under Most Hospitals

Reptilian Bases Reported Under Most Hospitals

[Editor's Note: Stephanie Relfe is a highly competent Australian kinesiologist who was able to help Michael Relfe recover suppressed memories of being under mind control while an enlisted man in the US Navy using techniques called "clearing" and gleaned from the research of L. Ron Hubbard. 'Clearing' sessions are conducted in a normal, conscious state with the clearing practitioner asking questions and monitoring the needle of a detection instrument called the "clearing biofeedback meter", while the client holds electrodes in his hands. The meter is capable of detecting changes in the emotional 'charge' of the human aura. The body and the subconscious mind retain memories of all things experienced, even those events which occurred under mind control. By monitoring the biofeedback meter's response to her questions, the skilled clearing practitioner can probe those areas of inquiry which elicit the greatest effect and will thus allow the client to consciously recall suppressed memories. This process is time consuming and gradual, but it is an effective technique for deprogramming a mind controlled individual. Stephanie and Michael compiled their clearing sessions-and the startling information they revealed- into on-line, downloadable books called "The Mars 

Record, Books 1 & 2" which are linked below.

Stephanie and Michael also helped a woman named "Pat" recover her suppressed memories while she was a member of a military cadet training program and titled her story "The Mars Force, Pat's Story", now in book 2. The quality and quantity of information revealed in The Mars Record and The Mars Force, Pat's Story, are simply astounding and can be read on-line or downloaded from the links below. Take advantage of the tremendous selfless efforts which the Relfes have invested to help humanity understand the true story of the demonic evil and brutal crimes being committed by the reptilian-controlled government and our military. Be sure to visit the Relfe's three web sites listed at the bottom of this page; great stuff there...Ken Adachi]

STOP PRESS. JUST RELEASED! Free to download.

The Mars Force - Pat's Story - Book 2

This is the continuing story of how Pat's membership in a military cadet program led to Military Abductions and the suppressing of her Psychic Abilities.

The Mars Force - Pat's Story - Book 2 is over 2 years in the making.

Book 2 includes terrifying information that reptilians have a base or link under nearly every hospital for the purpose of harvesting hormones from patients and dead bodies and that reptilian infiltrationof this planet is much larger than previously thought (see

It also illustrates how negative hallucinations work, point to point resonance teleportation, and how psychic spies can alter buildings to create new doorways (and much more).

Also discovered is startling evidence that mind control alters can be accessed by different patterns of breathing. This may be THE key many therapists have been searching for.
Do not read this book if you are easily offended or have a weak stomach, as some of the reports of what Pat suffered when being subjected to rape and torture in order to suppress her psychic abilities are rather graphic.
These revealing sessions are contained in "The Mars Force - Pat's Story, Book Two" which is free to download from (140 pages) [or click the links located above..Ken].
If you are not already familiar with The Mars Records, please download The Mars Records Book 1 & 2, as well as The Mars Force - Pat's Story : Book 1 from [ or click the links below].
The Mars Record, Book 1
The Mars Record, Book 2
The Mars Force - Pat's Story - Book 1
We invite you to copy and mirror our website in case anything ever happens to it.
Michael Relfe



Anonymous said...

I can't trust anything that came from L Ron Hubbard. Look up all the crap that his church, "Scientology" had inflicted on innocent people.

Virgilius said...

De-programming of mind controlled individuals can be done easier and very effective by using homeopathic treatment. Have thought of, tried that?

siriusvoid said...

This remote accessing and the generation of energetic 'portals'/vortexes is true stuff..
The monsters?... Not so much
Actually these 'reptilians' and other demonics are vivid examples of our own deeper-conscious..
But let's not stop there.. Even our 'images' of gods, and angelics, though they lack the horrific aspect of an H.P. Lovecraft nightmare, are as well...
Even though they instead suffuse us with glorious blissful light and sweet harmonies...
They too are 'hypnotic embellishments' of our deeper-consciousness.
Even our own self image and concrete beliefs are so composed...
Revealing all belief and experiential interpretation, including who we think we are, and what we believe our life to be, are nothing but mind and are in fact created from the stuff of dreams.
From the densest, bone crushing rock, to the most subtle form of consciousness, the same creative, living substance abides.
I call it Prana, or GOD, but names, like numbers, add up to nothing...
It is not belief, but direct, tacit, spontaneous, and timeless KNOWLEDGE which is free of error, and cannot be controlled.