Saturday, October 27, 2012

RV, Dinar & Banking Intel

Listen to the Intel .... can you trust it? ~ Freeway Bill

I very seldom listen to Conference Calls as it just frustrates me when people who know so little say so much.  I know, I know that so many need to have some words coming at them to make them feel that something is happening at any moment, but some of the intel thrown out on some of these calls are of so little truth and so much guessing.

I have asked everyone to just be patient and wait for the real announcement which will come when everything is in place. Are we close? Yes .... How close? I gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago.

I can tell you that there is more intel flowing off the sites than on the sites that is true.

Anyone that thinks that what is going on with Maliki is the deciding factor on when this RV appears really needs to study this blessing a lot more than obviously xxx has.  We are so long past anything in Iraq being a deciding factor.  They want this done... They have passed all of their test .... You don't have to look very many miles from your house to find the blockage and the cause of the delays.

 Watch for the UST bills to come out.  BIG SIGN!  Other than that, just relax and wait as we have been for years ... patiently....  Sure, I want it to happen today and it very well could.  But, rid yourself of this kind of frustration.
People, I am just one person with what I feel is pretty credible sources that all are scratching their heads on why we have not seen this yet.  However, they have ruled out almost all of what you hear on this conference call with good solid reasoning and facts.

I have told you for over two years that this IS A GOD THING and when all of the bad guys are boxed out from being a threat to our money, the RV will happen .... not until...

I leave you with this.... if this would have happened last year without the proper security in place, your money very well might have been snatched by hackers and your bank accounts emptied.... would that have worked better?


Bobo: Dear Freeway

Thanks for your post - agree with first part

If it is true, as many have suggested, that this is a world reset/rv/ce involving 100+ currencies or countries or entities then i find it quite inconceivable to be believe Iraq has anymore than a very small % of the decision to rv.

I do find your last thought a little perplexing.

Where I come from there is no way of anyone can/could drain my accounts. Just can't be done, not now or 5 years ago. So I must assume that the banking system of the country you live in (presumably the USA) is the weekest banking system in the whole universe.

I would suggest for all those in a week sytem to arrange all funds to move offshore as soon as rv happens with a private client account of an international bank. It's simple and safe.

Blessings  Bobo

Ps. I would have much prefered this to go live 2 years ago and let the chips fall where the may.

FREEWAY BILL: Never say never Bobo.  There has been billions of dollars stolen out of accounts in the US, all through Europe and Asia by hacking into accounts and removing funds and routing them to multiple hidden accounts belonging to the hackers. The US does not hold the status of being the only country where this could happen. 

Being in business for over 35 years, I have always layered my finances by having 3-4 layers before you can get to primary funds.  Account A being the main fund account and B, C & D being accounts that have 0 balances at the end of each banking day.  Paying out of, let's say D account would be taken from C account which would be taken from B account which would be taken from A account. 

This process takes a hacker an immense amount of effort to get any money out of my funds.  I am not giving advice on how anyone should handle their money, just how I have done it for years for my own peace of mind.  However, I believe that it is naive to think that your bank funds could "never, ever" be stolen by someone hacking into bank accounts.

SECURITY ISSUES is the very reason why we have not been enjoying our blessing for the last few months....


Freeway Bill


Really appreciate your kind response and I'm sorry for stating absolutes- advice well said & taken


Disclaimer: This post has been edited slightly per dinar Recaps Policies. To veiw the original post, below is the link: )

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